My Home

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Since my body wasn't there anymore where it last had been, it took me a while longer to get back into the physical body. I assume it was Loki who picked my body up and brought me to the quinjet where everyone else was sat.

Once my astral soul touches my body, a content gasp escapes my lips and I sit up from the floor. Steve notices my awakening and tells Stark to take off. A bit dazzled, I observed the people.

Loki sitting next to me. Either his shoulder or hand touches me. Never does he leave me untouched as if he tries to search for any kind of affection even if I'm not able yet to give such a thing. At least he does something to take it.

I smile small but fondly when I see Natasha walking over to Bruce who's covered up in a blanket and having headphones on but taking it off once he notices her.

"Hey, the lullaby worked better than ever," she tells him.

"Just wasn't expecting the Code Green," Bruce confesses with a shrug and then takes notice of me staring at them. "Not at all when I had to look after her."

"If you hadn't been there, there would've been double the casualties. My best friend would've been a treasured memory," Nat reassures him.

And when I hear her say that Clint got hurt, my eyes dart to him, who lays on the seats, clutching his side with a white cloth.

"You know, sometimes exactly what I want to hear isn't exactly what I want to hear," Banner mumbles under his breath.

I tug on Loki's sleeve and point at Banner. "What happened to Clint?"

Loki's gaze wanders over to where Barton is lying. "He got injured during the raid. I am not on how exactly it happened."

Natasha whistles to get my attention, "There was an enhanced guy, who caught his arrow and brought him near the bunker before he got shot at with it. Fortunately, code green came at the right timing and tore the bunker apart." Natasha smiles reassuringly to Bruce, "How long before you trust me?"

"It's not you I don't trust," Banner admits and looks away to avoid her gaze.

Natasha rolls her eyes, "Thor, report on the Hulk?"

Thor gets caught by surprise that he is the one to say something.

"The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims."

Natasha glares at Thor and Banner groans in despair. While I stifle a laugh and internal palm myself in the face for his dumb ass. Loki beside me chuckled out aloud amused by the idoticity of his brother.

"Uh, but, not the screams of the dead, of course. No no, uh...wounded screams, mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and, and uh... and gout."

At least Loki stops his brother from rambling about other stupid things and gets up to get over to Clint. Clint held his breath when he got too close for his comfort. And for being injured, I think he might feel more vulnerable around him. I mean, they had a rough past together.

But what Loki offers, caught every one of us by surprise, "If I may suggest, Agent Barton. Will you let me try and heal you?" Clint doesn't say a word, not quite trusting him and Clint tries to look at us as if we would answer for him. Loki notices his distrust and adds, "Because of the large damage, I won't be able to heal it to the fullest. Nevertheless, you'd be in less pain, and give us more spare time to bring you back to the healing section in the tower."

Clint sits up but regrets it with a hiss as he lies back down. In a groan, he says, "Is this a peace offering, Reindeer Games?"

Loki squints his eyes at him but calms he reassures him, "For what I have done to you, there is no such thing to make it up. I understand if you never will forgive me and I am not a person to find forgiveness. What I am trying to tell you is, if you allow me, perhaps you will understand that I am no longer your enemy."

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