Rogers and Butcher

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Tossing around in my bed in my room of this facility, I groan and get up. On my tiptoes, I sneak out of this cave and go outside to get some fresh air. On the bridge, I notice a figure, and the closer I get, I recognize Steve. He's watching the sunrise and is in deep thought. He takes a deep sigh when he feels the presence of me on his side.

"I get you couldn't sleep either?", he asks me not taking his eyes from the rising sun. I purse my lips and shake my head. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I take my eyes off the orange sky and meet his gaze. "Do you?" I question back and lift my brows.

He smiles softly and shakes his head before staring back at the pinkish sky. He takes another deep breath, his hands in his pockets. While I cross my arms before my chest to warm myself up from the chill wind. And maybe also to show him, I really don't want to open up yet.

"You know, when I had nothing left, I still had Bucky," he begins to speak softly, his gaze still chasing the sunrise. "When he fell from the train, I thought I had lost him."

I feel pity in my guts and I narrow my eyes. "And now you're scared of failing to save him."

"No." He pauses and turns his attention back to me. "We will succeed in this. Even if it means sacrificing my life for him. He deserves better."

"Steve..." I sigh and take a step closer to him. Knowing he'd be on a suicide mission, makes it even harder for me to feel optimistic about the outcome against HYDRA. "You're usually so optimistic. We'll bring him back. No matter how but I won't let you die. Even if it means facing my worst nightmare."

He tilts his head and his eyes widen a bit. "You would do that?" I nod my head in response. "You can count on us, Shadow. If HYDRA takes ahold of you, we have a plan to get you back, I promise."

My fingers start to pinch the skin of my other Hand. "I take it that you can't tell me about your plan, is it?"

"I'm sorry. But can't take any other further risks." He smiles genuinely with a lifted brow. "Or how else can you revive me?"

I let out a chuckle, relieved that he can come up with jokes even in the darkest times. I shake my head in disbelief as my eyes wander back to the now-raised morning sun. "Touché, Cap."

Steve clears his throat and shifts on his heels. "So, you and Loki..."

I groan frustrated and annoyed and try to hide the blush behind my hands. "Please, don't."

He starts to laugh a bit. "Let me finish first." I roll my eyes but let him continue. "Are you still one of us?"

With a wrinkled forehead, I turn my body to face him. "Why'd you ask?"

"Because you two went missing after the anomaly in the UK."

I snort, "And it didn't cross your mind that maybe we could have gone missing because of that anomaly?"

Steve opens his mouth but reconsiders his words. His jaw tenses and he kicks a pebble with his foot. "Fury is known to hide a few important facts. I'm sorry, I should have trusted you. Both of you."

"You're forgiven, Rogers." I smile and sit on the railing of the bridge. "It's good to have you as our new boss then."

"Thanks. And it's an honor to have you on our side. Besides, I wouldn't want you and Loki to be our enemies honestly."

I squint my eyes as I let my legs wobble around like a child. "Loki was your enemy once."

"Yeah, I know."

"And theoretically, I wasn't on your team either when it came to his battle."

"I know."

I jump down from the railing and crane my neck to face him. "Then what's your Point?"

"I'm just saying, with a little more practice, both of you can be unstoppable together."

I watch him closely and he's not telling me the whole truth. Seeing his amused little smile and the glint of respect in his eyes gave him away. I mutter his name and take another tiny step towards him but he doesn't back off, yet, he knows that I know.

"Look, I know you two are just friends." I roll my eyes as he pronounced the last bit with a little bit of sarcasm. "But if anything happens to you, nothing would stop Loki to seek revenge. He's short-tempered but you can tame him. And the same goes for you. You would do anything to prevent a disaster because of your determination but again, you'd be determined to be at his side. Even if you're trying to prove yourself different."

Taken aback by how straightforward he stated the obvious, my mouth is slightly open. If I wouldn't shut it soon enough, a fly would get into my mouth and I'd probably swallow it. I couldn't find the right words. So I decided to say in a playful tone: "I hate you, Cap."

He laughs and puts a hand on my shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Oh, I bet you do."

I smile at him before we returned our focus to the sky. Sensing how Steve takes a few deep breaths, I'm sure he's thinking about the past with Bucky and how he can help him out of it. I grab his hand and give it a small squeeze too.

"We will bring him back," I tell him and he just nods before we get back on chasing the sun. "I broke that promise but it's time to keep my oath."

"He's gonna be there, you know?", Sam calls out, coming out from the facility and slowly approaches us.

"I know." Steve and I say in unison.

Sam stands next to Steve and sighs. "Look, whoever he used to be, the guy he is now, I don't think he's the kind you save. He's the kind you stop."

Steve hesitates a little before speaking up. "I don't know if I can do that."

Sam crosses his arms. "Well, he might not give you a choice. He doesn't know you."

Steve takes another breath but I step forward and say: "But maybe he recognizes me."

"He will, either one of us." Steve turns and starts to walk off. "Gear up, it's time."

"You gonna wear that?", Sam questions and points to Steve.

"No. If you're gonna fight a war, you gotta wear a uniform."

With that Steve was gone inside, leaving me and Sam Standing alone outside.

"And what about you?" Sam faces me and I raise my brows. I know what he is about to ask but I wanted to hear it anyways. "Do you have a uniform?"

I smirk at Sam and with a flick of my hand, the shadows come like a nebula, covering me up and I'm now wearing a borrowed suit from the Black Widow.

"Oh, Sam. You're a funny guy," I tell him and get inside the facility. "I think we will get along and be great friends!"


Author's Note:

To all my readers! Thank you so much for the 1K reads.

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