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In the middle of the night, I woke up sweating after I held in my screaming. I didn't want to wake up Loki nor wanted him to bother me for having the same dream two days in a row. Scared to fall back asleep, I decide to get up. Not being a human has its benefits, like not needing the amount of food, water, or sleep. I could easily live without them but it gets a habit for me after mingling into this world.

Roaming around the house, I end up in the basement where there is the laundry and a gym. Quickly, I jog back up and change into some sports leggings and a sports bra.

I take the dumbbells and train until my body is sore enough to stop. Panting and sweating, I end my bodybuilding and quietly get into the shower. I wash off all the sweat from my nightmare plus the sport. Fresh again, I step out and do the rest of my morning routine.

At breakfast, I meet Loki but we ignore each other. I'm surprised that he cuts his fruits, I instead eat cornflakes. Or I tried. I'm not hungry and I force the cereal down my throat.

After breakfast, I grab the car keys, which one of the agents left for us, and we drive to the location. Again, in silence. We haven't exchanged any words until the device in my hands starts to vibrate.

"It shows some activity in that abandoned building," I tell Loki and he steps away for me to lead the way.

The closer we come, the more it starts to vibrate until it loses signal.

"What now?" Loki asks.

I shrug my shoulders and wander around. Loki does the same but just in the other way. Hearing something clashing on the ground, my head snaps up and I instinctively snap my fingers and wear my cloak. Even though I have my powers, my daggers, and guns are always handy in their holsters.

The smell of a moist room filled with dust. But something is odd with the dusty smell and I just couldn't tell what it is. I shiver when I feel the wind pick up in the hall. This is strange because outside the weather is windless.

I follow the breeze and halfway I meet Loki. Loki had too changed into his armor and his cape is floating with the wind. My powers from the two infinity stones begin buzzing around my body as soon we reach a wall where the dusty air comes from.

Like a magnet, my body slowly glides closer to the barrier. Before I could crash into that wall, I want to touch it with my finger carefully.

"I am not overly fond of your intention."

I stop and turn my attention back to him with a grin. His eyes narrow, not liking my idea but also concerned about what he just witnessed. The blue and yellow smoke floated around my body.

"What? Are you scared to break the walls?"


Right after I ended my sentence, I get sucked through the wall and landed in a dark vault. Surrounded by nothing but black sand and dusty walls. I call out for Loki's name but nothing comes back. Quickly, I tap the bracelet to give Loki full access to his magic.

Suddenly, someone bumps into me. Loki.

"What is this place?" Loki asks and looks around.

Our eyes land on the exact item. A black block divided by two. In the middle is something red floating around. My body starts buzzing again, ascending. The red smoke out of the huge brick is calling from me, like a magnet my body wants to go and get it. But my mind is trying not to. Not before I know what that thing is.

The more I fight against the desire of getting it, the more pain I feel. Once I reach my limit, I get on my knees and scream out in agony.

Loki gets down next to me as he wants to lay a hand on me to calm me, and the blue and yellow power explodes. It isn't a strong blast, he could block it with his armored arms but the two colored clouds of smoke align and meet the red one. Unwillingly, I absorb its power.

Surprisingly, absorbing the red liquid feels familiar. Like the two infinity stones. As I feel strong enough, I grab Loki's hand and snap my fingers and teleport us back to our car.

We land on the roof of the car instead of inside. Of course, it started raining. Groaning from pain, I get up and hop into the car, soaking wet. Loki laughs devilishly after he used his magic to dry him off. I roll my eyes and breath in and out.

"Do you know what that was?" I ask Loki after I finally calmed down. Loki shakes his head, left and right, a no. "I'm not sure but I guess it was another infinity stone."

"Are you certain? It was more a liquid or fume, nothing comparable to stone."

I sigh and start the engine. Turning on the heater including the seat heating system, I drive off to get back home.

"I know. At first, the space and mind stone communicated through my body with it. Then the absorption which I didn't even want to. Now that I have its power in my cells, I can feel the similarity to the other. And they harmonize together."

I am shivering from the cold of my wet clothes, suddenly I feel a warm tingle on my body. The emerald shimmer glows on me and I got dried off by Loki's seidr. I tilt my head and give him a slight nod to thank him silently.

"What are we going to do now?" Loki questions and we halt at a red light.

I sigh and rub my eyes. "We're not going to tell anybody about the incident."

"So, you are going to keep more secrets." he sneers.

My hands are on the steering wheel tightly and I decide to stop at the next parking lot. I hit the break abruptly, which makes Loki jolt into the seatbelt that holds him before hitting his face on the surface.

"Do you really want to discuss this?" I ask him through greeted teeth.

Loki huffs a breath and a smile spreads his lips. His head is high while he glowers down at me.

"It isn't common for you to have the same nightmare the following night, is it?"

I don't know why, but I begin laughing. Was it because he caught me without me realizing he was right or because it was a desperate question to answer his desire? And no, I'm not giving him the answer to breaking me.

Loki looks at me with narrowed eyes. But I stop laughing when the knowing mischievous grin appears on his face. He had the answer he wanted.

"Were you so naive to think I wasn't asleep? No, I was awake as well when you had the second nightmare. I have heard how desperately you tried to keep it out of your mind when you hit that bag a little too hard."

Again, I drive away with us in silence. On the way home my mind I driving me crazy.

Why am I letting him get to me that easily? Who am I joking with, he's the God of Lies, of course, he can tell when I'm lying. I just need to figure out how to hide the truth behind the true answer.

Why did I get this nightmare? Was it because of the one Flashback I received while entering Loki's mind? If yes, then why a few days later and not one right after the occasion?

Why was Loki so keen on getting to know me? Is it because he wanted to get used to me? Like, instead of being on the side of the heroes turn into a villain? But that's not going to happen. Because I'm none of those two kinds.

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