Thor's Departure

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I move fast forward, not wanting to have Loki coming along. I mean, I don't belong to him and he doesn't get to get jealous because I'm hanging out with other guys.

When I get outside, all were gathered together waiting for us. Comments are heard from Tony who is scolding me but I just smile at him, not giving a fuck at all. They should know me better, I do what I want.

Thor has the Tesseract in his hands which is safely stored in a case. He looks towards me and mentions with his eyes to get out of the crowd. So I do what he asks for. He goes first and I follow.

"What's up, Point Break." I greet and I can see him frown.

Of course, I caught all the nicknames Tony has given to each of the Avengers. Though, Popsicle is my favourite.

"Lady Reaper. Where's Loki?" At that moment, Loki comes through the door. I tell Thor that he's a big boy and doesn't need to get babysat by me 24/7. "I trust you."

I playfully punch his big biceps and earn a confused look. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea."

"Of course. Loki is still being Loki, though, he changed. I do not know you well, Lady Reaper. Perhaps when I return to Midgard, we could have a proper conversation."

Then he takes my hand and leaves a kiss on the back of my hand. I laugh at how ridiculous it must have looked to the others. But he's Asgardian and they have tradition.

"What will you tell your father? I guess he won't be satisfied with our deal."

"I will ask for the Queen's assistance."

"Oh, tell your mother Frigga, kind regards from me. And if you need anything, Thor. I'm not shy to tell Odin my opinion."

"I admire you. Now, I must depart. My father must be impatient already. Take care, Lady Reaper." Then he leans to the side. "And Loki," I turn around to see him standing behind us. "behave, brother."

I intentionally graze Loki's shoulder as I walk passed him to return to the crowd. After a few short farewells, Thor activates the Tesseract and the blue consumes him, teleporting him back to Asgard.

The blue steam from the Tesseract dissipates slowly and I watch it in fascination. I must look pretty cool when I teleport away with the space stone.

"I see you are quite fond of that oaf."

I laugh and turn around to face Loki whose nose flares in disgust.

"I see you are jealous." But of course, he denies it and I scoff at his reaction. "I assure you, my prince. I like him but I'm not interested in any kind of relationship with that oaf." I mimic his voice and walk back into the tower.

At the elevator, I hear my name and I whirl around to see Bruce who waves me over. Beside him are Tony and Steve. Loki is behind them with Natasha and Clint on each side of him.

"Please, if you say there's an afterparty, I'll pass."

"No, even if it's a great idea," Tony comments and snaps his fingers followed by a thumbs up.

"The party hasn't even ended yet." Clint chimes in.

"What Tony was meant to say is," Bruce pauses and takes something out of his pocket. He nods towards Tony who presses something on his phone and my bracelets click. Steve takes the new black bracelets from Bruce's hands and exchanges them on my wrist. "We've upgraded these."

"And we'd like to see you in action tomorrow morning with Loki." Natasha winks at me.

"At training, we might add," Tony adds and eyes us suspiciously as if he knew what we did but he doesn't, though. And if, I don't know how.

"Do you truly consider it a fair fight when she gets to use her powers?" Loki asks offended and steps out between Bruce and Steve.

"What? Are you scared?" I ask sarcastically but earn a scoff from him.

"Don't worry Reindeer Games, yours are already the upgrade. We just need to activate them when you're in the training hall." Tony answers and pats him on the back and he then receives a death glare from the God.

As we all walk to the lift, I ask them at what time we should be there. I groan internally as they tell me at six in the morning.

"And Fury wants to talk to you after training. Natasha and I will escort you to D.C." Steve informs me in the elevator.

"Gosh, I thought I was only going to live here," I complain. "What about him?" I point at Loki who only rolls his eyes. "Do you think Tony, Bruce and Clint can handle him?"

"Handle me? Do hear me, you little wre-"

I interrupt Loki by slapping my hand on his mouth and shushing him.

"He's coming with you," Natasha says.

"Yeah, we still do have our private life. Like me, I still run Stark Industries."

"And I have a mission tomorrow, I won't be staying here."

"And I uh, I'm not feeling comfortable to stay alone with him."

I sigh in relief when we finally make it to the main level where the party is still ongoing.

"Alright, see you tomorrow morning." I wave them goodbye and Clint asks me if I don't want to stay a little longer. I shake my head no. "I do need my beauty sleep, Legolas. But not too much, that would be too kitschy."

"Loki? What about you?" Steve asks as he realizes he wasn't stepping out of the elevator like the others.

My hand lowers from his face and I see how his look softens. Also surprised that Captain America asks him politely to attend their little party. He blinks the genuine expression away and puts on a stern face back on.

"I do not wish to attend your petty celebration."

"Alright, your Highness. No need to be jealous of your brother." Clint snickers and then the door closes.

I nudge his side with my elbow to turn his attention back to me instead of the display counting the levels.

"Maybe if you just try to be nice, they'll throw you a party."

Loki rolls his eyes once again and scoffs at my snarky comment.

Without exchanging any words, we go to our rooms. I take off my dress and am too lazy to wear any pj's. Thus, I decided to go naked into bed. Making myself comfortable underneath the blanket. I tell the A.I. to set an alarm for the both of us at 5 a.m.

I sigh as I forgot to turn off the lights but then remembered I got an upgrade on my restraints. Focusing on a sling with my black mist I groan when it is too hard to control it.

"Ms Reaper, do you wish to turn off the lights?" J.A.R.V.I.S. questions and I reply yes.

With that, he shuts the lights and I try my best to go to sleep.

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