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Once I landed on the marmorated floor, I try to get up. But all I manage to do is to be on all four and lose my temper. The emotions take over my Control, and the Tears Escape my eyes, Streaming down my face.

The nightmares are still haunting me and now that a few know what I did, it is weighing on my chest. And knowing that Loki distastes me now, means I can lose a good friend besides Thor. Although he can befriend anyone if they want to. He's like a puppy. A golden retriever to be exact, who can and will befriend everyone and forget about the bad things.

The heartache consumes me because now I know that I fell or might still be falling for Loki. And God knows why. Maybe it's even better if he hates me. I can't have Feelings toward the God of Mischief.

The sobs just slip out of me and I try my best to stop without effort. The lady before me crouches down and puts a hair strain behind my ear. Still sniffling, my eyes flutter close to Hide my vulnerability and look away.

„Oh, dear. Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?"

Quickly, I wipe my tears away and shake my head no before lifting my head to face her but still avoiding any eye contact.

„No, no, my lady. I'm just- I'm- I don't know. All I know is that I'm not physically hurt."

I get up and swipe my nose that got stained by tears. She narrows her eyes and sends me a sincere smile after she got back up too. Without hesitation, she hands me her hand.

„I would be pleased if you would attend me for a cup of tea. I have nothing to attend to so you can tell me what is bothering you."

No idea who the nice lady is, I agree to the small tea party. Besides, a bit of distraction with a cup of tea never hurts. Without any words, we leave the hall and enter the balcony where the tea was already all setup.

Both of us sit down on a chair around the small round wooden table. She pours me some hot tea and asks me if I'd like to have some honey or milk which I declined for both.

I appreciate that she doesn't push me to talk. All we do is take in the scene. Asgard is a beautiful place. Much more than I have read or heard about it. The wind is so delightful and the scent is calming my nerves. This distraction feels good, I can finally breathe again without my heart aching.

„I messed up. I fucking messed up," I start to blurt out and she is listening carefully to what I am about to say. I had one task. To protect the world. I mean, I did but not correctly. I-I..." Just the thought of it pains me in the chest. And what concerns me the most is that I tell her my Story which I never do. My eyes were stained with tears but the woman put a hand over mine to encourage me to go on. „I did a mistake. That mistake made a bigger mistake. I got manipulated to kill. Either it was only a few or many. So I chose the lower risk. But I angered my father and pay with a burden. Odin knows about me which wouldn't be such a bad thing. But his sons have heard our conversation. Those were the things I tried to leave in the past and now they hate me."

I lower my head, the Tears stopped but my lip still quivers. She squeezes my hand to make me look up at her again.

„Dearest, Thor is Thor he gets over it briskly. My husband is stubborn just leave him be until I can change his mind and Loki. Loki is not angry at you. I know my son well enough that if he were angry at you he would have let it out immediately. He loses his temper quite briskly when someone does him wrong. I guess he is angry over the situation and I am certain he is not with you."

I blink my eyes rapidly. I face-palm myself internally when I realized whom I am talking to.

„No," I gasp outraged. „I am so sorry, your majesty. If I knew that you were the queen I wouldn't have bothered you."

Shadow Butcher (LokixAvengersxOC)Where stories live. Discover now