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I am not on time and it doesn't even bother me the slightest. How is a woman ever going to be ready in under an hour? Exactly, no one.

After I step out of the shower, I wrap the towel around my body and blow dry my hair. Brushing all the knots out takes a while with long hair. Being done with the hair, I brush my teeth and rinse with mouthwash for a fresh breath. I apply some make-up, I combine the eyeshadow with dark green, gold and black to match everything in my outfit. I like to style myself up for a party, considering that I barely attend one.

Last but not least, I slip into my new dress and step into my black pumps. I pack some cigarettes where hid them in my drawer and put it in my golden glitter clutch. For a final check-up, I go to the bathroom and check if everything fitted.

In the elevator, I kindly ask the A.I. where I need to get out. I have to go on my own since Loki didn't answer the door, I assume he has made his way earlier. Taking out one cigarette, I position it in my mouth and light it up.

As the door bangs open, I step outside and stand in front of the staircase, taking one deep inhale of the nicotine. The music is loud but we still hear the people talk to each other without screaming. I slowly walk down and at the end of the stairs, I meet Tony with a strawberry blonde woman on his side.

"Didn't I tell you to be on time?"

"What did you expect, Stark? That I can prepare myself in under an hour for a party?"

"I actually did." Then I show him the bracelet on my wrist. "Oh, yeah, I forgot about those."

The lady next to him gives me her hand which I gladly accept to shake. "Hi, I'm Pepper Potts."

"Right, Pepper this is Reaper, Reaper this is Pepper." I chuckle at his behaviour when he introduces us. "I never caught your name, honestly."

"Reaper is just fine." I laugh and take another puff.

"No smoking in this building." He scolds me and I roll my eyes and point at some elderly men who are puffing on their cigars.

"You should know me well enough by now that I don't give a damn."

I wave them goodbye after we had a little small talk. Pepper is quite nice, maybe a little too formal for a man like Tony but who am I to judge? For the last three or four years, I haven't been up to date all the time. I was busy with some other things. That's how I missed that she is now the new leader for Stark Industries.

When I dismiss myself, I head to the bar and order a Whiskey Sour. I sit alone on the bar stool and enjoy the music along with the drink.

"Ma'am." Steve stands next to me and orders a drink for himself, shortly after followed by Thor who too greets me.

"How's your stay?"

"Have you settled in well?"

Both say at the same time and I snicker at their dorkyness. Well, Steve is shyer and can't interact well while Thor isn't always the brightest bulb in the building.

"Guys, no need to be formal around me. Please, just call me Reaper." Thor gives me a goofy smile but Steve furrows his brows in confusion but lets it be. "So, Thor. When do you go back to Asgard?"

"In a few, Lady Reaper."

"So the Tesseract goes with you since the Bifrost got destroyed as far as I remember from your story."

"Indeed. Just like you absorbed its power to teleport, it'll bring me back home."

"The Tesseract remains on Asgard. It doesn't belong to human hands." Steve quips in.

"I agree." I smile at him.

The three of us have some nice talks, and even order a few drinks, though I just learned that alcohol on Earth doesn't affect Asgardians and due to the Super Soldier Serum Steve's metabolism works faster. Whenever I say something funny or irritating to Thor, he ends up hugging me. When it is something I remember from Steve's time, he smiles, and if it is touching, his hand lands on my shoulder, pressing it gently.

I have some fun with them and I just feel so happy. I feel welcomed and even if we don't know each other long yet, they have my heart. It is like a small gathered family.

Someone clearing their throat, brings my attention back. Sitting on my bar stool, I turn around to face Loki who is holding his hand out.

"Care for a dance?"

"Brother, you must be jo-" Thor gets cut off by a slammed hand of Loki's.

"I wish not to talk to you, Thor," Loki growls and pulls me to him.

Steve gets up too, being a little defensive and stops Loki from taking me with him. Loki harshly shrugs his hand off him and gives him a death glare.

"It's alright, Steve. I'll handle this." I assure him and walk with Loki to the middle of the entertainment room.

"You're late," Loki whispers into my ear and leads the dance.

I glimpse down a few times to our feet as I try to recognize the dance style but I don't. I feel embarrassed as I step on his foot after every second tact. The music doesn't help either. The beat is too fast and more of a jumping-around song than a waltzer kind of dance.

I mean, I know a few dances, like the basics of Bachata, Disco Swing, Ballet, Salsa and many more. But I'm not good at it, I'm not bad either, it's just, I know the basics and that's it.

Thus, I try to take over the lead of the dance and spin around so my back meets his chest. I swing my hips to the rhythm of the beat and lay his hands on my waist.

"I wasn't aware I had a date," I responded and he whirl me back around.

"Where were you?" He sounds worried with a trace of anger in it.

"Are you jealous?"

"Answer my damn question." He demands and holds my shoulders as we stop moving.

I step away, irritated,  to create a gap between us. "Every detail or...?" I trail and he waves his hand to continue. "I was in the bathroom, taking a shower and stuff. Then a tad delayed, I arrived here, communicated to Tony and Pepper before I talked to Steve and Thor."

Before Loki could say even a word. A microphone makes a high-pitched sound, causing all the guests to turn their attention to the promoter.

Told the guest they should have some more fun and the Avengers, plus me and Loki, should better be going outside to say goodbye.

Author's Note:

Currently, I'm very keen on looking forward to the 2nd of October. That will be the very first convention I will attend to.

And yes, I will go as a Loki Variant and am working on Loki's sceptre to match the outfit. Plus for my boyfriend, I'm doing some daggers.

QOTD: Have you ever been to a convention? How was it for you?

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