Seidr and the three Stones

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The mind stone's power came up next. But we agreed to not use it on humans. I accept their privacy and I don't want to invade any of their memories. Not if it isn't any of my benefits to use it against them one day if needed. I doubt I will ever use it on the Avengers but never say never. So I and Loki tried to communicate through our minds while the other three try to rest before we head to the next stone.

As soon as Loki put on his aura back to help me control the powers, I could feel what he feels. I gasp at the sudden change of emotions I felt. Jealousy, hatred, anger, anxiety, passion, and... love.

Loki notices my shock and squeezes my lower arm, caressing it lightly as the other three snap their heads toward us. "Are you alright?"

As soon as he asked me that, I felt worry, concern, admiration, and affection. Meeting his eyes, I look at him in awe but quickly shake it away. I clear my throat and pull my arm away from his touch. Soon the emotions change into sadness and frustration. After he pulls off his seidr, all his emotions disappear. And I finally can focus on my own emotions, only to push them aside and refocus on the mission.

I get up and nod my head. "Yeah, are you guys up for the next round?", I ask and ignore my stammering heart.

"What exactly can the Tesseract do?", Sam asks as they get back to their position for our upcoming training.

Loki's eyes shine with excitement, and his face lights up, almost like every time he talks about his mother. I frown internally as I remember that we never talked about Frigga ever again."It contains the space stone. It has the power to travel throughout space and open portals in the universe."

"She can teleport and create portals," Natasha bids with a slight shrug.

Sam narrows his eyes and nods. "Teleportation and portals, alright." He claps his hand, signalizing me to start this spare.

With an outstretched hand, I open a portal behind Sam. Loki cast a duplication of himself where they all were distracted by my portal. He appears in front of Sam and pushes him into the blue portal where he lands on top of Steve and Natasha. Closing my fists, and so does the portal. We walk towards the others and help them to get up by offering our hands.

"Did you help her?", Steve asks Loki as he takes his offering help. Loki shakes his head and I shrug my shoulders after I helped Natasha and offer my hand to Sam. "I don't think you need to focus on this ability. Let's move to the next one."

I nod in agreement since I literally slayed the portals since the very beginning of absorbing their power.

"The Aether," I pause and pinch the skin of my hand. "It can turn matter into dark matter and can create an alternate reality like illusions."

"Like you turned the forest into Willi Wonka's paradise?", Natasha questions and I nod my head.

"And why do I have the strange feeling that something's off with that power?", Sam chimed in.

Steve narrows his eyes and speaks softly. "You did great then, and with the other powers. I bet you will wield this power too ."

I shake my head and look over to Steve. "You don't understand. Not even I understand it fully." I start to pace in small circles as I try to find out how to explain. And explaining something you truly have no idea of, is damn hard.

"What she's trying to tell is; The aether Chose her. We have the assumption the aether is an infinity Stone only in its liquid form. And whenever her body glows ruby red, she isn't the one in control," Loki explains and Steve's face hits a look of realization.

"I had this dream in London... Where I saw my body in the middle of it. The black mist swirled around my body along the yellow and blue colored mist. My origin powers, the mind and space stone. And then there was this red one. It was trying to invade my body but it wasn't really me. I think. I don't know. Before I could get the answer, Loki woke me up."

"And now you have me," Loki says casually with a hint of pride and arrogance in his smirk and eyes. His ego was at its peak as ever.

I roll my eyes at this blunt remark. Steve then tells Sam to sit this one out, since he's still a newbie. While Natasha and Steve take in their defensive stances, Loki stands by my side, all of them waiting for me to begin.

Taking in a deep and shaky Breath, I close my eyes. I fiddle my fingers and try to change our surroundings. What I wanted was to create the throne from the palace in Asgard but instead, it slowly changes into the cell I was held in in the HYDRA base. My heart pounds against my ribcage and I'm very glad Loki notices.

He uses his seidr and sends it to me. I feel the tingle inside my bones and I am back to having the upper hand over the reality Stone. Though the previous emotions of my partner start to take over my hand, I can't control it either. The Training room fades from HYDRA's cell into Loki's chambers on Asgard.

Loki sucks his breath through his nose slightly but he recovers it with a low chuckle successfully. Yet, I notice the change in his demeanor. I tilt my head to the side to look at him and his pupils dilate. His seidr slowly dissipates and the aether takes back control and although the illusion is still the same, it displays us on the night before we had dinner with his family. The last time we slept with each other. And the last time we saw his mother.

I blush hard and usherly wave my hands to let the illusion fade. The red glowing over the whole environment crawls back to me until the training hall is back to its normal facade.

"What the hell did I just witness?", Sam asks with his jaw hanging loose. He clears his throat to hide the shock of what he just saw. Steve scolds Sam who just raises his hands to mention, he doesn't even want to know it.

A crooked smile is upon Natasha's lips as she says: "It looks like that power is controlled by both of your feelings."

Loki and I hide our reddened faces by looking at the floor. I let the hair hang loose in front of my face while Loki just couldn't hold his smile. It even seems that he's proud and amused by this deja vu.

I clear my throat as the heat on my cheeks finally was gone. "And that's the reason why I won't use my powers against HYDRA. Not because it won't be useful but if they ever get used to me...."

"It won't happen," Steve reassures me by cutting me off and then glances over to Loki with a soft smile.

Loki nods his head. "I will wait for my queue, Captain."

I sigh and rub my temples, the powers making me tired too fast for my liking.

"We should get some sleep before we start the mission. We'll take off in ten hours," the Captain announces and so we all get some rest for the rest of the night.

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