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The next morning, I slept in before we had to go on our first mission the next day. After my morning routine, I asked J.A.R.V.I.S. where Bruce and Tony were.

"Mr Stark went back to California to meet Ms Potts. I can bring you to the Laboratory where Mr Banner is currently working."

Thanking the A.I. he leads me the way to the lab. I walk down the hall and knock on the glass door. Bruce stops whatever he was doing and looks up to check who it is. Once he notices me, I step inside and we greet each other.

"What are you working on?" I ask him and touch every test tube with the multicoloured liquids.

"Well, Tony send the Damage Control to clean up the city and bring in some wreckage. I am testing the material to be prepared just in case any other invasion happens."

I stop wandering around the lab and stand next to Banner. "That sounds boring."

Then I show him my bracelets and smile innocently. Bruce puts back on his glasses and undoes my bracelets with a screwdriver. The moment I am free, I caress my wrists which are a little stiff from not being able to move my hands like I was used to it. I gasp slightly when I feel the power surging back in my blood.

"Seems like we upgraded it for nothing."

I raise an eyebrow and put a hand on my hip. "Do you honestly think I didn't know the bracelets were writing down all my vitals? I mean the silent ticking noise every time I used my powers was there. Maybe for you humans, it wasn't hearable but I do have enhanced hearing."

Bruce's eyes grow wide and step back a little, fiddling with his fingers. "I, uh, I swear I didn't know any of that."

I laugh and pat his back. "Oh, Banner. I know. That was Stark."

I step back and can see the confusion on his face until his gaze left me behind me. I whirl my head and Loki enters the lab.

"Stark's artificial intelligence sends me to you. I presume it is because of these."

Loki raises his arms to refer to his bracelets. I step aside and stretch my arm to give him space. Bruce asks for my phone which I gladly hand to him. He scans Loki's restraints and sends the data to my phone. Once it is all set up, he takes my old restraints, the one before it got an upgrade, and scans too.

"Just in case you'll lose your phone," he pauses and points to my wrist which I hesitantly hold back. "you still can control his restraints with these buttons on your bracelet."

A click and I am back with one instead of two pieces of jewellery. Bruce explains that he even installed an S.O.S. button for emergencies and it will send a signal to the Avengers. I watch my strap in awe, fascinated that Bruce can put in many technologies in such a small piece. Technology and science are something I will never understand.

"What can mine do?" Loki questions almost hopeful.

"Uh, nothing," Bruce answers cautiously but Loki feels a little offended. "Since she's responsible for you we didn't think it was necessary to add anything."

Loki scoffs and wants to step closer to Bruce but I step in before the gap closes between them.

"Do you truly think I am not capable of escaping?"

"No," Bruce smiles and points his thumb to me. "but we trust her for haunting you down."

Loki's head snaps towards me as I wink. He swears in Asgardian and walks out of the lab. Before I go for Loki, I thank Bruce and hug him tightly. Bruce is surprised by my sudden embracement but returns the gesture.

I find Loki in the library. I assumed he was in there, he once told me that reading was his escape from reality. Thus, I knew he must have been there instead of at our apartment. Loki is sitting on an armchair and flips a few pages.

"I wish not to be disturbed," he mutters, his eyes never leaving the written words.

I walk to him and bend over, with my index finger I push the book down so his eyes would snap up to me.

"How about we go train?"

Loki lays his book aside and gets up, almost hovering over me as he grits his teeth.

"What did your last brain cell not understand about not wishing to be disturbed."

"Ouch," I fake a gasp and put a hand on my heart as if his words were venom. "but if you wish. I'll leave you be." I start to back away and turn around. I take a few steps but stop, tilting my head to the side. Only to see that God has made himself comfortable again on the armchair. "It will just be your only chance to beat up my ass for once with your full powers."

Loki furrows his eyes and is debating on whether to take the chance or not. Quickly he slams the book close and follows me. Guys are always so easy to please.

I've learned from my mistake. I change into some shorts and a sports bra before I meet Loki in his Asgardian attire in the training hall. We choose some weapons, he picks his twin daggers and I some fancy nunchucks. Standing on the mat, I tap my wrist twice and then shake it, just like Bruce had demonstrated for me to deactivate Loki's restraints.

I bow before him. "Go ahead, your majesty."

He summons his daggers away and shows me the gesture for me to continue. "I insist, ladies first."

"Nah, bitches next. Just start already." I groan and watch him being startled by my choice of words.

I swing my nunchuck in circles in front of me and wait for his attack. A wave of his green magic is shot at me but I duck right in time. Followed by a dagger, I roll over and jump right back up. He sprints at me but I swing my nunchuck so he can't get near me.

I notice, he is figuring out a way to do the next step so I throw the nunchuck at him. To my surprise, it is just an illusion of him and my weapon is sliding across the room instead of bouncing back to me. Behind me, I get tackled down, his knee on my back. I try to send a loop from my black mist to the nunchuck but the green shimmer was faster and it disappears.

Feeling his breath on my head, I headbutt him. He stumbles backwards and I roll over. Yet I wasn't quick enough to get up but I kick him into his abdomen and jump up. Before I can attempt another attack, he duplicates himself into many.

At least hundreds of Lokis are in this room. I walk in circles to find a hint of the real Loki and when I find the only one that isn't glitching, I use the space stone's power and open a portal.

But he was ready. He jumps right into the portal and lands on top of me, even when the second portal is on the other side of the room. I hit the mat with my back, my hands pinned down above my head and a dagger pressed into my throat.

"Tap out." Loki pants with a smirk.

My breath is heavy too and I know I am losing against him in this position. But it is the position which gives me yet another chance.

Since he is straddling me, I wrap my legs around his hips and pull him down to me. Our crotches now touching and yes, it isn't only hard for him to resist the urge to take him right here and now. His pupils dilate and I feel how his grip on my wrists loosens.

Freeing myself from his hold, I push him away and both of us are now circling each other. A dagger in each hand of his as my black smoke evaporates out of my hands.

"Do you think you can win this easy on me?" I ask Loki and send a nebula ball at him which he dodges.

A low chuckle comes as a response from him and soon I realise it is another illusion. But I am too late to handle it. A cold hand grabs me from behind, holding me tight on my shoulder as I hit his chest.

"I'm impressed by how easily you tempt me, my dear." My breath hitches as his hand wander up my jaw and start to brush my lower lip. "But fool yourself if you aren't attracted to me either," he whispers into my ear.

I close my eyes as his other free hand goes down my inner thigh and spreads my legs. Yet, I don't expect his next step. He lifts me and throws me down the mat. Laying again in the same position as before, I finally tap out.

"Wise choice," he comments and leaves the training hall.

I lean against my elbows and watch him go. Still catching my breath, I curse myself for being so weak against his enticement. Being so damn attracted to him, I still can't let the feelings out. It would be a mistake, just like the other time when they used my weakness against me to kill a family.

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