Seidr and Shadows

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We have 70 hours left before HYDRA launches Project Insight. Since Fury is out of the business, he handed the Captain his scepter to give the orders now. And what can I say, Steve is truly made to be a leader.

He wants us all to work as a team. To do so, we use the spare time we still have left to train. To spare and fight. To get used to us as individual fighters, to get to know our strengths and weaknesses.

Loki chimed in before we head to our training. He told us that he had some time to read while I was asleep and the others were on the mission where they interacted with the Winter Soldier.

Loki learned about a new power that he might use with his seidr to help me control my powers. And so we all agreed to it, Steve thinking of a great idea even. This is how we stand all together in the training hall of this facility and take in our fighting stances. Loki on my right, Sam on my left. Steve is next to Sam and Natasha on the right side of Loki.

I feel uneasy as all the powers are surging through my veins again. Nervous even, because I don't know if Loki's magic can tame mine. And to be honest, it doesn't feel like we're training to get to know how we work as a team, it rather feels like a test for my powers. As if my life is an exam.

"Shadow," Steve calls out and holds his shield up. "We're ready when you are."

I nod. "We'll start with my origin powers," I inform them, specifically Loki who nods in approval. Loki suggested that we go through a list of my powers. Starting with the very first and ending up with my last absorption of power. "The shadow manipulation."

My eyes turn from red to dark color as I wave my hand to send a blast toward the Captain's shield. Steve hides behind his vibranium plate and I feel how my powers drain me. With my gritted teeth, I growled, struggling to hold onto my power. My knees tremble lowly but I try my best to hold against them buckling. The blast gets weaker with every second but it stabilizes when Loki uses his seidr on me. He has an aura that gets over to me and my blast towards Steve gets stronger again.

Steve is struggling to hold my blast as he slides back a few inches. That's when Sam and Natasha start to interfere. Sam flies over to Loki and starts to fight him while Natasha tries to attack him. I stomp on my feet and a force wall coming from the shadows stops her to approach me. Loki instead is trying to stay in my closeness as he pulls out a dagger and blocks all hits from Wilson.

"Are you sure this is the first time you're doing this?", Sam pants as he tries to throw a punch at Loki.

"Yes." Loki and I say in chorus. I smile at how bonded we were with his magic on me.

"It doesn't feel like it is."

I wave my other hand which doesn't aim for Steve but rather sends a swirl of black mist behind his back to pull him to the ground. Steve grunts as he hits the floor but that made my wall vanish that holds off Black Widow. She jumps at me, snaking her legs over my shoulders, and tackles me down. All the shadows crawl back from where they come from as soon as I hit the floor.

Groaning, I try to get up but I feel the aether burning my blood. Back on my knees, I scratch the matts surface as I try to tame it. The hot temperature pains me down to my bones the more I try to fight against it.

Natasha quickly lets me go and calls out for Loki's name as she sees that my body glows red once again. And even brighter with every passing second.

"On it," Loki says as he duplicates himself.

His illusion fights against Sam while the real Loki walks to me and places a hand on my shoulder. His healing magic soothes me and I feel like I'm in control of the power again.

With a deep breath, I jump back onto my feet and throw punches at Natasha. She blocks them all and from the corner of my eye, I see Steve approaching us while Sam is still fighting off the Loki double.

"Sam, that isn't real, you shouldn't waste your energy on that," I yell at him and received a glare from Loki.

Since he was the one who told me that once, why can't I teach the others?

It seems Sam took by heart what I've said, and we're now, two against three. Neither of us both are using our powers, probably because we reached our limits. Loki and I are now fighting combat against a super soldier, an ex-soldier with wings, and the Black Widow. They throw punches at us but at least we're faster than them. Yet, every time we block their punches we back off a bit. Until our backs are on each other. As soon as we touched, I feel the energy coming back and an idea popped up.

"Loki," I pant and caught his attention as he glances back briefly after blocking Steve's shield. He grunts darkly after the hit. Even if we're gods, it doesn't mean we can't feel any pain. "Are you ready?"

"Ready for what exactly?"

"Yes or no?" I yell as I get electrocuted by the widow's bite.

My teeth chatter and I shut my eyes to make the stinging pain more bearable. Being electrocuted now, my whole body shakes and it will make it hard for me to go on with either the fighting or to fulfill my plan.

"Now!", he yells and I clench my fists together as my eyes glow black.

Behind the three come out three shadow creatures that have the shape of a pharaoh hound who pull them to the ground and pin them there. Each of them extends their sharp claws and holds them against their neck but as soon as I realize one of them goes too far, my heart stops beating for a moment. And so did my breath gets sucked through my teeth as I try to call back the bad one.

The bad dog is digging his claw into Steve's throat. He hisses in pain with gritted teeth as a bit of blood drips down his throat. Nothing too severe but it can get worse if I can't make it stop.

Quickly and desperate I tap on Loki's back. He sees what I mean and uses his telekinesis to pull that one creature away from Steve so he could breathe again. A sigh of relief comes out from me after the situation got a bit out of control.

"Drop it!", Loki scolds the shadow dog with an amused smile and raised finger.

To make all of them disappear, I unclench my fists and sit down, taking a few breaths. So do the others besides Loki. Once I calmed down my nerves, I crawl to Steve.

"I am so sorry," I mumble and wipe off the blood from his throat with the sleeve of my shirt. It's the least I can do.

"Don't worry, it's nothing," Steve dismisses my apology with a smile and I let out a breath that I was holding. "You both did well. Let's go on with your other powers."

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