9) Mia's big day

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Mia was sound asleep in her bed when she heard the door open.

Mia quickly sat up and saw Chuck come in with a tray of breakfast followed by Blair with a tiara.

"It's your big day baby sis today is all about you" Chuck said and gave her the tray. "Breakfast in bed" Mia asked. "It is your birthday" Chuck said.

"But wait before you eat" Blair said and put the tiara on Mia's head. "There perfect" Blair said, and Mia smiled. "You guys didn't have to do this" Mia said.

"You kidding this is my favorite part of all year" Blair said. "If only you were still little" Chuck said wiping a fake tear.

Mia rolled her eyes and playfully shoved him. "Hey, I'll always be your shadow no matter how old I am" Mia said. "Good" Chuck said, and Mia smiled.

"The party is all planned out and you and I are going shopping for the perfect dress for tonight" Blair said.

"Are you sure you and Serena can tolerate each other for one night I can always move things around" Mia said.

"Hey, it's just one night besides it's for your birthday it's for you it'll be fine" Blair said. "I'll keep an eye on her as well" Chuck said.

"You know I don't have to have a party could just be us" Mia said.

"Nonsense you deserve it okay your princess Bass for a reason" Chuck said and Mia smiled. "We'll let you eat" Chuck said and left with Blair.


Mia and Blair were at Mia's favorite shop determined to find the perfect dress for Mia's party tonight.

"Are we making any progress" Blair asked and Mia came out of the changing room. "What do you think" Mia asked. "I think we found the one" Blair said and Mia smiled.

"I'll go get changed" Mia said and went back in the changing room.

Mia quickly got changed and came out of the dressing room with her dress on one hand. "I'll take care of that well more like Chuck will" Blair said and grabbed the dress showing Chuck's card.

"He's determined to make this your best party yet" Blair said. "Sounds like him" Mia said.

"He loves you okay you're the one person that boy cares more about than himself if he ever lost you, I'm not sure he'd ever be the same" Blair said.

"Yeah, I know but he doesn't always have to go all out I'm not going anywhere" Mia said.

"I'm sure he knows that, but he wants to okay and who could blame him Mia you deserve this okay it's your day the one day it's all about you enjoy it" Blair said.

"Okay" Mia said, and Blair smiled before putting her arm around her. After Blair paid for the dress the two left.


Soon enough the party started, and everyone was either drinking or dancing. Nate eventually arrived and saw Mia and went to her seeing she was talking to Jordan.

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Mia turned around and smiled once she saw Nate. "Nate" Mia said and hugged him.

"Hey" Nate said once she pulled away and gave her a quick kiss. "You made it" Mia said. "Of course, I did I wouldn't miss this" Nate said and Mia smiled.

"You never do" Mia said and Serena and Blair went over to Mia. "Hey M happy birthday" Serena said.

"Thanks S" Mia said. "Where's Dan" Mia asked. "I think I saw him at the drinks" Jordan said and Mia nodded.

"I'll let you all catch up" Jordan said and left. "M I think this is your best party yet" Serena said.

"Yeah, Chuck really outdone himself this year" Nate said and Chuck came over. "Anything for my sister" Chuck said and Mia smiled. Dan came over as Mia noticed.

"Hey Dan" Mia said. "Hey great party" Dan said. "Well Chuck always did make my birthdays the best but this one I gotta say had to be the best" Mia said. "Yeah, it turned out great" Serena said.

"Okay come on it's time for cake" Blair said and led Mia. "Looks like your girlfriend stole mine" Nate told Chuck.

"Nothing new" Chuck said and followed Blair and Mia with Nate, Serena, and Dan.


Once everybody sang happy birthday to Mia had cate and danced some more. Jordan made his way to Mia.

"Hey, I'm taking off early class tomorrow" Jordan said. "Okay well thanks for coming" Mia said.

"Thanks for having me" Jordan said. "Always hey your always welcome here" Mia said. "See you in class" Jordan asked. "Yeah of course" Mia said and Jordan left.

Nate made his way to Mia who smiled once she saw him. "There's my boyfriend" Mia said.

"Is now a bad time to give you your present" Nate asked. "No, no of course not" Mia said and Nate gave her, her present.

Mia unwrapped it carefully and pulled out earrings smiling. "They're beautiful thank you" Mia said and gave Nate a quick kiss. "Hey anything for my girlfriend" Nate said and Mia smiled.


The party eventually ended, and Mia was about to head to bed when there was a knock on her door.

"Come in" Mia said and Chuck came in. "You forgot one" Chuck said and gave it to Mia. "It's from me well me and Blair she helped pick it out" Chuck said.

"Y'all didn't have to get me anything you, done too much already" Mia said. "Just open it" Chuck said and Mia did. "A charm bracelet" Mia asked.

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"Yeah, so if you ever travel the world or go away just know I'm always with you no matter where you go" Chuck said and Mia smiled. "Thanks bro" Mia said and hugged Chuck.

"Happy birthday baby sis" Chuck said and pulled away. "Get some rest you had a pretty eventful day" Chuck said and left the room.

Mia smiled at him and out the bracelet on before heading to bed for the night.

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Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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