10) Pain

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"As a famed literary liar once told Oprah memory is subjective memories can be embellished or denied but as James Frey knows all too well the truth always comes out" Gossip Girl's post said.

"Ugh I don't converse with liars of Lewinskys" Blair said ignoring Serena's call.

"Come on Blair you don't know that you saw anything" Chuck said. "Says you come on you know Blair is good with things like this" Mia said.

"M's right in the second grade I saw our gym teacher giving Laverne Glazer's mom the glad eye not only did it earn me the first A++ for gym in Constance history I learned that my sexual tension radar is unparalleled" Blair said.

"Point ceded" Chuck said. "So is beatnik back" Chuck asked. "Ew no" Blair said.

"Never in a million years you disgust me sometimes" Mia said.

"I'm adding new recruits to my student army apparently at NYU no one cares if your forefathers made pumpkin pie at Plymouth, they only care if they made profits at Paramount" Blair said.

"Ah the Tisch kids" Chuck said. "Wish you would've seen them honestly the ones Blair had before was better than them" Mia said.

"Spawn of moguls and movie stars yesterday I sent a first edition no edit script to their leader Paul Hoffman today I'll secure the alliance" Blair said.

"That's my Blair" Mia said smiling. "Care to tag along" Blair asked Chuck.

"Oh, I'd love to, but a high-ranking diplomat has asked me to show his son around New York I need to build up my continental clientele, so it looks like I'm Statue of Liberty bound" Chuck said.

"Oh, the sacrifices we make for success we'll think of a way to make your day less boring later" Blair said.

"M" Blair asked. "B I'd love to, but I have plans with Jordan" Mia said. "Rain check" Mia asked. "Of course," Blair said and Mia nodded before they all went their separate ways.


"So, what's the deal with you and cookies and cream ice cream" Jordan asked.

"Hey, don't hate on the ice cream I don't hate on your boring plain vanilla ice cream" Mia said and Jordan smiled at her laughing.

"So how are you liking college" Jordan asked. "It's fine well as fine as you can expect it" Mia said. "Fair point" Jordan said. "And Nate" Jordan asked.

"I'm not sure" Mia said. "You're not sure" Jordan asked. "I mean everything seems fine, but I don't know something feels off like I need to be prepared for something" Mia said.

"Prepared for what" Jordan asked. "I have no idea" Mia told him. "But whatever it is I don't have a good feeling about it" Mia said.


"You know maybe you should talk to Nate about this" Jordan said while they were at lunch waiting on their food. "And if I'm just being paranoid" Mia asked.

"You won't know unless you ask" Jordan said. "Yeah, I can't keep dodging it forever I guess" Mia said.

"Wouldn't you rather know now than find out by someone else and be hurt later" Jordan asked.

"Okay, okay I see your point I'll talk to him" Mia said. "Good" Jordan said.

"You're a pain you know that" Mia said. "And yet you still hang out with me" Jordan said and Mia smiled. "You're a dork" Mia said. "Shut up" Jordan said and Mia smiled.


Later that night Mia found Nate and Serena at the bar talking.

She was about to walk up to them but stopped once she saw Nate about to kiss Serena.

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