6) trouble in paradise

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"Yes, yes Lily loves her Jefferson Airplane" Rufus said. "So, Rufus how is married life" Vanessa asked.

"Well at the risk of sounding like a man deeply in love uh each day gets better than the one before" Rufus said.

"Must be if you're packing these Welcome back kotter mugs they'll look great next to Lily's China" Dan said. "Yeah, maybe we should hold off on the sweathogs" Rufus said.

"Mia how's it like now that your parents are married" Vanessa asked Mia.

"Not gonna lie little weird" Mia said and Jenny walked in.

"In just a few short months freshmen leader Vanessa Abrams has tackled numerous social and environmental issues" Jenny said reading the paper.

"What is that" Rufus asked. "Well, it's just a wildly flattering cover story on Vanessa in the NYU paper" Dan said.

"Uh oh does Blair know" Mia asked but no one answered her. "It doesn't mean anything" Vanessa said.

"Except that she's a shoo in to give the toast at the freshman dinner on parents weekend" Dan said. "Dan, can I borrow your muscles" Vanessa asked and Dan left with Jenny.

"Is that true about the toast" Rufus asked. "I got a message from Josh Ellis he's the alumnus who decides who gives the toast supposedly it's between me and some other girl I probably won't get it" Vanessa said.

"Don't doubt yourself even I know that you are talented enough that they would be crazy not to give it to you" Mia said.

"Well speech or no speech I hope you're inviting your parents" Rufus said.

"You're kidding right my parents hate that I'm at a private college buying an elitist education knowledge should be for sale" Vanessa said.

"Remind me to never complain about my family to you" Mia told Vanessa.

"Sure, Arlo and Gabriela are progressive but if they knew how much good you were doing at the school, I'm sure they'd come around" Rufus said.

"It would be kind of amazing if they came and you know actually approved of something I was doing but whatever I haven't been chosen yet so" Vanessa said.

"Well, you will be and tomorrow night Dan and I and hopefully Mia will be there front and center" Rufus said and Dan came back with Jenny.

"Oh, um yeah you know what actually Olivia just got back from Japan, and I was hoping we would hang out tomorrow night" Dan said.

"So, bring Olivia or not it's your call I don't wanna force you" Rufus said and left.

"What we just started dating isn't it a little soon for meet the parents" Dan asked.

"Not for Olivia she seems really easygoing and into you" Vanessa said. "Bring her could be fun" Mia said.

"Yeah, seriously Dan play the parent card people like you more when they meet our family" Jenny said. "It's true" Vanessa said. "Alright okay alright I'll invite her" Dan said.

"Oh, that's awesome it's gonna be a great night for the Humphreys and who knows maybe the Abramses" Rufus said.

Dan went to Mia and tried to sneak a peek at what she was writing when Mia quickly covered it. "Nope it's not ready yet" Mia said.

"Come on I'm your brother don't I deserve a sneak peek at your book" Dan asked.

"Maybe when it's finished, and you will be the first besides Chuck to see it" Mia said. "Alright" Dan said, and Mia smiled.


"So, how's your book coming along" Jordan asked Mia. "It's still a work in progress" Mia said.

"Well, you'll get there I know you will" Jordan said and Mia smiled. "Where's Nate" Jordan asked.

"Helping Serena with something" Mia said. "Didn't he used to like her" Jordan asked.

"Not anymore" Mia said but she didn't believe the own words she was saying. "Then why do you look like you don't believe it" Jordan asked.

"I don't know I should go see you later" Mia said leaving quickly.


Chuck saw Mia in her room and sat next to her. "Trouble in paradise" Mia asked. "I'm guessing you didn't go to the dinner" Chuck said.

"No, I skipped it" Mia said. "Did something happen" Mia asked. "Yeah, you can say that" Chuck said. Mia put her laptop to the side and laid on his lap while Chuck played with her hair.

"I'm sorry big brother" Mia said. "It's okay baby sis when I'm with you my bad mood goes away" Chuck said and Mia smiled. "That's what little sisters are for" Mia said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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