15) sparks

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"From the day he brings his newborn girl home a father lives in fear that someday she'll get hurt that someday she'll hate him and worst of all that someday she'll grow up" Gossip Girl's post said.

"Chuck had an emergency meeting with his lawyer but he hoped we could all meet up for some shopping later" Blair said sitting next to Mia who was writing.

"That sounds lovely this has been a wonderful week" Elizabeth said.

"Chuck thinks so too and Mia even though she'll never admit it" Blair said and Mia playfully shoved Blair.

"Chuck mentioned what a great squash player you were, and he likes a woman who knows her way around haberdashery" Blair said. "Ew TMI" Mia said.

"Actually, I think there's something he wants to ask you" Blair said and Chuck walked in.

"Of course," Elizabeth said. "Call when you're in the lobby" Blair said and hung up.

"Are you okay" Blair asked Chuck making Mia stop what she's doing and make her way to Chuck.

"Chuck what is it" Mia asked. "Several female employees at the empire are suing me for sexual harassment" Chuck said. "What" Blair said.

"Who I want names I'll show them what it's like to be on Mia Bass's bad side" Mia said heading to leave when Chuck picked her up stopping her.

"Am I there yet" Mia asked and Chuck put her down.

"Obviously there were incidents with room service at the palace but that was my father's hotel I was a kid I would never do that now not to my hotel not to you" Chuck said.

"No of course not" Blair said. "Yeah, cause if you hurt my future sister-in-law brother or not well let's just say you wish you hadn't" Mia said.

"They're scheming harlots trying to get you to pay them off" Blair said.

"We have proof that two of those girls weren't even in town on one of the alleged nights" the lawyer said.

"So, we'll fight it we have innocence, good breeding and Doug Jarrett one of the best lawyers in New York on our side it's a slam dunk" Blair said.

"Chuck, you know she's right we can fight this I know we can" Mia said.

"A court case would be a PR nightmare we have to settle we'll take care of it" Chuck said and his lawyer nodded before leaving. "But Chuck your innocent" Mia said.

"Settlements are for the guilty celebrities who run people over the Catholic Church it's not fair" Blair said.

"The historical society is honoring my father tonight I can have this overshadowing the evening or anything else this way the case will be sealed the press won't know no one will" Chuck said.

"What about mom" Mia asked. "Elizabeth wouldn't have believed it Chuck" Blair said.

"That's not why I'm doing this" Chuck said. "But if it was, I'd understand you like her you and Mia both, you want the first time she meets Lily and the rest of your family to be perfect" Blair said.

"What is the point of having Elizabeth in your life and Mia's if you're not going to let her in" Blair asked.

"Not everyone's willing to wait 18 years for an I love you" Blair said. "Come on Chuck I look up to you, you know that just do the right thing" Mia said.


Mia laid beside Jordan in his dorm room breathing heavily.

"Hey are you okay" Jordan asked. "Yeah, just worried about Chuck" Mia said sitting up covering herself causing Jordan to sit up as well.

"Hey, I know you're worried, but everting will work out it always does" Jordan said and Mia slightly smiled. "Here I'll go get you breakfast" Jordan said and kissed Mia quickly.

Jordan quickly put his clothes back on and left the room while Mia thought about the kiss they shared.

No matter how much she liked Jordan his kisses weren't like Nate's they didn't have that spark.

She didn't feel the connection with Jordan like she did with Nate.

But she did like Jordan, she just didn't love him at least not in the way he loves her and sooner or later she was going to have to end it even if she didn't want to, but she would rather end it than lead him on.


"You're thinking of breaking up with him" Blair asked as Mia was laid on her bed with Blair beside her.

"It's better than leading him on B I don't t love him I mean not the way he loves me the only person I truly loved like that was" Mia said and stopped. "Nate" Blair said finishing with her.

"Yeah" Mia said sighing. "Can I be honest with you" Blair asked. "When have you ever asked but go on" Mia said.

"I was kind of surprised when you and Jordan started dating" Blair said. "You were" Mia asked.

"Yeah, I mean you two just didn't connect not like you and Nate" Blair said and Mia sighed.

"But Nate chose Serena" Mia said. "And he's an idiot for doing that and if you say the word I'll teach him a lesson for hurting you" Blair said.

"No, it's fine I rather him be happy more than anything anyways even if it's with Serena" Mia said.

"But what if that's with you, look he's an idiot right now and soon he's going to realize a big mistake he made and come running back to you I just know it" Blair said and Mia just laid in Blair's lap while she played with Mia's hair.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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