21) passions

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Chuck and Mia walked into Serena's room after seeing she returned. "The prodigal daughter returns" Chuck said. "How was Spain" Chuck asked Serena.

"Amazing, perfect" Serena said. "I'm sure you and poppy dancing on tabletops in Barcelona, sunbathing nude in Costa Del Sol" Chuck said.

"More like me and poppy and her boyfriend Gabriel on the coast uh I just read and ate, and you know swam" Serena said.

"I'm still upset you didn't invite me you know I love swimming" Mia said. "Sorry M" Serena said.

"So, there was nude sunbathing" Chuck said. "Ignore him" Mia told Serena. "Hey uh is my mom around" Serena asked. "I haven't seen her, but I have been occupied" Chuck said a girl walked over.

"Last night's entertainment" Chuck said, and the girl left. "She's a synchronized swimmer can hold her breath for five minutes" Chuck said.

"So, you found a way to get over Blair then" Serena said to Chuck.

"Or more like trying to" Mia said. "Well, there was a detour with a Boho and Barista and then I realized I'm a 17-year-old billionaire with tremendous stamina tonight I have a date with the Boishoi's lead ballerina" Chuck said.

"Just don't make me an aunt I'm too young" Mia said.

"By the way I saw poppy Lifton at the Rose bar last week it's funny how she can be there yet still in Spain with you" Chuck said and left. "M have you seen my mom" Serena asked Mia.

"No sorry S but I'm glad your back I gotta go catch up later" Mia said and left the room.


Mia was heading to Dan's when she nearly bumped into someone. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" Mia said to him.

"Are you okay" Mia asked him. "Yes, I'm fine you're fine it's okay really" he said.

"Are you sure" Mia asked. "Yes positive" he said. "Again, I'm so sorry" Mia said and noticed he had a drink. "Is that coffee" Mia asked. "No hot chocolate I hate coffee" he said.

"Really me too" Mia said. "I'm Jordan, Jordan Campbell" he said offering his hand for a shake.

"Mia, Mia Bass" Mia said shaking his hand. "Actually, hang on scratch that I'm Mia Bass Humphrey Van Der Woodson" Mia said causing Jordan to laugh along with her.

"I've heard of you the secret live child of Lily Bass" Jordan said. "I always thought if I got a reputation, it wouldn't be that" Mia said.

"I'm sure it will blow over in this town if something more major more, huge happens it always does" Jordan said and Mia smiled.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, but I should get going I'm late meeting my brother maybe I'll see you around" Mia said.

"Hopefully I wouldn't mind seeing a beautiful blonde bump into me again" Jordan said causing Mia to blush before waving bye and leaving.


Dan and Mia walked into Dan's apartment after getting food and saw Jenny and Wes.

"Hey, hey Wes" Dan said as soon as he and Mia walked in. "Is that the uh science fair project" Dan asked Jenny and Wes.

"Yet we're tracking air quality on plant growth" Jenny said as Dan and Mia made their way over.

"Ugh science, was never my best subject" Mia said. "One of these was grown in our apartment and the other was grown in Wes's country house" Jenny said.

"Apparently a tree does not grow in Brooklyn" Dan said. "I still am amazed that I could have grown up here you know if I wasn't a secret in the first place" Mia said. "I better take off" Wes said.

"Good riddance" Mia said. "Call you later" Wes asked Jenny. "Yeah" Jenny said. "Good" Wes said leaving.

"Finally, this room stinks of him" Mia said and Jenny looked at Dan. "What it's Mia no one can control her" Dan said and Mia smiled.

"Well, I hope for the sake of science that, that relationship is strictly professional" Dan said to Jenny. "Of course, but I'm working on it" Jenny said.

"Don't care" Mia said barely paying attention to the subject.

"No, I get it rent trumps art" Rufus said on the phone going over to Jenny, Dan, and Mia.

"Well, let me know if you change your mind" Rufus said and hung up. "Nobody wants to buy art right now" Rufus said.

"Look I'm the one with the experience Yale tuition please let me help there's gotta be a job on Craigslist that doesn't involve dealing or nudity" Dan said.

"Dan, I have it under control your priority is school" Rufus told Dan.

"I'm off to Lily's she wants to go shopping for a table, a lamp I'm not sure bye" Rufus said and left. "Bye" Mia and Jenny both said. "Good luck" Dan told Rufus.

"I don't t know why he's being so stubborn about this" Dan said. "You know Wes's mom owns a catering company" Jenny said.

"Catering that definitely was not on the top of my list but I mean yeah if you don't mind asking" Dan said.

"Not at all because then I can ask him to come to dinner with me as a thanks for being so cool to my brother" Jenny said. "Well, you may have luck on your side" Mia told Dan who smiled.


Mia was in her room writing when she heard a knock on her door.

Mia sat her laptop down and opened the door and saw Nate. "Nate hey" Mia said. "Is Chuck around" Nate asked. "Probably in his room" Mia said. "You, writing" Nate asked Mia.

"Just a little" Mia said. "You okay Nate" Mia asked seeing Nate out of it.

"Yeah, just a lot on my mind" Nate said and Mia nodded. "I guess I should find Chuck" Nate said and left.


Mia was on her bed writing once again and was getting close to finishing. "You, getting close" Mia heard a familiar voice ask. Mia looked up and saw Rufus.

"Should be" Mia said. "So, you like writing" Rufus said. "It's always been a passion of mine an escape from reality" Mia said.

"You and Dan are a lot alike in those ways" Rufus said.

"Well, it is kinda nice sharing my passion with someone who understands wish I grew up with him though" Mia said.

"Me too" Rufus said and Mia gave him a small smile.

"Well, I just wanted to check on you and see if you were okay, I'll let you get back to your writing" Rufus said.

"Hey Rufus" Mia said and Rufus looked at her. "I'm really glad you're in my life" Mia said and Rufus smiled. Mia smiled at him before going back to her writing and Rufus left the room.

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Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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