13) relationships

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"It was the best of times it was the worst of times seems Dickens knew something about life on the upper east side where the only thing you can count on is that time changes everything word has it S gave up politics to focus on issues closer to her heart" Gossip Girl's post said.

"Hey sorry I'm late" Jordan said to Mia giving her a quick kiss. "It's fine I just got here" Mia said. "Did you order already" Jordan asked.

"Yeah, and I got you your favorite chicken Parmesan" Mia said.

"Ugh you know me so well" Jordan said and Mia smiled. "Well, I sure hope so after dating for how long" Mia said and Jordan smiled. "Have you spoken to Nate" Jordan asked.

"Not since the hospital which was months ago" Mia said. "Why what about him" Mia asked. "I heard he's coming home today" Jordan said.

"And how do you know that" Mia asked. "Gossip Girl" Jordan said.

"Can always count on Gossip Girl to catch the latest news" Mia said. The waitress came over and gave them their food. "Thanks" Mia said, and the waitress left.

"Well let's not let this date go to waste" Mia said and Jordan shook his head smiling and they ate.


Mia was walking in the street when Serena saw her and ran up to her. "M" Serena said smiling.

"Serena" Mia said. "How's Nate" Mia asked. "He's fine" Serena told her. "Are you sure you're okay with us dating" Serena asked.

"I have to be don't I I'm not going to stand in the way of his happiness after all his happiness matters more than mine been that way since I met him" Mia said.

"Mia I" Serena said when Mia interrupted. "Don't finish that sentence please don't okay please I have hidden a lot of my feelings for you just to see you happy I mean Serena you dated Carter who abused me but the second he was with you he changed and I warned you about Tripp but you barely listened and I got put in the hospital cause of it now where I realize that is not your fault the worst thing you did was get with Nate the boy I loved the most and always will I know you can't help how you feel S but just do me a favor and keep him happy okay please and don't break his heart" Mia said.

"I will I promise" Serena said. "Okay I'll catch up with you later okay" Mia said and left.


"Hey" Nate said to Dan before seeing Mia. "What I'm not that late" Nate said seeing Dan's facial expression.

"It's not you" Mia said. "I was just hoping you were Vanessa" Dan said. "How's Jordan" Nate asked Mia. "He's fine went to see his brother he's picking me up in a bit" Mia said.

"You invited Vanessa here too" Nate asked Dan. "No not exactly but yeah I mean she does spend a lot of time here" Dan said.

"I take it that means you still haven't talked to her" Nate said.

"Or gotten a text or seen her it's my fault I moved too fast you know I read like five self-help blogs about how to turn friends into lovers" Dan said.

"They use that word" Mia asked. "Yes, they use that word I was a little down at my mom's place" Dan said. "Well, hey man I'm sorry you know" Nate said.

"You know they say that you should take things more slowly with a friend than you do with someone you just met I'll send you the link you might want to read it before you start this thing with Serena" Dan said.

"I wouldn't send it to me if you plan on having kids someday" Mia said.

"I'm just gonna go with it you know whatever happens, happens" Nate said.

"Alright well knowing Serena what'll probably happen is she'll get swept up in the romance of things and she's not gonna be want to talk about any of that stuff ever really" Dan said.

"Nah look it's cool I've known Serena since I was a little kid and we've already you know years ago" Nate said.

"Pretty sure he knows" Mia said. "I know trust me listen the point is I've dated Serena for over a year and if you want to be able to make things work, you're gonna have to be able to come up for air which is really not her favorite thing to do" Dan said.

Mia's phone beeps and looked. "Well, that's it for me Jordan's here later losers" Mia said and left.


Mia was at Jordan's dorm watching a movie cuddled up together. "You said this movie was supposed to be good" Mia said. "It's what my brother said" Jordan said.

"Okay no offense to your brother but he has bad taste" Mia said.

"Yeah, I see that" Jordan said and took the movie out putting it back in the disk. "So, what now" Mia asked.

"I have an idea" Jordan said and kissed her laying Mia down on the bed before pulling away.

"I like that" Mia said and kissed him. Jordan closed her back as they just laid there making out with Mia smiling through the kiss.

After a few moments Mia pulled away sitting up with Jordan.

"I have a better idea" Mia said and took off her shirt. "You sure" Jordan asked. "You gonna ask me that every time we have sex" Mia asked.

"Maybe" Jordan said. "Stop asking and kiss me" Mia said. Jordan took off his shirt and laid Mia back down on the bed kissing her. Mia kissed back as things got heated for the night.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

I know some people didn't want Jordan and Mia to be together and I'm sorry but y'all have to understand this has been planned since the very beginning but don't worry their friendship won't change.

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