until next time

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Mrs. Loomis stands there in fear surrounded by vampires she knew she was out numbered. "so let's start our game of death shall we "Jocelyn says with a cold smirks as she snaps her fingers as Dewey and Tatum grab Mrs. Loomis's arms so she wouldn't run.

" now question number one why do you think Sidney was responsible for your sons death" she asked.

Mrs. Loomis glares" cause she's a slut just like her mother"she snarls before screaming when sidney speeds forward and rips her hand clean off with a glare.

"never compare me with that bitch" she hisses before tossing the serverd hand as Mrs. looms gasps in agony. jocelyn whisltes"boy you just love pissing people off dont you but im sorry but im afriad mickey here will have to also suffer from your insult" she say with a mocking pout before looking to klaus as she nods her head he smirks as a frightend mickey lets out a muffled scream as klus slams down the leveras electricty runs through his body.

Many watch in horror before Stefan turns to his sister "how can you be okay with all this death and torture you know you can't be around Elena if your like this and if you become a threat we will have to kill you"he says as it suddenly went cold in the room as they look around before the women who brought them here appears with a deadly girl as she grows to her real size as everyone watches with wide eyes as they back up.

"Have you not learn anything are you really willing to chose a girl who looks like you're old lover over your sister!"she rose as the candles around the room flare at her anger with a roar.

Stefan gulps"I'm sorry but I do"he says as the women looks at him with a cold look before looking at Jocelyn "you made do what you like to this filth of a brother"she says before disappearing with a roar of a thunder as they were lift alone.

Jocelyn stands up with a cold look as Stefan lift's his arms"Jocelyn please I love her"he says which only pissed her off more before she vamp speeds to him grabbing him be the neck before they crack through the way as the room shakes from the force.

Klaus turns off the electricity as mickey pants as blood stains his nose, lip and mouth.

"Now for question number two why did you really leave your family"Jocelyn asked as she circles the red headed woman with blood lust in her eyes.

"I already told you"Mrs loomis says but every vampire heard her heart beat skip as they all smirk.

"Oh I'm sorry let me asked again "Jocelyn says standing in front of her as her eyes dilated"why did you really leave your family "she asked as she compels the women.

"I let because I couldn't handle being a mother"she says blankly before looking shock as she looks at Jocelyn with fear.

Jocelyn hums while walking around as her heels click against the floor"I'll admit this was fun but I'm really just ready to get to the blood bath so we will start of with mickey then you"she says with a smirk as Mrs Loomis eyes widen in horror before trying to break free but she couldn't as the vampires laugh.

Suddenly Stefan flys I to the room as he rolls to a stop many claw wounds healing slowly as he stands up breathing heavily before turning to Damon "Damon help me"he asked but what he said next shocked everyone.

He looks at Stefan blankly "no brother I don't think you will I'm tired of hurting my baby sister in contantly choose some doppelganger over my sister who I should be there for which is something your clearly failing at"he says.

Elena looks at him shocked with tears"how could you say that!"she cry's hurt.

Damon looks at her coldy "cause un like you and my brother I learned from my mistake"he says getting up and walking over to the mikealsons sitting with them.

Jocelyn walks through the hole eyes darken as her fangs bared as she as she pushes broken piece of stone out her way as her eyes fully blacken as her anger that was buried deep down finally comes out as she and Stefan turn at each other.

He goes to grab her but she drops down into a full split before sweeping a leg as she makes Stefan fall on his back as she straddle him as she stabs her finger's in his eyes as blood rushes out his face as he screams in agony when she literally pulls them out before forcing his mouth open as she grabs his tongue and pulls it out as blood rushes out his mouth she then jabs her hand through his gut as he screams in agony when she pulled out his intestines and stomach bad blood covers her arm.

Many had to look away besides the Mikaelsons as she torture her brother as she hisses loudly before grabbing his throat as she stands then both out as she lifts him up off the ground before throwing him straight across the room as he was impaled in the stomach as he groans.

Klaus gets up walking calmly over to Jocelyn whoes eyes where black with blood lust as he gently grabs her face"come love you can torture him some later let us watch the rest of the movie"he says as her eyes slowly go back to the ones he fell in love with.

Mickey starts to cry as Klaus smirks before flipping the lever as electricity curses through him as blood buildes in his lungs as his heart burst as he lays limply as he was still being electrocuted as blood oozes out everywhere on his hid before the electric box exploded.

Jocelyn smirks "now for your death I'll give you one of the games deaths Elizabeth bathory dead to her victims."she says as a spot light shines behind her shown a tub as ankle chains hang from the ceiling as Tatum and Dewey drag a struggling Mrs loomis as she cry's as the hang her by the ankle chains as she hangs up side down before each one of them grabbed a three pointed spear as the circle around a histaric Mrs loomis who was crying swinging back and forth.

"Now... Let evil bleed"Jocelyn says before each one slashed her body as blood leaks out and sprays everywhere as the tub feels with her blood.

Soon the women went limp as Jocelyn sticks her finger in her mouth as she slowly licks up some blood before shrugging "not the worst I've tasted"she says.

Gale was shown sitting in the chair shocked at what she just witnessed "what the fuck"cotton says as the vampires turn to him coldy.

Jocelyn grabs gale before speeding up to to cotton making both look her in the eye"you both saw nothing and you woke up passed out on the ground forget y'all saw anything or know about vampires now sleep and wake up when the police arrive"she compels them as they drop to the ground with a thud out cold before the vampires all vamp speed out of the building.

Soon they were shown up on a hill as police and medics arrived "now what"sidney asked.

"We find a new home and if another one fucks with us they will meet the same fate....death"she says before everything went black for a few minutes before flashes of gose face were shown before everything went fully black and silent.

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