the witch has returned part 1

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Soon the group is shown sitting up on the ledge as they watch all the press. Meanwhile Gale is shown walking out of a building with a phone pressed to her ear."they're threatening to what? Are you kidding me? They'd be stupid be stupid to pull this movie. With all this Free press they're going to have huge numbers this weekend. It'll break box office records."she says on the phone not regarding the seriousness of the situation as usual while walking past a patrol car as she was heading to her van. On the other side of the phone a man is her saying something as she smiles."consider it done"she says hanging up.

Everyone beside Jocelyn, Sidney, Tatum and dewey turn to her with raised eyebrows since this was a daily concept for them as Gale shrinks down into her seat from all the eyes looking at her.

She is shown walking to her new camera man Joel "uh miss weathers? Hi I'm Joel the affiliate sent me. I'm your new camera man."he introduced him self as he walks up to Gale weathers.

"Yeah you got experience "she asked as she walks past him to the van as Joel follows her."huh? Oh yeah. I mean I'm local,but I shot the bingo finals."he stutters as gale nods her head"great,great"she mutters to her self as she grabs something out of the van."I almost got an award for that"he then adds.

"All right listen Joel. This is how it works. I point you shoot. You stay focused and fast on your feet.and we'll get along fine"Gale gets straight to the point as she explained the key points of his job as he nods he's head."your playing with the big boys now you got it"she says not noticing a red headed women was listening to there conversation.

Just as gale was walking away with her camera man the women hurriedly follows"excuse me miss weathers ? Uh, could I have a minute?"they women says as she follows after them trying to keep up."no"gale says but that didn't stop the women as she continues to get in gales way"just one second i-- I know you probably get this all the time but I just wanted to say I am such a big fan of your work"she insisted as she stops gale by stepping in her way fakeing a smile while keeping up her charade.

"I just finished your book. I I couldn't put it down insightful, probing--i just really, really loved your book."she says with the biggest fake smile she could produce believable.

Klaus turned to the woman with a raised eyebrow "no wonder Jocelyn figured out it was you. You were practically pointing out you with the killer"Klaus deadpanned as Jocelyn glare at the women before smirking at the fear she saw spread over Mickey's and Mrs. Loomis's face seeing him before both she and Klaus share a smirk.

"Thank you,thanks"Gale tells her before starting to Walk away as she continues to follow gale "sure. I'm a witer my self. I write for the local paper, for the post-telegram. I'm Debbie salt. I took your seminar in Chicago last year."she explained while getting in gales way again.

"I was the one in the front row asking all the questions."Debbie explained with a smile.

"Right. I thought you looked familiar"Gale fakes a smile at the women as she motions for Joel to record as he steps beside her holding the camera over his shouts he shoots.

"Oh,thank you. Um can't wait to see the movie. You know, you must be getting quite a lot of flack on that right? I mean with all the violets and Cinema issues"she says causing Gale to put a hand on the camera on Joel's shoulders as she points it down now other reporters were gathering around them as well.

"What is your position going to be?"Debbie asked while she has a small notepad ready.

"No comment "Gale says as she goes to walk away but Debbie didn't stop there as she follows after Gale along with the other reporters."miss weathers,please-- I would --it would be such an honor for me if I could just get a quote from you for my story."Debbie expresses how much it would mean.

Gale smiles coming to a stop."okay begin quote: flattering remarks are both desperate and obvious" end quote she finished off as she walks away not noticing the darkening of Debbies eyes as she hides her anger oh did she have something planned for Gale.

Kol then turns to Gale"you do realize cause of that you just majorly pissed of one of the killers "he tells her sarcastically as gale just glares at him with a huff.

What the two women didn't know was that up above on a stone legde with flowers where three vampires heard everything as they listened to there heart beats and hearing how Debbie's basically bleeped through the who thing giving them the answer on who one of the killers is while Jocelyn noticed the looks in the women's eyes giving her the confirmation she needed before the three girls Share a look now all that have to do is see if Mickey is one of the killers.

Klaus turns to Jocelyn with a smirk"you are very clever love"he says as she smirks in return.

Debbie silently glaring at Jocelyn who then turns to face her"if you don't quit glaring at me I can always remind you of your death"Jocelyn says with a cold smirk as Debbie goes severely pale remember what she and Klaus dead as turns away from the two.

Klaus and Jocelyn share a victory smirk knowing that she's scared of them as she should not only did she piss off Jocelyn but a 1000 year old hybrid.

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