shocking surprise

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After they talk with Dewey they walk back over to there group. Derek looks at Sidney worried "hey you okay"he asked her.

Sidney fakes a believable smile for him"uh-huh" as they all stand in the court yard."who was that guy"Derek then asked while randy can be seen walking back over.

"That's my brother Dewey also he is Sidney's and Jocelyn's honorary brother"Tatum explains to them.

Randy is shown rejoining the group "deputy Dewey, woodsboro's finest. What's he doing here"he asked while looking back at the way Dewey was walking off.

The girls share a secret look "he's worried about us and what's happening"Sidney says.

Randy nods his head"ah nothing like a funeral to bring family together I'm gonna go say hi"he says before leaving heading the way Dewey walked off while leaving the group there in silence.

Mickey breaks it with a grin" chief Hartley said the girl was stabbed seven--"he starts say while Jocelyn secretly glares at him with anger and hatred in her eyes he was just making her claim about one of the killers being him true.

Derek turns to mickey with a look"drop it" knowing how hard this must be for Sidney.

Klaus turns to Jocelyn to see her clutching her jaw as she glares at mickey and Mrs Loomis before secretly grabbing her hand making her relax as she turns her head towards them as they share a glance with one another.

As they stood in silence Jocelyn tensed up smelling a familiar scent as she groans to herself knowing who it is."hello Sidney, Tatum, and Jocelyn "a very familiar feminine voice is hard as they all turn around seeing Gale weathers standing there with a microphone in her hand with a grin on her face as her camera man was behind her with all the other reporters around the two. The three vampires share a secret annoyed look with one another it's like this woman can't give him a break before putting fake smiles on there faces.

"Hi Gale it's so not nice to see you again and good try on the new look but sorry honey it ain't working for you in my opinion"Jocelyn says with a innocent sweet smile. Gale just fake smiles at Jocelyn's before turning to Sidney and Tatum who secretly looked amused at what they're honorary sister said.

"How are you"Gale asked on Sidney being more focused on her then anything.

"Hi, what do you want Gale"Sidney says getting straight to the point.

"Well I was hoping I might get just a few words with you."Gale says with a smirk before she turns to the side just as a freshly cleaned up cotton weary stands fourth. Sidney for once is shocked"cotton" to see him out of prison before anger starts to build up.

"Hi Sidney"he greets with a smile as he stands in front of her for the first time in a while.

Gale then turns to her camera man"here we are at Windsor college, where Sidney prescott...has just been reunited with cotton weary for the first time...since she wrongly accused him of murdering her mother."gale says into the camera with a smile while the three vampires were seething at the audacity of this woman.

Sidney harshly grabs her arm causing Gale to turn and face them"what the hell are you doing"Sidney says with a glare that would send gale six feet below the ground.

"We want to know how you feel.tell us everything that's happened, looking back on the past two years."Gale says as the three vampires were itching to drain her right then and there but they hold themselves back there's too many people around.

"Uh Sidney, I'd just like to say that I forgive and forget, and just like you, I'd like to get back on with my own life."cotton says while looking back at the camera with a smile as jole films the whole thing.

"Do you have any comments"Gale asked with a smirks while the three vamps were glaring at her with so much hatred.

"You bitch!" Sidney grits out going to hit Gale but the other three hold her back as gale taunts her as she steps back. They go to lead Sidney away but gale couldn't just leave well enough alone "oh Sidney share with us please!"when all of sudden Sidney whirls around back handing her and since she was a vampire the strength behind made Gale fall to the ground with a busted lip as blood trails down"I'll share with you!"Sidney says with anger but before she could do anymore damage to Gale Derek grabs her by the waist as the group walks off Jocelyn looks down at gale with an emotionless look as gale freeze's seeing the darkness in her eyes before walking away silently seething with anger.

It was silent for a moment as they witnessed what happened. Rebekah turns towards mickey"I just have a question are you trying to make it obvious that you're the killer as you keep bragging about the murders or are you just plain ignorant"she asked him with a raised eyebrow while mickey glares heatedly at her before shrinking down when her brothers glare ten times stronger at him.

Klaus then turns towards Gale"how many hints and deaths does it take for you to forget about fame and actually worry about human life and on top of that you can't just leave well enough alone you always have to be in there faces now I see why Jocelyn and her sisters hate you so much."he says with a raised eyebrow.

Gale gets defensive"look in just trying to do my job"she goes to defend her self when Jocelyn lets out a hollow laugh causing her to freeze in fear.

"Your job please your only after fame and money so don't even try to justify what you did on the TV just now it didn't take until the second massacre for you to actually care about humanity."Jocelyn scoffs while glaring at the woman while all this was going on mickey and Mrs Loomis shared worried looks with one another hopeing some way they will survive in their room full of supernaturals.

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