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Klaus and Jocelyn slowly pulled away from each other as they lock eyes with one another before Jocelyn shakes her head out of her thoughts "umm I gotta get back to the others but I will see you later and thank you for help me"Jocelyn says before kissing his cheek then walking back to the group as Klaus watched her leave with a smirk.

His siblings turned to him with raised eyebrows as he just shrugs innocently not wanting to give anything away.

As Jocelyn was walking back she noticed the girls from the sorority that Hallie was pledging to were walking over to her friends as she groan it's like they can't take a hint.

"Hello girls. Enjoying yourselves?" They greeted.

As a small conversation goes on Jocelyn appears behind them"hey guys what's up"as Sidney and Tatum share secret smirks knowing these girls are in for it.

Lois and Murphy put on fake smiles as they turn to face Jocelyn "hello Jocelyn it's nice to see you again."Lois says.

Jocelyn hums as she crossed her arms"yeah well I wish I can say the same think for the two of you"she innocently smiles as Sidney and Tatum try to hold in there laugh at the facial expression on Lois and Murphy's face.

Most of everyone laughs knowing Jocelyn's personality."you got some sass on you girl"Rebekah says as she smiles bumping shoulders with Jocelyn smirks.

The two girls just smile fakely ounce more as they turn to the others."now Hallie are you gonna bring your two friends to our little Martini mixer tonight" just as Sidney and Tatum go decline Hallie decided for them"we'll be there."Tatum and Sidney share a look of annoyance before putting on fake smiles.

"Oh good. Before Sid, Tate we have our eyes on hang in there, and if there's anything we can do--the delta lambdas are very sensitive to your plight. Yeah bye! Bye"Lois and Murphy bid with overly fake smiles as they walk past  Jocelyn.

"Your gonna start to dress like that once you get in"Derek asked Sidney as they all watch as they walk away.

"Yeah that's not gonna happen"sidney says as Jocelyn and Tatum nod there heads in agreement.

"The delta lambdas are they biggest bunch of fuckin--"mickey goes to say before he is cut off by Hallie "hey I'm pledging delta lambda, thank you"she reminded him before the for vamps noticed someone familiar"oh my God"sidney says before they all Walk over to where Dewey was shown standing.

"Well look who it is"Jocelyn says with a smile as they Walk over.

Dewey smiles at his sister's "nice to see you again Jocelyn"he greets as they all share hugs before he gets to the point on why he's hear"we need to talk"he says as they all share a look with another before they are shown sitting in a quiet area.

"Alright so we know there's two killers one killed a couple last night while me and Klaus were on a date. Ive got an eye on mickey I think he's one of the killers I've been paying attention on his behavior. When there's one there is another waiting in the shadows"Jocelyn explained to them as they all share a look knowing they need to figure out who the other killer is and they won't know what hits them.

"I mean your not wrong I mean the way he kept taking about how the stab movie justified what the killer did that couple saying it was art imitating life imitating art are something like that"kol says as he studies the screen.

Most nod his head in agreement while some glare a mickey who stayed close to the red headed women beside him as they watch the screen panicked knowing what gonna happen having already experience Jocelyn's wrath once.

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