the plan part 1

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Two things happend that day after Sidney was cornered by cotton she found out what happened to randy and that the killer tried to kill Dewey and Gale.

Dewey was vamp speeding back to the girls dorm room as he then climbs up to there window. Jocelyn was calmly sitting on the bed when she saw him at the window. Getting up she lets him in "so what happened"she asked as they all stand around in the room.

"Well me and Gale were watching the tapes when one of the killers popped up I faked being dead so that I can come here tonight seems like they are gonna make the final move"he explains.

Gale gasp before turning to Dewey "so when the killer stabbed you multiple times in the back you decided to leave me behind after fake being dead!!!"she shouts in disbelief.

"You were safe in the room you guarded your self plus the killer was really after one person so when they can't get there extra victim they go after the main one"Dewey says with a shrug of his shoulders as gale gaps at him with an opend mouth.

"So what's the plan"Tatum asked as she was leaning against the wall opposite of Sidney.

"What predator's naturally do we hunt our prey so tonight while the dectives escort us off campus when the killer strikes we chase him and corner him and that bitch like prey I already called Klaus he'll wait in the shadows when the time is right"Jocelyn says with a wicked smirk as they are others share a look smirking as well this was gonna be fun.

After packing the girls were shown walking to the car as Dewey watched from the shadows with Klaus. Derek shows up to say by to Sidney as Tatum and Jocelyn were heading to the car when Hallie is shown following she decided to come with.

Tatum , Jocelyn and Hallie wait I'm the car for Sidney before she opens the door getting in before soon they were off. The car turns on the next street as they were soon on the main road of the campus grounds as they come up to a red light comeing to a stop.

Hallie then decided to make a conversation "so where are you taking us, anyway"she asked while the three vampires used there hearing to listen to the extra heart beat that was close by.

"If we tell you, we'll have to kill you"the dective in front of Sidney jokes as his partner laughs"don't ask don't tell". When the killer all of sudden pops up the Three vampires then act like they were scared as the claw the doors to get out as Hallie cry's out of fear.

Most of the people who weren't expecting that scream out of shock.

The killer aka mickey punches his first through the window causing the glass to shatter he sliced the detectives neck as blood starts flowing out like a water fall. Before the killer climbs up above the car.

The other dective looks at his partner in shock before rushing out the car to confront the killer only to get kicked in the face as he falls against the door while the killer grabs him and smashed his face repeatedly against the window not noticing the dark look Sidney and the two vampires were giving him.

The killer then throws the dective to the ground before rushing over to the driver's side as he pulls the dead dective out and gets in making Hallie scream bloody murder.

Soon the other dective appear in the front of the headlights with a gun draw as he was bleeding from the head"get out of the car you fucker!"he shouts at first the killer didn't do anything before stepping on the gas as he rams the dective with the car as he holds on to the hood as the killer drives like a maniac trying to knock off the dective making sparks as he drives against another car.

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