film class

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Klaus and Jocelyn are vamp speeding right on the outside skirts of Windsor college before coming to a complete stop. Jocelyn turns towards Klaus"I need to warn Tatum and Sidney about what happened and I'll meet you later tonight"she informed him.

Klaus nods his head"alright love just be careful and try not to get into any fights"he says giving her a pointed look about the school fights she's been getting into. Jocelyn scoffs "yeah well those bitches deserved it. You know I won't stand by and let some ignorant people bully those who can't fight for themselves"she smirks at him before vamp speeding away to her dorm while Klaus just shakes his head at her before vamp speeding away as well.

Kol turns to Klaus with an amused eyebrow "so nik anything you want to tell us"he teased his older brother who scrowls at him.

Jocelyn just shakes her head amused at the two."even tho this is fun but what about the new mysterious new killer who we have no idea who it is"Elijah says bringing everyones attention to him besides Mrs Loomis and Micky alterri who share a look with one another.

Jocelyn is shown jumping up to the floor of her room where Tatum is shown sitting on her bed of there shared dorm. She looks up seeing Jocelyn crawl in through the open window "hey how was your date with Klaus"she teased before seeing the serious expression on Jocelyn face meaning something is wrong as she sits up straight.

"It went well until a new killer decided to go on a killing spree as they killed two teenagers during the screening of stab"Jocelyn in forms as she soon walks over to the phone dailing Sidney's number before pressing the phone to her ear.

"Hey Jocelyn"sidney voice is heard over the other end of the phone.

"Hey there's another killer that just popped up while me and Klaus were on a date so it seems we need to do another hunt but for now just act like everything is normal and we'll go from there"she informed Sidney who hums before they both bid each other a good night after hanging up the phone.

"So it would seem that history is repeating its self"Tatum sums up as she and Jocelyn shared a knowing look.

"It would seem so Tatum but these so called killers if there is more then one are in for a ride awakening."she says with a fierce glare before everything goes black.

The next day Jocelyn is shown in her film wearing an green halter top that ends med waist with spaghetti straps showing off her tattoos proudly while also wearing a black faded jeans with a checkered flannel shirt tide around her waist as her hair was pulled up in a high pony tail with a few strands of hair  on the sides as she is shown leaning back against her desk by the window.

"You could say what happened in that theater is a direct result of the movie itself."the professor says to the class.

"That is so moral majority. You can't blame real-life violence on entertainment"Cece says completely disagreeing.

Before soon a whole debate is happening as back and forth on the who discussion on the topic about what happened last night.

Jocelyn finally having enough and cuts in before Micky and Randy could continue there arguing."look it can go both ways.i mean there are some cases where a person can watch something so many times for example take most of the slasher films if some were to watch those over and over again so many times it can alter someone's conscience but then you have people who are just plain crazy who take opportunities in certain situations like I said it can go both ways" Jocelyn says thinking back at what happened at woodsboro before getting up grabbing her books seeing sidney waiting at the door for her.

They walk further from the building before they both look all around before they vamp speed to a hidden section of trees by the college as they see Tatum waiting for them.

"I think I may who the killer is"Jocelyn says causing both girls to look at her with raised eyebrows.

"In my film class there is a student named Micky alterri. While I listened to each person's heart beats his was the most interesting since each time he would argue about the who art imitates life thing his heart would accelerate so I'm gonna be keeping an eye on him but we all need to be alart cause when there's one killer there is usually one hiding in the shadows."she explained to her to beat friends as they all share a look.

It was silent between everyone as before Jocelyn glares heatedly at both Mrs Loomis and Micky as they share a panicked look.

"I'm guessing her theory was right by the way she's glaring at you two with so much hate and anger "Klaus points out as he studies the panicking look they share not only that but how there heart beats are becoming more fast then before.

They didn't say anything out of fear making Klaus nods his head.

Tatum and Sidney both share a look knowing right then and there that Jocelyn's theory was right as it will be shown why later on the film in time.

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