the killer calls

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Jocelyn is shown leaning against a tree while she ,Dewey,randy,Joel and gale sit and talk about theories even tho Jocelyn and Dewey already know.

Gale was shown smoking a cigarette from from stress "all right let's just assume the killer is repeating woodsboro--"she starts off just as her phone rings she answered "yes?" She asked into the phone.

"I have bob calling"a voice says on the other end.

"I'll have to call you back"she says hanging up while Joel was sharping something.

"Doesn't explain Sydney's attack Sidney wasn't killed in woodsboro"Dewey says acting clueless.

"He's got a point "kol says as he was eating a bowl of popcorn.

"But Dewey and Jocelyn already knew the theories "Tatum says with a smirk as she and Jocelyn high fives with Sidney.

"Wasn't for the lack of trying "randy comments"the killers trying to finish what was started "he then adds.

"Sid's under protection right "she asked just as her phone rings again causing her to roll her eyes before answering"what"she asked annoyed.

"Bob really wants to talk to you"the voice from the first call says"tell Bob I'll call him back"she says annoyed before hanging up.

"When did you start smoking"Dewey says with a raised eyebrow since there last encounter she didn't smoke.

"Ever since those nude pictures on the Internet "randy blurts out as Jocelyn bust out laughing leaning against the tree.

Many males turn towards Gale and randy with raised eyebrows. Feeling eyes on her gale looks up"what"she asked before they went back to looking at the screen.

"It was just my head. It was Jennifer Aniston's body. Anyway your forgetting something. In woodsboro there were more victims before the homestretch --my cameraman, himbry"she lost off before Joel cuts her off as Jocelyn rolls her eyes.

"Time out! I don't need to be hearing about no dead camera man all right"he says having enough but before he can say anything else Jocelyn gives him a blank look"then you don't need to be one of you can't handle this"she says bluntly as Joel stares at her.

Dewey hides a smirk knowing she was right while gale and randy look at her in shock before Joel just walked off to clear his head. Gale shakes her getting back to the point "don't worry about him if the killers following the pattern, maybe we figure out who's next."she explains.

While they talk Jocelyn looks around while useing her vampire hearing just before gales phone rings making randy snap as he takes her phone answering it."gales not here!"he exclaimed.

"I'm not interrupting anything am I you four look deep in thought have you ever felt a knife cut through human flesh and scrape the bone beneath"a familiar distorted voice laughing lowly is heard as Jocelyn and Dewey share a secret look with one another having heard it with there vampire hearing.

Many shivers went down the humans backs who can possibly enjoy talking about that unless you're really missed up.

"How can he just possibly joke about something like that"Bonnie says as she felt uneasy shivers down her back.

"You have some people who are unattached to humanity"Jocelyn explained which is true most psycho pathetic killers don't fill anything at all which makes it easy for them to kill and what not.

Elena scoffs "like you"she says causing Jocelyn to groan.

"How many time must I say it I'm still attached to my humanity I just kill bad people who deserve it now shut the hell up and watch the movie"Jocelyn says as Elena gaps at her before looking over at Damon and Stefan who shrug not wanting to end up in Jocelyns warth again.

Randy holds a hand over the phone as he pulls it slightly away "it's him the killer"he says as they all stand up before splitting up.

Jocelyn Walsh around as she listens to each person's heart beat to find mickey or Mrs loomis as they tend to hide in the shadows soon a fresh scent of blood hits her as she slowly turns towards Joel's van where the smell is coming from as she slowly walk forward with Dewey and Gale not far behind her.

Jocelyn then slides the door open as gale let's out a scream of horror there layed randy with many stabs with blood everywhere as his eyes frozen wide upon in fear. Dewey and Jocelyn share a look before he pulls Gale away.

Randy closed his eyes remembering every stab that entered his body as Mrs loomis secretly smirks to her self not noticing the death glare Jocelyn was sending her oh how she can't wait until her death as a wicked smirk forms on her face.

Jocelyn then follows the scent of blood to where Mrs loomis was as she waits I'm the shadows of the trees."hello again Mrs loomis"she says coldly causing the women to whirl around in shock"how did you find me"she asked Jocelyn who smirked.

"Oh just saw you leaving the van and followed you her"Jocelyn says as she stalks like a predator to Mrs loomis who swells with fear at the look in Jocelyn eyes before she lashes out a hand grabbing Ms Loomis at the neck causing the women to gasp as it was hard to breathe as she thought how can a girl her age be so strong.

Jocelyn pulls up close as they were now face to face "just know your days are number before I kill you hmm oh of the many ways I can kill you"she says as many different ideas flow through her head." Only time will tell so be ready "she says before making the women look at her in the eyes as the dilated"you won't remember this talk act as you were"she compels before disappearing as Ms loomis was in a daze.

Klaus raised an eyebrow at Jocelyn smirking"my you have a way with words"he says amazed at how she makes fear swells with in people.

Jocelyn shrugs her shoulder"she just as crazy as billy was and look at what happened to him"she smirks remember how the double bladed axe went clean the his neck as Ms loomis looked at her with a glare of hatred.

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