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Mandy woke up in her crib and immediately looked across to see her husband Ben, the former big string man who was intimidating to anyone he met was now gurgling in his crib, suckling on his pacifier, and had his legs in the air so that he could mess with his own feet.  He looked just like the infant he now was.

"urrggh" managed Mandy as she smelt the messy diaper small wafting over from Ben, she looked the other way to see the other two babies still asleep, "they were supposed to be mine" she thought, "only now I will be someone's play baby instead".

The anguish started off a feeling that she knew too well but had no control over, the feeling rumbled through her tummy and into her bottom making her smile and giggle against her adult minds wishes, then the soft pudding like poop filled up her already wet diaper while she smiled and giggled away.

The  it was over, and all that was left was the warm but rapidly cooling sticky mess in the back of her diaper, Mandy tried to lay still so that she didn't make it too uncomfortable, but it soon started to itch and each movement emphasised the sticky cold wetness of the mess in her diaper, she eventually did the only thing she had any control over.

"waaaaaaa" cried Mandy, just wanting a clean diaper above anything else.

"hey baby" said Stacey as she waddled in, her own diaper needing a change as well.

"lets get you changed and fed" she said as she lifted Mandy out of the crib.

"You need your own diaper changing" thought Mandy, but only managed to coo and let a little drool run down her chin.

"ahh, is baby making spit bubbles for me" asked Stacey with a smile as she lay Mandy down on the changing table and began to unsnap her onesie to reveal her diaper.

"how will I ever get used to this feeling and this smell" thought Mandy, "I am a fucking adult..."

"mmrrppll" said Mandy around the pacifier that Stacey plopped in her mouth.

"lets get the stinky baby all clean" said Stacey as she untapped Mandy's diaper and pulled down the front to reveal the mess within.  "you are a messy girly aren't you".

Stacey proceeded to wipe away the mess from Mandy's bottom before removing the used diaper, then after a quick wipe over Mandy's privates Stacey lifted her bottom with both legs in a single hand, and a clean diaper was slid under her.  Stacey put a liberal amount of baby powder all over Mandy's bottom before lowering her bottom onto the clean diaper and pulling up the front.

"all nice and clean" said Stacey as she taped up the diaper, thus encasing Mandy in another infantile undergarment.  Stacey then lifted Mandy and carried her into the next room where a bottle was warming, after a quick check Stacey decided it was ready and sat down with Mandy cradled in her arms.

"here's the choo, choo" said Stacey as she guided the teat into Mandy's waiting mouth.

Mandy accepted the teat, she had no choice as it was the only way she was fed and she expected it was the only type of food her infant body could accept as she had an infantile stomach and no teeth.

Mandy started suckling away, and glanced over at the adult sized crib where Stacey slept, only now there were two and inside the second crib was someone Mandy recognised.

"well blow me" thought Mandy, "that is the mother, and is that a onesie she is wearing, and is she wearing a diaper?".  Mandy's attention caused a pause in her suckling, which was enough to make Stacey realise what Mandy was looking at.

"yes, that is our newest baby, she used to be called the mother, but as that doesn't seem right now, we are just calling her baby, she will be a tiny infant too soon"

Mandy couldn't help smile at the irony of the most powerful regressor themselves being regressed to infancy, she giggled and felt her diaper grow warm as a little pee escaped her tiny bladder.  Mandy then resumed the rhythm of suckling on the bottle teat as she filled her tiny tummy with warm formula.

Stacey looked down at Mandy as the tiny baby finished the bottle and sucked on a little air before Stacey could replace the bottle with a pacifier, Mandy was fast asleep again which was pretty normal with very young infants.  Stacey gently carried Mandy back to the nursery and placed her back into her crib, Ben was asleep as miss Becky had changed and fed him while Stacey was busy with Mandy.

Stacey looked over at Sarah and Jake but they were both sleeping and could wait for a few minutes while Stacey changed baby's diaper and fed them a bottle.  While walking to the adult nursery Stacey was stopped.

"I think someone is a poopy bum" stated Becky as she stood in Stacey's way, "Are you still able to care for the babies with me or are you regressed to much and do you need to be limited to your crib?"

"I, erm, I still feel big" said Stacey hesitantly.

"OK, lets get you changed before you stink up the whole place" said Becky as she led Stacey to the adult sized changing table and proceeded to change her wet and messy diaper.

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