A Bargain

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Stacey hesitated for a second before knocking on the door

"Oh hello" said mother when she answered, "you are just in time", Stacey had no idea what she meant but was rewarded as she entered with the smell all infant carers know well, dirty diapers.  Both infants were crying in their cribs and kicking their legs in the air.

"what are you waiting for, those diapers aren't going to change themselves" said the mother
"oh, yes, of course" stammered Stacey before lurching into action.

Mandy looked up at the young girl, young enough to be her real daughter as she felt the soft poop smucs against the back of her bottom as she kicked her legs in anger at a world she no longer had any control over.

"lets go little one" said Stacey as she lifted Mandy up and carried her to the changing table, ewe, what a messy diaper" she said as she peeled down the front of the diaper after un-taping it.

Stacey made quick work of wiping the poop off Mandy's bottom while Mandy turned bright red at the indignity of having her diaper changed by someone so young and the fact that she was now a tiny infant unable to even talk.

"All clean in a nice new diaper" said Stacey happily not noticing the look on Mandy's face as she was returned to the crib and Ben was removed for his diaper change.

Once both infants had been changed, something strange happened.

"Listen up" said the mother, and even Stacey found it impossible to move and instead listened intently, "once your new parents arrive, you will both be breastfed, after which you will find yourself only able to act as a loving infant to its mother while retaining all previous memories, now continue".

Stacey let out a breath she did not know she was holding, and saw that the mother was looking at her.

"what was that about" asked Stacey
"I will tell you my secret" said the mother, "I am part of an organisation that catches child abusers and punishes them by regressing them to infants and then sending them to live in loving families".  The mother could see that Stacey was not really believing her.

"Mandy" said the mother, "blink twice to show you understand", the tiny newborn infant blinked twice, Stacey was shocked.
"Mandy here is old enough to be your mother and Ben is even older, but both are now only a few weeks old and their new mother will arrive soon".

"Why regress, why not simply call the police" asked Stacey starting to believe
"Because this way they get punishment but also a real chance to grow up right all over again"  The mother could see that Stacey was starting to believe her lies, so she pressed on.
"I need to let you know that you other employer, Mrs Smith is on my list.  Both of her babies are actually kidnapped from their real mother and need to be returned, in addition Becky needs to be punished, will you help?"

Stacey thought about it for a minute, but before she could answer the door knocked.

"Hello" said the mother to the newly arrived buxom woman, "they are both in their cribs.
"aww, they are beautiful" said the woman, "this is really Mandy and Ben?"
"Yes, both regressed to a week old, but with all former memories"
"Bet you love being a wittle tiny baby" said the woman to Mandy who started to whimper
"You need to breastfeed them both to complete the bonding process" said the mother.

The woman undid her blouse and nursing bra before lifting Ben out of his crib, he kicked and struggled as much as a newborn infant can but soon found his mouth pressed against the woman's breast and he instinctively latched onto her nipple and began to suckle.

Although it seemed impossible, Ben seemed to get even smaller as he curled up into the typical new born infant position while nursing, after a few minutes the woman broke the suction and lifted Ben away from her breast, instead of intelligence and fear. Now only the loving will of a tiny infant to be near its mother remained.

"don't worry, you get some titty too" said the woman to Mandy as she placed Ben into a twin stroller to sleep and then lifted Mandy out of her crib.

"waaaaaaaa" screamed Mandy as the woman lifted her towards her breast, like with Ben once her mouth was guided against the woman's breast so that the nipple was in her mouth, instinct took over and Mandy began suckling.  Within minutes the former impressive and scary woman was not only regressed to infant status, but was now clinging to her now mommy.

"easy now" said the woman as she broke the suction once more and place the whimpering Mandy into the stroller to let her drift off to sleep.

"thank you" said the woman to the mother
"you are most welcome, I hope we will do business again some day" said the mother as the woman left the hotel room with both infants in the double stroller.

Stacey took a second to gather her thoughts before blurting out.

"yes, I will help you"

The mother smiled

"thank you child, first I have a programme I want you to watch and a special drink"

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