Escape part 2

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Jake's eyes pinged open when he realised they had fallen asleep and slept most of the night, the sky was already starting to lighten.
"ok, lets go" said Jake, he felt his diaper squish as he rolled out of bed but due to his hypnotic conditioning never thought about needing a change.
"Lets crawl slowly to the door, and then use the walls as support to get out" said Sarah as they both silently slid out of bed.  Sarah could smell a very dirty diaper and did not realise that it was her own as she made her way slowly towards the front door of the apartment.

"I will open the door" said Jake as he used the wall to steady himself and stand up to reach the lock.  The door unlocked with a slight click, both Sarah and Jake looked around in panic but didn't hear Becky getting up.
"Leave the door open" said Sarah, "closing it might wake up Becky".  Jake nodded and they both slipped out through the door in their footed sleepers and very wet and messy diapers.

It took far longer than they would have hoped for the elevator to arrive, but soon Jake and Sarah were on their way down into the entrance area of the building, it was still too early for there to be people around so they couldn't ask for help, using the walls for support they managed to walk outside and start moving along the street looking for a police car to flag down.

In the apartment a draft from an open window moved through causing the open front door to swing shut with a loud bang.  Becky's eyes snapped open and she was out of bed in an instant thinking that someone was breaking into the apartment.  After a walk around the entrance area and living room to be sure nobody had come in she went to check on the toddlers, only to find they were missing.
"shit" snapped Becky before opening her phone and praying that they had not gone too far.  Becky had installed a small very light tracker in the collar of each sleeper that she could track on her phone if they were not too far away.

"great" said Becky as she saw that they were only one block from the apartment and moving away very slowly.
"open baby buds" Becky said into her phone, instructing it to open an app that would link her voice to the tiny receiver and speakers also built into each sleeper collar.

"morning toddlers" came Becky's voice out of nowhere.  Both Jake and Sarah jumped and looked around before realising it had come from their clothes.
"look a police car" said Jake as he started to frantically wave his arms to get their attention.  "Help" shouted Jake.
The police car started to slow down and pull over while Becky continued to talk.
"I know you both want to grow back up, but this is best for everyone, shush baby" and the speaker went quiet.

Officer Moody could barely believe her eyes when she saw two fully grown adults dressed as babies staggering down the street.  "What do you want?" ask Moody.
"blurrble glurrb" said Sarah as her hand shot to her mouth as she realised she could not talk.
"glaarb burble blmmmple" said Jake as he tried.  Both toddlers looks at each other and knew they were trapped and unable to communicate.

"look here, this is not some kind of a joke is it?" asked Moody as she stepped closer getting a little annoyed, then she smelt human faeces and a glance down showed her that both of these adults were in fact wearing diapers and had obviously been using them.  "can you talk at all?  Are you mentally disabled?"  Moody walked around the adult sized toddlers and found a label stitched on the back of each adult sized sleeper.


Moody quickly dialled the number.
"Hello" said Becky after her phone rang"
"This is officer Moody from the city police department, do you care for a couple of disabled adults"
"Yes, yes I do, are they ok?" asked Becky trying to sound frantic when she had actually been watching the events from across the street.
"Yes they are fine, I will take them to the city precinct and you will need to collect them from there along with any paperwork proving you are their legal guardian".
"ok officer, I will see you soon" said Becky as she hung up.

Moody helped both toddlers into the back of her police car.  Jake and Sarah felt relieved that at least Becky would not be able to get to them and hopefully soon they would be able to find a way to communicate.

"whew, one or both of you need a diaper change" said Moody as she wound down the window.  Both Jake and Sarah suddenly realised that they were wearing wet and messy diapers and started to fuss on the back seat which only made the messes in their diapers worse.

Jack and Sarah were taken in wheel chairs into a medical room at the police station upon their arrival, and a few minutes later a lady in a nurses uniform arrived.
"yes, it definitely smells like somebody needs a change" she said as she sized up both toddlers before opening a large cupboard and rummaged around before she finally pulled out a hard plastic box containing a range of adult diapers.  After she managed to open it, she rummaged around inside until she found the two sizes she was looking for and she helped Sarah to lay down on a padded mat which she had placed on the floor. Sarah started to quietly sob.
"shush little one, its ok, lets get you changed" said the nurse as she unsnapped the crotch of Sarah's sleeper.

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