Din dins and bed

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"din din's ready" called Becky, neither Jake nor Sarah really noticed the infantile name chosen by Becky for their evening meal.
"wow" said Jake, "this is huge"
"yes" said Sarah, "not sure if it will be able to finish this off"
The burger was not in a bun as Jake and Sarah had expected, instead it was more of a giant meatball with various sauces and melted cheese with fries on the side and a large glass of coke for each on the table.

Becky eloquently and deliberately cut into her burger with her knife and fork before taking a bite, both Jake and Sarah suddenly looked nervous as they tried to pick up their utensils and then finally held them like a toddler would in each fist.
Jake tried first but instead of cutting a slice out of his burger he just ended up with it on the end of his fork like a giant meat lollipop.  Sarah didn't fare any better as she only managed to move the burger around her plate until it fell of the side onto the table.
"cant do it" wailed Sarah, not understanding what had gone so wrong.
"its ok, its ok" said Becky calmly, "I can help, but will need to get a few things, just have a drink each while I get something to help".
Jake managed to pick up his glass, but instead of having a nice drink as planned, he managed to tip most of the glass down his front before dropping the almost empty glass into his lap.  Sarah didn't even get that far as the glass slipped out of her hand as she lifted it and instead it poured all over the table and then the glass rolled onto the floor and smashed.
"oh no" wailed Sarah as she started to cry.  Becky rushed back into the room.
"its ok" she said, "I can help with this as well, don't worry".  Becky removed both Jake and Sarah's plates before scraping the contents into two blenders that she had carried back with her, after a quick blend she then scooped the former glorious burger and fries that was now just mush into two plastic baby bowels with the same bunny in a diaper logo on the side as their dungarees, that were only different from a regular baby bowel by their sheer size, Becky then placed a bib around each of tehri necks before putting a large (adult sized) plastic baby spoon in each bowel of mush, with the bowels in front of them Becky just said.
"eat up before din din's gets cold".  Sarah wanted to say something snappy back but in her current situation felt completely deflated and also realised that Becky was only trying to help so she began to scoop the muck into her mouth.
"actually this isn't bad" stated Jake as she shoved more into his mouth while getting almost as much down his bib, Sarah was also getting it own her bib but Becky simply kept using a spare spook to scoop it off and put it back into their baby bowels.

Jake was starting to feel thirsty again when Becky was one step ahead of him as she placed two adult sized toddler Sippy cups on the table filled with what looked like juice.

"I'm not drinking from tha..."began Jake immediately, then he seemed to shudder and think about what he was saying before simply continuing "thank you Becky".  Sarah had looked like she was also going to say something but then had a similar change of mind and instead used her sticky hands that were covered in mushed dinner to pick up her Sippy cup and had a big drink.

"Thank you" said Sarah to Becky, "we really appreciate all of your help".
"its ok, now lets get both of you cleaned up and changed ready for bed" said Becky.
"bed" exclaimed Jake, "but its still early"
"I think that you should both start having an early night to see if it is being tired that is causing some of your issues"

Jake and Sarah thought about it and couldn't argue with the chain of throught so after allowing Becky to clean them both up with a wet cloth, Becky lead them into their bedroom.  On the bed were two adult sized baby sleepers, one pink and one blue, they were clearly from the sizes for Jake and Sarah.
"these are to make overnight diaper changes and diaper checks easier" stated Becky before either of them could say anything

Jake was stripped off first as he was soaked with the coke that he had spilled everywhere, once his clothes were off he was helped onto the changing table, his very wet diaper was untapped and pulled down while Becky cleaned him up, she then removed it and pulled out another diaper, after having the diaper placed under his bottom Jake could feel the difference.
"This is way thicker" exclaimed Jake
"yes" said Becky, "this should hopefully mean that even if you have a larger overnight wetting you wont leak out onto the bed sheets.  Becky proceeded to apply cream, powder, and tape up the diaper before getting Jake to roll onto his side in order to get his sleeper under him.
"I can do this myself" said Jake
"I know" said Becky, "But after all of the issues at dinner it is probably best if I help with your dressing from now on, don't you agree?"
Jake thought about it and looked at Sarah, who gave a little nod, "yes I think maybe that is for the best" said Jake.

Becky pulled Jakes arms through the sleeper before placing his feet into each of the feet sections and then began snapping up all of the snaps, first all the way up his legs and between his crotch and then up his front, Jake felt like his had been locked in a baby grow, the Becky was motioning for him to get down.

Sarah was then motioned over by Becky, she climbed up onto the changing table while Becky unsnapped the snaps around her crotch and slowly lifted the dungarees over her head along with her t-shirt leaving her in just her diaper.

"its ok" said Becky as Sarah gave a little sniffle, "lets get you into a nice clean dry diaper and ready for a snuggly sleeper"  Sarah smiled despite the infantile words being used, she felt her legs being raised after Becky released the tabs on her diaper and had a cold sensation as Becky used wet wipes on her privates and bottom before pulling out the soaking diaper, her legs were then raised again for a new diaper to be placed under her bottom and cream followed by powder was put all over her bottom, then the diaper was pulled up and just like Jake Sarah was stunned at just how big the diaper was and how far apart it pushed her legs, the diaper was taped shut and Sarah was also rolled to one side to allow Becky to get the sleeper positioned under her, once she was rolled back her arms were helped through the arms of the sleeper and she felt the snaps on her legs being done up until they were all snapped around her crotch and then up her front, just like Jake she felt as much like an infant as any thinking adult could.

"hop down" said Becky, "lets get you both in bed".  Both Jake and Sarah waddled across the room and the sight made Becky smile, they then climbed into bed and pulled up the covers.

"ok, because I don't want any more messes to clean up I want you both to stay in bed until the morning when I come to get you up, but also I want you to be good for mommy" both of them froze at the phrase, "from right now both of you will know when you wet or mess in your diaper but not think about having it changed until I check and let you know, you will continue to have the functions of a toddler when eating and drinking but from now on you will both be unsteady on your feet like a baby that has only recently learned to walk, mommy is pleased".  Jake and Sarah came out of the trance as Becky tuned on the mobile that she had swung above their head.  The lullaby started to play and the couple drifted into a dream state listening to it.

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