Big baby - part 3

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Stacey woke up ad realised that she was being carried, she looked up to see Becky smiling down at her.
"aren't you a messy baby" said Becky
"mrrpple" said Stacey, then realised that she couldn't get her mouth to work properly, she tried again "mmmppff, blaarple", Stacey started to tear up

"don't worry baby" said Becky, "lets get you cleaned up and into a nice clean diaper"

Stacey felt herself being lowered onto the baby changing table, she was immediately worried that she would fall off as she was far too big, but in fact only the ends of her legs came off the table, she fit on it quite easily and Becky quickly strapped the safety tape across her chest to stop her falling off.

"don't want baby falling" said Becky as she pulled out some wiped and began cleaning the half dried poop from Stacey's bottom, "you are a stinky bum, I will need to get changed myself afterwards as you managed to smoosh poop on my front, we need to get you in a clean diaper as soon as possible don't we".

Stacey felt like she was on a roller coaster that she had no control over, she felt her legs being raised and a diaper being slid under her bottom, her legs were moved apart so that the diaper could be raised between then and then the sides were pulled forward and the tapes fastened in place, at that point Stacey remembered everything that had happened before including being duped by mother into taking this job and helping her, then being hypnotised into needing diapers, now she was sooo much smaller than normal and actually needed diapers, was she becoming a baby.

"don't worry, almost done" said Becky as she threaded Stacey's arms and legs into a sleeper like the ones Stacey had been putting on the babies just a few hours earlier, now she was wearing the same clothing and diaper, "let's get you all tucked up for a nap, its been a long day" said Becky as she removed the safety tape and carried Stacey easily over to the bed in her room.

The adult looking covers had been removed and replaced with a waterproof fitted sheet and baby blanket, after she was lay down on the bed she realised that three of the sides had bars fitted like a an oversized crib, then Becky stepped back and lifted the final set of crib bars into place with a click, locking Stacey in her new infantile bed.

"while you were getting used to you new status in life" said Becky, "I popped over to see mother".

Stacey looked at Becky, wishing that mother would be coming to rescue her.

"Mother won't be coming to rescue you, I am sure she knows something has gone wrong with her plan, but I have set things in motion that will sort it all out.  You see mother is part of an organisation that does bad things, but coming here alone means that she is vulnerable if I am ready, and I am ready".

Stacey woke up and thought about the bad dream she had which seemed long ago, she sat up in her bed and felt the crinkling of a waterproof sheet under her diaper lad bottom, she saw the bars all around her and realised that it hadn't been a dream after all, it was a living nightmare.

Stacey tried to stand but found that her legs wouldn't work, she managed to put her feet against the crib bars and using her hands on the bars levered herself into a half standing, half squatting position.  Before Stacey could think what to do next she felt a rumbling in her tummy followed by the feeling of soft poop sliding out of her bottom into her diaper without any control, Stacey froze still as she continued to pass wet farts and watery mush into her diaper until it was finally over, without thinking Stacey let go of the bars and fell back onto her bottom and started to cry.

"there there little one" said Becky as she came into the room and after lowering the side of the crib easily lifted Stacey out and into her arms, Stacey thought she was going to be changed, but instead Becky sat down in a rocking chair in the corner and lifted a bottle filled with warm formula to Stacey's mouth.

"no no no" thought Stacey as the teat of the bottle was gently placed against her mouth, but her bdy betrayed her and she instinctively took the teat int her mouth and began to suckle.

Becky was happily smiling down at Stacey as she felt Stacey's diaper grow warm and she began to shrink.

Stacey felt her diaper growing warm as she helplessly wet while suckling on the bottle, then the room started to get bigger.

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