Escape part 3

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Jake and Sarah had been sat on the floor in one corner of the main office area of the police station, the officers had made a makeshift playpen out of chairs which had been placed on their sides in a rough half circle to keep the adult sized toddlers in place.

Sarah had repeatedly tried to talk but eventually gave up realising that it was no use, and all she ever got for her trouble was having her diaper checked or just been spoken to like she was an actual baby.

"here you go" said the nurse who had changed their diapers earlier as she walked over to them, "A friend of mine in the next building runs a nursery on the ground floor and she had these spare".  The nurse handed Jake and Sarah baby bottles complete with rubber teats filled with what they could only assume was regular milk or even infants formula.
"ga ga blurrp" said Sarah as she tried to say thank you, and her infantile baby speak brought a huge smile to the nurses face.  Sarah saw Jake tentatively try suckling on the bottle before getting into a rhythm and start emptying it quickly so Sarah tried it as well.  It was a vanilla flavour so she assumed formula, but she was so hungry and thirsty she didn't care and also got into a steady rhythm until the bottle was empty.

"Hello my little ones" came the voice of Becky, Sarah and Jake both looked up to see her smiling down at them with the now empty baby bottles still in their hands.  "here are the forms giving me full responsibility for these poor people" said Becky as she handed some forms to the police officer who had picked them up.

Officer Moody read through the forms and was quite a bit surprised, it said here that both of these adults were in fact completely normal but had chosen to live this way and freely given their Nanny all rights to their finances, health care, and decision making abilities.

"I have to check this out, you understand" said Moody to Becky.
"Yes officer, I fully understand" replied Becky with a smile.
Moody faced the two toddlers, "is this baby treatment and lifestyle really what you want?  I have the authority to help you if you are being held against your will" asked Moody.

Sarah and Jake knew without a doubt that this was their best chance to at least try to get an understanding across to the police officer that they did not want to continue living as toddlers, but Sarah felt a rumbling in her tummy and her body began to push out mush into her diaper, all the time she found herself drooling and smiling up at the police officer, Jake was not much better as he had his thumb in his mouth, drool running down his chin and an infantile smile on his mouth as he too smiled up at the officer.

"well, I guess that answers that question" stated Moody as she turned back to Becky and began to fill in some paperwork which she then handed to Becky.  "You are free to take these two, erm, little ones, when you are ready, but I would suggest changing the little girl first, don't want her to get a rash".  Moddy smiled at Jake and Sarah before walking away.

The nurse also started to walk away after first giving them both a little hug and a pat on the head, it wasn't until both of their potential rescuers were a few meters away and moving away fast that Jake and Sarah realised what had happened as their sense came back to them, but instead of being rescued they looked up to see Becky smiling down at them.

"be good for mommy", both toddlers froze, "until we get back home you will only have the mental abilities of a toddler, you will do as I say but not have any thoughts in your head beyond the sounds and feelings of the world around you, mommy is pleased".  Both toddlers came around from the trance and smiled up at their nanny.

Sarah was not embarrassed at al as Becky unsnapped her sleeper right there in the corner of the police station office area and proceeded to change her messy diaper, Sarah smiled and coo'd while Becky was talking to her in baby talk, Becky also changed Jakes wet diaper before helping them both into a large double stroller that they had not seen before.

If Sarah and Jake had been fully thinking, they would have wondered how they managed to fit into a double stroller, yes it was very big but they would not have fit into it a few days ago, but neither of them thought about it while they were pushed by their happy nanny all the way back to the apartment to see all of the changes that had been made during their escape adventure.

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