Toddler to baby part 1

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Jake woke up and knew something was different, he could feel that he had messed himself through the night, but normally he would feel the mess matted in the hairs on his bottom, but today it seemed to be slippery and his diaper kept sliding around spreading the mess about each time he moved, the feeling was irritating and before long he could hear crying, after a while Becky came in and walked to his crib, that was when he realised it was him that had been crying.

"its ok baby" said Becky as she slid her hands under him and with a heave lifted him out of the crib and carried him to the table, "lets get you changed out of that stinky diaper"

Jake was a bit surprised, he remembered being carried by Ben yesterday but thought that he would be far too heavy for Becky to lift, she must be stronger than he thought.

"what's up?" asked Becky as she unsnapped Jakes sleeper before untapping his diaper so that she could start cleaning him up, "you look like you are deep in thought"
"mommy pick me up" said Jake, "diaper feel strange"
"ahh yes" said Becky, "first your diaper feels strange because all your nasty hair has gone away, which is why it is so easy for me to wipe off your poop this morning" to emphasis the point she held up a poop covered wipe that she had just easily ran over his bottom, "regarding carrying you, I think that you are light enough now for me to carry, plus you might need it from now on"

Jake didn't know what she meant by needing to be carried from now on, but his thoughts were interrupted by his legs being raised like a baby's for the old diaper to be pulled out and wrapped up for the bin before a fresh diaper was slid under him.

Becky lifted the front of the diaper up to encapsulate Jake in this most infantile garment, she always liked to watch their faces, especially former men as she wrapped them into and then taped them into their diaper, the most infantile garment they could imagine, as their humiliation always showed, even when they were fully regressed and Jake was no exception.

"aww, you look so adorable in your diaper" teased Becky, watching carefully as Jake's cheeks went a little red and he turned his head away.
"I'm a big boy" mumbled Jake
"no, you wear and use diapers, I think you're a baby" said Becky, unfortunately for Jake his hypnotic conditioning made his thought process accept what Becky had said and he felt an internal thought shift.
"I'm a baby" stated Jake, inside he was screaming that it was wrong, but at the same time it felt so right.

Becky re-fastened Jakes sleeper before carrying him into the living room and placing him in the playpen.

"here you go, lets let Sarah have a sleep in today as she looks tired" said Becky as she closed the playpen gate, "I will get you a baba to drink until Becky wakes up".  As she walked away Becky thought that Jake needed to shrink quite a bit to catch up with Sarah, so an extra bottle or two would definitely help.

Jake decided to use the side of the playpen to stand up and see if there was anything different in the room today, but when he crawled to the side of the playpen, it was as if the knowledge of how to stand had been erased from his memory, he tried to press his hands against the side and lever himself up but just kept falling to one side or the other, he tried pressing his back against the side and then siding up but again just kept falling back down.

"are you OK?" asked Becky when she returned with his warmed formula in an oversized baby bottle.
"cant stand up" exclaimed Jake
"baby's don't need to walk" said Becky, "you can just crawl".
Jake didn't like this new development, if him and Sarah were going to escape, it would be far harder crawling away then walking or running, and how was he going to convince anyone he was really an adult inside if he could walk, talk properly, or even go to the toilet normally, anyone would immediately see him as mentally regressed and in need of a mommy figure to care for him.

"don't look so sad" said Becky, "It will by fine, you will see"
Ben felt the anguish lift slightly, until he felt that familiar warmth around his groin as his bladder let go into his diaper and he started to ball his fists and cry.

Becky lifted him up and cradled him in her lap as she sat down on the sofa, Jake was still crying as the teat of the bottle was eased into his mouth and his conditioning made him sooth by suckling on the rubber teat with a warm jet of medicated formula with each suck.

Becky watched and smiled as Jake lost another inch of height, she knew that soon that regressed material from his body would be filling the back of his diaper, neither of the baby's had realised that they were messing far more than any normal person their size, but each time they accepted the medication their body regressed and the waste product made its was through their body like any other waste product, they were literally crapping themselves into infancy.

Becky smiled at the thought as Jake continued to shrink and she replaced the bottle with his pacifier when he finished, as she carried him back to the playpen she felt his tummy rumble and the tell tale feeling of bubbles in the rear of his diaper, but Jake did not seem to realise that he was messing himself and Becky thought that he needed to get used to spending time in a wet or dirty diaper, so she placed him back in the playpen and left to start getting breakfast ready.

Jake felt something was wrong, but already his mental conditioning to his bodily feelings and functions had diminished to the point where he did not understand that he had messed himself or that he was now in a dirty diaper, so he did the thing that any baby would do in his situation.

He started to play with a toy train.

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