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Jake and Sarah married a year ago when they were both only 19 years old, Jack had grown up with his uncle following his mothers passing during childbirth and he never knew who his father was, Sarah had lived with her parents until their death in a car accident when she was 17 after that she lived with her grandparents until she turned 18 and found an apartment that she and Jake could afford.

But times were tough, both Jack and Sarah had left school as soon as possible as neither had the financial backing or desire to go onto college or university, so Jake spent 6 months working in a grocery store until he managed to get a job providing online customer support for a national retail company, this also allowed him to work from home which reduced any travel expenses.  Sarah had developed an online business selling baby items to new mothers at knock down prices, she purchased factory surplus items in bulk and stored them in a small rental unit before selling them on at a profit.  The couple were happy but decided that if they let out their spare room the additional money for rent would make things just a little easier, so they put an advertisement in a few local shop windows and waited to see what happened.

The door to the apartment knocked and Susan opened the door.
"Hi" said Sarah, "you must be Becky, the young woman who was no older than Susan smiled and nodded.
"Hi" said Becky, "thank you for seeing me at short notice, but I saw the advertisement and really needed a place in this area, it has gone yet has it?"
"No, we have had a few people interested, but nothing firm yet.  Would you like to look around?"
"Yes please", Sarah proceeded to show Becky around the apartment, she showed her the large spare bedroom first which seemed to really please Becky who commented on just how big it was.
"this is an old converted industrial building" said Sarah, "so the apartments are actually very large, in fact just the lounge area is as large as the entire of some apartments".  Just then Jake walked in from the other room.
"Hi" said Jake, "do you like the apartment?"
"yes, very much" replied Becky, "I will take it" she said with a big smile.  Jake and Sarah also smiled and they all sat down and chatted more about the local area, and after signing a printed basic sub-let agreement Becky arranged for the first months rent to be transferred into Sarah's bank account and they agreed that Becky could move in the following day.

"bye" said Becky as she picked up her things to leave.
"I never asked you what you do for work" said Jake quickly getting up as well.
"I am a home nanny" said Becky, "I look after toddlers and infants in my own home, which is why it is so important for me to have a large personal bedroom.  With the size of the room here I can move in all of my nanny equipment and none of it will impact the rest of the apartment".  Jake looked a little off-put by the fact that they would have toddlers and infants in their home disturbing everything, but Sarah jumped in.
"That will be fine, I am sure it will be nice to have some children around the place, and may even give me some new sales opportunities".
"Yes sure" replied Becky, "anyway I must go, see you both tomorrow".

The following morning Jake awoke to something heavy being moved around the apartment, he got out of bed to investigate only to find Sarah helping Becky move in large items of furniture.  Jake looked out of the window to see a large removal truck and he immediately thought how would all of the furniture in an entire truck fit in their apartment, but he was broken out of his thoughts by Sarah calling him.
"wake up sleepy" said Sarah, "we need you help over here".
"ok ok" replied Jake, he quickly grabbed the end of what looked like a large bed frame and helped get it into the room.

The three of them worked all day helping the moving crew get everything into the apartment, though Jake was right in his assumptions and some tings had not been able to fit inside Becky's room, so now they had an enormous playpen in the lounge area which Jake thought would be difficult for an adult to get out of let alone a small toddler, then inside Jake and Sarah's bedroom they had placed a very large low level drawer unit with slightly raised sides almost to stop anything from rolling off the top, everything became clear when Becky placed a huge padded plastic backed mat on top and it was immediately clear that this was a changing table with the drawers to store diapers ad wipes, but the table was huge.
"why is everything so big?" asked Jake.  Becky gave him a brief stare that hinted at a hidden threat but simply replied.
"Because sometimes I have to care for older children and some of them have toilet issues".
"Stop it Jake" said Sarah, "Becky does this for a living, she knows what she needs".
"OK" said Jake, before going into the kitchen for a beer.

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