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In the final days, Renjun and Donghyuck found solace in the little things – the feel of each other's skin, the sound of their laughter, and the warmth of their embraces. Time seemed to slow down, as if the universe was granting them a few extra precious moments together.

Donghyuck's strength waned with each passing day, but his spirit remained unyielding. He faced his mortality with grace, and even in his most vulnerable moments, he never lost his sense of humor, bringing laughter to the hospital room, even amidst tears.

One afternoon, as the sun bathed the room in a gentle glow, Renjun brought out a small sketchbook he had been working on. He showed Donghyuck the drawings he had made of their favorite memories – the museum date, the day they watched the sunset in the park, and their sweet ice cream parlor adventure.

"I want you to have these, Donghyuck," Renjun said, his voice quivering with emotion. "So you can carry our memories with you."

Donghyuck's eyes glistened with tears as he looked through the sketchbook, a soft smile gracing his lips. " you. These are beautiful."

As the days turned into nights, they continued to talk about their dreams, the life they could have had, and the love that would always bind them. They found comfort in knowing that their souls had found each other, and that their love would endure, even in the realm beyond.

One evening, as the stars painted the sky with their radiant light, Donghyuck held Renjun's hand and whispered, "You know, I used to be afraid of dying. But now, with you by my side, as cheesy as it sounds, I'm not scared anymore. I know that what we have right now will carry me into the beyond."

Renjun kissed Donghyuck's forehead tenderly, chuckling a little bit. "Our love is a force that transcends everything – time, space, and even death. It's eternal, and it will guide us no matter where we are."

"You're such a poet sometimes," the tanned male announced, scrunching his nose cutely, pecking Renjun's cheek.

In those quiet moments, they found a serenity that could only be born out of true love. Their bond had become something ethereal, a love that surpassed the limits of existence, an infinite tapestry woven with the threads of their souls.

On Donghyuck's last night on earth, they decided to watch the sunrise together one final time. Renjun wheeled Donghyuck to the rooftop of the hospital, where they laid side by side, hand in hand, gazing at the dark horizon, waiting for the first rays of the sun to break through.

As the sky turned from indigo to pink, Donghyuck's breathing became shallower. He turned to Renjun, his eyes reflecting the colors of the sunrise. "I love you, Renjun," he whispered.

"I love you too, Donghyuck. Always and forever," Renjun replied, his voice choked with emotion.

And as the sun rose above the horizon, filling the world with golden light, Donghyuck took his final breath, surrounded by the love of the man who had made his last days so beautiful and full of joy.

Renjun held him close, tears streaming down his face, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace. He knew that Donghyuck was no longer in pain, that he had found his place among the stars, forever watching over Renjun.

In the days that followed, Renjun grieved the loss of his beloved Donghyuck, but he also celebrated the love they had shared. He looked at the sketches in his sketchbook, and they brought both tears and smiles to his face. He knew that their love would never fade, that it would continue to shape his life, guiding him, and filling him with hope.

Renjun carried their memories in his heart, finding strength in the knowledge that their love was not bound by time or space. It was a love that would always be a part of him, a love that would inspire him to live each day to the fullest.

And so, Renjun continued to live, honoring the love they had shared, and finding happiness in the small joys of life. He knew that Donghyuck would want him to be happy, to cherish every moment, just as they had done together.

Their love story became a legend, a tale of a love that had transcended everything, a love that had touched the heavens. Renjun shared their story, not with tears of sadness, but with tears of gratitude for the love they had shared.

And as the years passed, Renjun would often look up at the stars, knowing that Donghyuck's soul was up there, shining bright, guiding him through the journey of life. Their love was a love beyond time, beyond life, beyond everything – a love that would forever burn in the universe, a love that would never be forgotten. Their love, although short was true and pure, and Renjun promised he'd always look up for Donghyuck in the stars.


hyuckie :(

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