Chapter 32

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Double Update :D


3rd POV

Darius continues it by saying "We were just stalling." 

A motorbike jumps the hill and Sammy is heard yelling "Whoo-hoo!" as Kenji groans and Aleem smiles as he drives as fast as he can with three people on. Then a jeep jumps the hill and so does Bumpy. Yasmina is driving the jeeps and Y/n is on Bumpy leading her and Ben is holding two flashlights and swinging them around as they all laugh at the top speeds they are going at. Yasmina honks the horn of the jeep, Aleem shines of light of the mororbike, Ben shines the light of the flashlight towards the dinosaurs to scare them off and away from danger. "Yeah! Bye, dinosaurs!" yelled Yasmina as she drives after the dinosaurs, sort of herding them away. Aleem also drives after the dinosaurs and Y/n leads Bumpy after the dinosaurs.

Tiff and Mitch look at their tracking tablet and see that the dinosaurs are moving away from them. "What?" asks Tiff, the both of them growl and grit there teeth in anger. Brooklyn and Darius get in the gyrosphere and drive away. Tiff and Mitch try to go after them. 

Back to the dinosaurs fleeing, Ben yells "Yah! Keep it moving! Oh, yeah! Whoa, yeah!" as he sees them run. Sammy turns to Kenji and Aleem and says "Oh, we got this, y'all!" Kenji screamed "Yeah" and Aleem laugh and then says "I've never driven this fast!" Sammy cheers and laughs and Kenji says "Keep it moving, people!" After a bit they all stop chasing the dinosaurs because they are faraway enough from the danger. There is more cheering and laughter.

But a rumbling is heard from the distance, everyone gasps as they see the dinosaurs running back towards them in a stampede. Then in the middle of it the problem is seen, the T-rex comes after them and even tries to catch a pteranodon. The T-rex roars and everyone gets ready to flee. Sammy climbs onto Bumpy because she had gotten of the bike, Aleem drives away with Kenji on the motorbike, and Yasmina tries to drives away in the jeep. But the jeep doesn't seem to want to start. Sammy notices and screams out "Oh, Yaz!" Y/n stops Bumpy once she heard Sammy scream. Yasmina tries multiple times to start the jeep put it just won't work and the stampeded is getting closer by the second alongside the T-rex. Then she looks through the side mirror and sees Bumpy running towards her.

Realizing that they are coming to get her Yasmina unbuckles her seat-belt and jumps out of the jeep onto Bumpy. Sammy manages to grab her so she doesn't fall off Bumpy. Bumpy runs into the stampede and Y/n tries her best to lead Bumpy through the running dinosaurs. A roar is heard and they all look behind and see the T-rex is literally on Bumpy's tail. They all scream as the T-rex tries to bite them but Bumpy moves out of the way of the bite. Luckily Y/n manages to lead Bumpy away from the stampede, and they look back to see the overturned jeep and the T-rex stands on it and roars.

Back to Darius and Brooklyn driving away in the gyrosphere. They accidentally run over a rock and bump around everywhere, then the engine stops. "No. Come on, come on! Go!" said Darius as he tries to get the gyrosphere to move. Brooklyn yelled "Hurry!" Tiff and Mitch..." "Kids!" was heard and it was Tiff screaming that out. Brooklyn gasps when she heard that and the two of them spot the stranded kids. Tiff smiles as she gets closer to them, Brooklyn asks "What's wrong? Turn it on, get it--". Darius cut Brooklyn off by saying "I'm trying!" A knock is heard on the glass in front of them and they see Mitch and Tiff. Then Brooklyn whispers to Darius "I was definitely right about them." Tiff then said "You can't stay in there forever. And when you come out, we'll be right here waiting." Mitch was looking at the tablet and saw that all the dinosaurs were headed their way then he said "Babe?"

A roar is heard in the distance and then all the dinosaurs came running through the jungle. Both Tiff and Mitch scream and run away as the stampede gets closer. Brooklyn desperately tries to get the gyrosphere to turn on again. Darius and Brooklyn try to unbuckle their seat-belts but it's too late when a sinoceratops hits the gyrosphere and causes it to roll around. Both Darius and Brooklyn scream as they roll, they even go upside down as more dinosaurs bump into the gyrosphere or push it around. Suddenly the gyrosphere turns on and they manage to stabilize it so they aren't rolling anymore and manage to drive it away.

Tiff and Mitch are running away from the stampede and they both start climbing a tree to escape being trampled. But Tiff slips and drops her gun which now gets stepped on by all the dinosaurs. Once the stampede passes Tiff jumps off the tree to see her gun. She picks it up and says "No. No! This was a custom job!" Mitch jumps off the tree and says "Leave it and come on! We gotta get back to the boat before--" but he got cut off when he was suddenly upside down. He screamed "Get me out of this!" and Tiff said "Hold still!" Mitch shot back by saying "Gee, Tiff I can't for some reason! Maybe it's because I'm in one of our snare traps!" Tiff said back "Well, I'm sorry you forget where you and Hap set it." A thud us heard in the distance which stops them from talking. Tiff tries to untie the rope from his foot but she just can't.

Mitch hurries her up and she says "I'm trying. It's not..." A roar is heard in the distance and they both gasp. The T-rex is seen walking towards them, Tiff goes through Mitch's pocket and takes out a key. Mitch asks "Babe?" but she just shoves the wrecked and bend gun into his hands. "I never liked that nickname!" she yelled as she started to run away. Mitch screamed "Tiffany! You get back here. Get back here right..." He stops screaming when the T-rex get right in front of him in in his face. Mitch tries to shoot the T-rex but nothing happens, the T-rex then proceed to roar at him and he screams in fear. Only crunching sounds are heard after that.

Brooklyn and Darius are still driving the gyrosphere when it starts to act weird by tilting them front and back. They get near the dock and see Tiff pushing the massive gate doors open to be able to barely pass through. Brooklyn speeds the gyrosphere up and crashes through the gate doors causing them to roll around uncontrollably, but luckily it stopped quickly. Tiff runs towards her yacht and hops on to it. Darius and Brooklyn get off the gyrosphere and start running. Tiff starts the yacht and drives it away causing it to rip away the tied anchor. Darius and Brooklyn stop running when the yacht gets too away from them. Tiff screams out "I am out of here! And you're never getting off this awful island! In fact, I'm going back and I'm not telling anyone you're here!" But since she wasn't in the control room the yacht scraps some rocks and she continues screaming "You are gonna rot here, you little brats!"

As Tiff goes back to the control room and drives she talks to herself "They ruined my vacation, and my marriage, and my best gun." The yacht shakes but she continues "And they are never going home!" The glass fogs up and two baryonyx are there looking at her, wanting revenge for the one she killed. Glass shattering is heard and Tiff's screams as the yacht continues to drift but toward the island.

Darius and Brooklyn walk back to the gate doors, Darius defeated because they couldn't make it to the yacht, but Brooklyn comforts him. A motor engine is heard as Aleem and Kenji arrive, Aleem stops the motorbike. He gets off and takes the helmet off his head, Kenji gets off and falls to the ground tired and takes off his helmet. Darius and Brooklyn run to Kenji and then Bumpy arrives with her group. Y/n and Ben jump off of Bumpy and Yasmina and Sammy get off too. Darius sees Y/n and Ben and Ben says "Hey" awkwardly and Y/n waves to him. Darius runs up to them and hugs them both then he says "I'm sorry. We tried to hold on." By we he means him and Aleem. As Y/n and Ben hug back Ben says "Think nothing of it, kid. When you've seen what we've seen..." then Ben stops that acts and says "We missed you guys, too."

Darius the says confused "Did.. did you just call me 'kid'?" But then everyone goes and hugs them in a group hug. "Cam fam!" yells Sammy and Yasmina says "Hugging too long." Everyone stops hugging and they all laugh happily for a little. But then Kenji says "So... what now?" Everyone looks towards the docks and Kenji asks "Try to find another distress beacon?" Darius says "No. We're done waiting for someone to rescue us. It's time we found our own way off the island."

Dinosaurs are basically taking over the island for themselves. Destroying speakers, running over tables and such. Then there is a rope which appears to have have been bitten through and a gun on the grass. Come compies chomping on some wires and causing electricity to go out, stopping the hologram from roaring again. An alarm is heard blaring through the secret surveillance the campers found. Steam starts to leak out of a door which is labeled 'E750' as the alarm continues to go off. A snarl is heard before the screen cuts of to red screen with a warning triangle.

~End Season 2~

Another season finished :D

I finally has some free time this summer to finish this season. I do plan on to write season three when I have time.

But I do have a question about Aleem?

What should happen to him? Should he survive, stay single or find a partner? I'm asking but I might not take much into consideration it all depends how I feel about it and him.

Well see you soon in season three!

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