Chapter 23

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A/n sorry for taking so long, these really are slow updates, hope you enjoy.

3rd POV

Aleem had just fallen asleep after hearing about a possibility of not being alone. As he slept the other campers talked about this new insight. "It can't be possible", Yasmina said after seeing the smoke. "Is it true? I'm also seeing it too" spoke Brooklyn. Kenji affirms their thoughts as he smiles, "That's most def a bonfire." Sammy started repeating, "People. People!" "Someone most have got our SOS signal", stated Kenji. "Let's go find them. Its time to go home!" said Darius. Before they went to where the smoke was coming from they woke up Aleem to the good new they found. After that they left the tree house and ran to the orgins of the smoke.

Aleem POV

We all ran to where the smoke was coming from all of us giggling and cheering from excitement with weapons in our hand for protection, just in case. Well I also was cheering but I couldn't get the lingering sad thoughts of my sister Y/n, Ben, and Bu,py out of my head. I need to be happy because we are saved, right? After some running Brookyn climbs a tree and says we are getting closer to our salvation. We all cheer, I cheer with slight zest. We then continued running toward that direction. Some of us climbed to check if we were going in the right direction still kept running.

After we stop at a tree that Darius climbs to check, he comes down not looking to happy. "The bonfire, it's gone" he said. We're all upset at this information. "What if they left? What if the people who came to save us gave up and we missed our chance?" asked Sammy. Before we could sulk in our sadness as this realization, we hear a roar. We all got into a defensive circle with our weapons ready to protect ourselves. Kenji tried to make it a better situation by saying, "C-could be a r-really big Compy, r-right? Darius didn't you say they were creepo skylarks?" What did he say? I'm sure he heard him wrong. "I said they were crepuscular" whispered Darius.

Then out of no where what appeared to be a Ceratosaurus, (I can't really tell it's too dark) came roaring at us. In a panic we all started to run away from it. We passed many trees, leaves and bushes in out sprint from the dino. But the sino still kept behind us, after passing a tree I hear a bump and see that Kenji had bumped into the tree and dropped his butter knife. Sammy has also fallen having tripped on a fallen tree. We went back to help them up but the dino got to close to us. We counldn't run away now. Brooklyn! Darius and I got infront of the fallen and into stance to try and defend ourselves somehow.


That was the sound I heard when a red light came and went into the sky, exploding in the face of our attacker. After I hear voice that I haven't heard from before, they shove us behind a fallen tree, then the unmistakable sound of gunshots is hear.



Then another BOOM from another red flare that thrown at it, after that it retreats. We cough at the smoke from the flare, is the smoke dissipated we see the people that had saved us. They turn around to look at us. The woman speaks, "Oh thank goodness, you are okay." (These people looked liked they were dressed up to go to a jungle? Weird) Anyway we look at them in awe, finally people that isn't just us campers. The man with a hat asks us, "You are okay, aren't you?" Yeah we didn't just get attacked by a canivore, just a regular Monday. I decide to speak first, "Who are you people?" I asked sternly.

The woman replies, "Well, after all that, maybe you should call us your salvation." Our salvation? Are they actually going to save us. Yea.... but, what about Y/n, Ben and Bumpy. They need help too, right? There not even here what am I thinking.

~Time Skip~

"Our Salvation" started to lead us somewhere, I think to there camp. Camp I don't like that word know. After almost all of us camper started asking questions, except me I'm silent as a? (Um cat whatever) Darius stops them by saying, "Guys, take a breath. We don't even know your names." The man with a hat started to introduce themselves. "I'm Mitch, and here is by other half Tiff. We are eco-tourists." What is that? Luckily Tiff gives an answer to us. "That's a fancy way of saying we travel to exotic places and photograph rare animals." Then they started talk abou how fast they came to the island after what happened. What is wrong with these people.

Going to an island that has basically no escape. Where dinosaurs killed people or injured at best. Just to take some dang photographs, why not have comed when everything wasn't a mess of a theme park. Now that I think about it this place is dangerous, but that other guy has a gun. I hope that is for defense purposes only. Darius started to talk, "When we actibated the emergency distress beacon, we hoped someone would get our signal. I kind of can't believe it worked." Tiff responded, "Oh, yes, the signal. Honey, remember when we got that. It was right after the boat dropped us off." (Where did they receive the signal from?)

The guy infront with a machete started to shout while he cut down leaves. "That's our tour guide, Hap. Came highly recommended. Knows cameras and the outdoors like the back of his hand, but not much of a talker." A tour guide, so he knows the island. (Not much of a talk but a shouter) After much walking we finally reached their camp. "Our camp's not much but hopefully you'll be okay roughing it with us." Not much my potato, this is more than a camp. Looks so luxurious. All of us campers started to eye everything wonderi g if kt was real.

I look around to with a small smile, this is actually a great place (still don't like camps) Everything look great, the beds, the tables, the kitchenware. "My goodness, I can't imagine how hungry you all must be. Would you like some breakfast?" Tiff asked us. Breakfast never sound so heavenly.

Eggs, Toast, and Bacon.

This was so great. As we ate mostly with our hand, even me (Guilty). Darius told them our story of how we survived the different various dinosaur attacks. We really were stuffing our mouth, even licking the plates. I ate slow to savor the taste for a long as possible, but I will eat a lot. "And here you are, after all you've been through. Camp destroyed, being abandoned, losing your friends...Oh!" Tiff just struck a nerve, but not just me. All of us campers, we all got saddened by her word. Y/n, Ben, Bumpy, I can't eat anymore. Mitch speaks up, "Don't be a downer, babe. They're with us now and they're safe. And when our boat comes back in a couple of days, after it refuels in Papagayo, we'll get you baxk to the mainland."

Was I hearing this right? To leave this island in toe days?

"We're leaving in two days?" asked Darius. "Is this really happening?" Sammy asked. Tiff answered the question, "It is, sweetie. You're going home." Everyone starts cheering.


"Whoo" I groaned in a deflated tone, not really the super happt tone everyone has. So as I stared at my food after the yelling. I hear Darius and Mitch do pun, actually dinosaur pun. I would have butted in, but I don't feel like it, also Kenji looks jealous that Mitch is taking his friends attention. And Brooklyn tries to talk to Hap, but he doesn't respond to her. I decide to listen to Brooklyn's conversation, might be one-sided. "Okay, so, where have you been, nature guide?" asked Brooklyn. "Nature places" Hap answered. Wow, totally didn't guess. Hap got tired of the question and had a mini burst at Brooklyn. After we finished eating, Tiff told us there was a bathroom.

Oh sweetness. What will six camper that have been living in a treehouse do to that. Anyway, Sammy is fangirling over the bathroom and Kenji is trying to make himself look good about his penthouse. But Brookly shushes them. "Shh. I can't prove it yet, but I think..." she stopped as she went to check outside before getting us all into the stall to finish her thoughts. "...there's something going on with Hap. He dodged all my questions qnd was really weird about the key card I foundin Wu's lab. Mitch and Tiff are clueless. She's too 'golly goodness' to notice anything, and all he thinks about is dinosaurs." That stung, right into my heart.

"What's wrong with that?" Darius asked. "Yeah, is it wrong to like something?" I asked her. Brooklyn stuttered, "N-no I.... ~sigh~ I'm just saying Hap's suspicious. He's gruff, and unsmiling, and--" she got cut of by Yasmina. "What's wrong with that?" Yasmina asked with no smile. Brooklyn is somewhat offending us. "I don't mean.... look, could Hap be involved with Mantah Corp? Am I crazy?" Brooklyn asked all of us. Sammy responds, "I mean, the Mantah Corp folks who sent me were like corporate spies, not action-man, secret-identity, pew-pew spies." What?

Darius tries to talk to Brooklyn, "Look, I know you've got conspiracy on the brain, Brooklyn, but forget Hap. In two days, we're going home. Let's focus on that." Focus on going home, how can I. With Y/n and Ben in my thoughts along side Bumpy. Am I the only one who is thinking about them? No? I don't even know anymore. The guilt is such a burden, I'm carrying it and if we leave it will stay with me for a very long time. It's so heavy, I don't know how long I'll last. Sammy also speaks to Brooklyn, "Don't worry, Brooklyn. Just in case, we'll keep our eyes open.

Camp Cretaceous (Ben x F!Reader) *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now