Chapter 8

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I had blacked out after that fall that I always feared could have happened. I started to wake up and I opened my eyes to a bright light, I blinked to adjust my eyes to the light. I sit up and hear a grunt and groan I see it was Darius. "Ah ow" I hear Ben, I get up and help him get up. I see Kenji climbing down a tree. Aleem helped Yaz and Sammy. Then Brooklyn comes in. *Roaring* "What was that?" said Aleem. "Ahh It's coming near" said Ben backing up to me. I hug him to calm him down and he hugs back.

"The tower was this way? Or that way?" said Brooklyn confused. "Where's my no my necklace, I left it at my bunk" said Darius. *Roaring* Everyone gasps and goes into a circle. "They're may be a slightly bigger problem then that" said Kenji. "We have to run" said Sammy. We all started running to get away, we're all panting. "Everything will be alright when we areive back to camp" said Darius to us while running. I was running beside Ben, and lifted a left so it wouldn't hit him. We ran and even jumped over a log. "Faster" said Sammy.

When we pass to the tall grass we all gasp at the sight before us. The camp was destroyed and almost completely fallen. We all walked to see the destroyed part of camp. I saw Aleem look around and shake his head in disapointment. When I got closer I saw a dinosaur footprint somehow in the hard ground. Darius steps in it and gasps. All of us are suprised by this finding. "Dave, Roxie and other workers, got all away" said Sammy sounding uncertain. I see Ben start walkin to a overturned jeep and follow him. We both look and see a sight no one would like to see.

"Not all" I said gloomy. I walk away and Ben almost falls but I catch him. "Hello" I hear Yasmina say to what looks like wakie-talkie. She drops it show to us that it doesn't work. "We're on our own now" she said. I look at everyone and sigh. I walk with Ben next to my brother. But Brooklyn looks like she will explode with anger. "Give my phone back!" Brooklyn said directly to Sammy. "What" she says tucking some strands of hair behind her ear. Looks like signs of nervousness but I let it pass. "I don't care about you sneaking into the lab, I don't care of whatever you have done with the skin samples you took from the dino-"said Brooklyn.

"What" sais Aleem, "Skin sample?" I said confused. "I don't care that you stole it, all I want is to call dor help! Where is it?" Brooklyn screamed at Sammy."I... I... I don't know what you're talking about about" said Sammy walking pass Brooklyn to us. "Skins samples, sneaking into a lab?" said Sammy loudly. "Those are crazy things made in your own dang head!" said Sammy with her hands on her waist. "Back off" said Yaz. "Yeah, not everything goes around you and your phone!" said Aleem helping defend Sammy with Yasmina.

I look at him suprised that he is talking in a loud voice in this situation. "It's not Sammy's fault that you lost it!" sais Yaz. "Would you guys please keep the volume down?!" said Ben and I agreed with him. "There's a big-", Kenji cut him off "A big, scary dinosaur?". "Of course there is a big scary dinosaur!" said Kenji to Ben not so friendly. "There is always a big, scary dinosaur!" he said making me kinda angry. "I went between them and pointed my finger at Kenji. "Yeah and you're alway a jerk with a big-mouth so shut it!" I said to Kenji angrily.

"Give it back!" screamed Brooklyn. "Back off!" screamed both Yaz and Aleem. "Yeah? Well, I don't play with crayons and read boring!" said Kenji, that hit me so I pushed him back a little. "What your problems with me? I'm trying to get us out of this!" said Brooklyn. "I didn't lie about it to you!" said Sammy. "Stop, just stop!" Brooklyn sceamed but I was busy arguing with Kenji. "Money can't help us out of this!" I said to let him know. Then Ben said out of no where "No one is getting out of this! We saw people get eaten! We're alone and defenseless." Ben sits down and hugs his knees, I kneel down amd side hug him. "We're....dead" he said.

Everyone scoffs after what he said. "We're not giving up!" said Darius to all of us. We all look at him. "I get it, it's scary. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. Things aren't always tonna go your way. Life is messy and sometimes things fall apart, but that's okay because when that happens, we pick up the pieces and keep going and we never give up." That was so inspirational. We all went to him, "What about your necklace?" asked Brooklyn. "That's not important, I've got memories right here." Darius said and placed his hand over his heart.

"What are we going to do?" asked Yasmina. "Go south of the park, get help and we can only do that by doing it together" responded Darius. "We're a team or nothing at all" he said. "It may be best if we don't go into the jungle" I said maybe breaking the mood. "You can wait for the babysitters, but I'm with Darius" said Kenji crossing Ben and me to get to Darius. "Really?" asked Aleem being sus. "Dude, no way I survived a dino attack-" a plank from the camp fell. "Wah! Just to be taken down by some cheap camp debris. Kenji ain't going out like that" said Kenji.

"We're going south, the rest coming or what?" asked Kenji waling way with Darius. "I'm in" said Brooklyn. Yasmina grabbed Aleem's and Sammy's shoulder's, "We're in, too" she said, they start walking away, but my brother looks back at me. "But guys?" said Ben, I adjust by small backpack and grab Ben's shoulder. "Let's go Ben" I said then kissed his face-cheek. We start walking but he starts muttering "just one dino, just one dino." We continued walking to catch-up with the other. Just one dinosaur,

Or so we thought

A/N Sorrh for the wait thought this would be shorter, I'm focusing on my other books sonit may take a while for me to update this but hoped you enjoyed, Flower out.

Camp Cretaceous (Ben x F!Reader) *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now