Chapter 17

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3rd POV

Isla Nublar is lucious and green, everything is quiet and dinosaurs are walking around. But there are lots of broken things spread around this island, but they don't mind at all. But this doesn't stop from a commotion happening. "Run" is repeated many times by the campers that stuck on an island with Dinosaurs. Yasmina is being carried by Sammy and Aleem while the others run ahead. "Is the Parasaurolophus still behind us?" Aleem asked. Kenji looks back and a T-rex comes out of nowhere and roars, at the other dino. "Aah! Not anymore!" Kenji screams.

Darius spots and tree and yells while pointing at it "Over there, take cover!" They runs towards it as some of them go under or above the fallen tree to get some sort of cover. As they take cover the two dinos fight until there's a disastrous crunching, sound meaning one has fallen. Darius is the only one brave enough to look and see the T-rex drag its meal away. Darius tell the other that they are gone and they all sigh in relief. Kenji then complains why are so many dinosaurs around. Aleem answer somewhat sarcastically to him and says "Either your charm or more probably that all fences are down."

"No offense, but it's definitely option two" speaks Sammy. Yasmina then mumbled how she doesn't care and wants some food to eat, like a sandwich. "We haven't eaten since we had those chocolate bars that Y/N....." She stops speaking and regrets mentioning her. This make the mood even more gloomy as they remember thos they had lost, especially Aleem who has a shadow over his face. But there is a distant roar that snapped them back into reality and makes them all groan. They all get up and start walking. "All we need is to eat and rest, I can't keep running at like this" Sammy croaks.

Darius then finds something that could help them with the situation at hand. They all start running to Main Street. After they arrived, they see that the whole place is a mess and wonder what occurred there. Yasmina sarcastically mentions dinosaurs. But Darius so just it's something more. "Some kind of fight took place here, from the height might have been the T-rex and....?" "Something much bigger then a T-rex, more possibly the Indo" Aleem muttered. Brooklyn found parts of the fence teared down and says "I don't think we have to work about it anymore, or whatever is left if it."

Sammy then comes out of nowhere and brings them somewhere to show them something. Turns out it's a cardboard cutout of Brooklyn. They all laugh as Brooklyn mentioned that she forgot about that. Then they all start making fun of her making the situation more lighthearted. But then Sammy calls them over to another stand. It was the book stand, with a carboard cutout of Aleem wearing black and white suits. They all start laughing at that aswell. Except Aleem who is blushing as he remembers what that was for.

"Where is your sis?" Kenji asks after laughing and asking for an autograph. "My sister isn't there because she was busy with other things to be doing photoshoots, man I really hated those suits." Aleem looked down as he remembered him, he thought he tried to forget that awful day. Sammy then says that she thinks it's cool and will take it with her when they get rescued. "TBH, this does kind of remind me of home. I haven't posted in days. I bet my followers are worried sick about me" said Brooklyn saddned. "And your parents?" Sammy asked. "Oh, uh um, yeah right. Obvi, them too." Brooklyn quickly intergected.

"Ok, let's start, um, looking for a way to communicate with the mainland. There's gottoa be a phone or something right?" Darius instructed. Everyone starts looking around the area to see if they can find something. After checking lost and found and the phones there they found nothing useful. Kenji did find some toy walkie talkies that's where dinosaur themed. Sammy also found An Insider's Guide to Jurassic World! She starts listing off different details from the book some not being useful and others being bad news. Brooklyn also found some sort of camera.

She starts talking about documenting and getting all of her followers back. Kenji then talks about wanting to be in the video. After reading through the book Sammy found something that could help. "It's an EDB, Emergency Distress Beacon!" They all where relieved to hear that. "A Beacon of Hope" said Aleem. After that they all start looking for the EDB. Well Kenji and Brooklyn are fooling around with the camera she found. Then most of the time when they are searching, Brooklyn is filming them and there conversations. Then there is more tomfoolery with the camera.

They start wondering if the beacon even is there to begin with. As Brooklyn films Darius, Kenji come from behind him with a Stegosaurus toy. "Mm, Roar! I'm gonna eat you!" Kenji said in a bad creepy voice. Darius turns around and has a poker face as he says "That's a stegosaurus, Kenji." The Kenji says in that voice "You look like a plant *munching noises". After some time Kenji comes on a scooter with frozen pizza as he brags about being a dope delivery boy.

As they all go for a bite they all shout in pain after biting that pizza. Kenji hist the pizza on the table and it's hard as a rock. "Wow, this pizza better just be a rock" said Aleem disappointed. They'll have to wait for the pizza to thaw out. As Kenji goes to check a Compies comes out of nowhere scaring him and the others. To get rid of them they had to throw away their frozen meal. The compies ran for the food as they left the campers.

Aleem POV

After the compies went away I watched as Sammy and Kenji play slapping their hand. This reminds me of her. I sigh and sit down, leaning of a pillar near Darius who also is sitting down and resting, seemingly upset. I sigh again and close my eyes to rest them a little. Eveything goes silent and I open my eyes to see no one around. Did they leave me? No this can't be happening! I get up right away, and look around. Then I see silhouettes of a girl and boy. Wait it looks like Y/N and Ben! I walked towards the way they went, wanting to check out to be sure.

Then as I see them pass by I know for sure it's them. "Y/N? Ben?" I speak out loud as I jog towards where they went. I look around and see them so I start running towards them telling them to wait. As I grab Y/N shoulder, they both look back at me. I say there name "Y/N? Ben?" again. Once I realized it was them, I jumped at them both and hug them as hard as I could. "I- We thought we had lost you two" I said near tears. I feel them both hug back, but something isn't right. They let go of me and Y/N speaks. "Why? Because you let go of us?" This takes me back, what did she just say? "What? No I tried to--" I got cut of has the scene changed.

I came back to this horrible memory of Y/N hanging on to me as she grabbed Ben. "Let go of us, Aleem!" screamed Y/N as she dangled. "No I will never! I can save you guys, I can do this!" I said towards them as I feel her hand start to slip from my own. "You really promise Aleem?" said a Y/N. As I saw her I gasped at her face it was emotionless, my voiced wavered, "Y/N?" Then she slips from my grip as she and Ben fall. "Y/N! NO!" I screamed as tears come out of my eyes. No, NO, not them. Y/N, Ben. When will this nightmare end!

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