Chapter 9

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We were walking through the tall grass, with the tree shadow casted on us. We were all tired and panting with what has been happening. I was beside Ben to keep him company and I just don't want to be alone. Then I accidentally step on a branch which makes a noise that make Ben and me scream which in turn makes everyone else scream. We all really are on edge. "Sorry I stepped on a branch" I said shyly and rub the back of my back. Everyone groans because that almost gave everyone a heart attack.

"Ok Y/N it's okay we're all very on edge" said Aleem trying to make me feel better. "Yeah and were lost" said Yaz. "Darius, are you sure that we're still going towards the park?" asked Sammy. "We would have been sure if I still had my phone said" Brooklyn to Sammy. "Cause it has a GPS app as well as a compass app and it's also a phone!" said Brooklyn annoyed still accusing Sammy, but I'm not sure what to believe. "Sammy did not steal your phone!" said Yaz angered. She pushed Brooklyn and also said "No one here stole your phone, please can we stop talking about this!?"


"Guys! You guys, could you yell at each other more quieter please" I said scared and desperate with what happening. Then a voice said loudly "All my fellow campers, lets all chill!" I turned and saw it was Kenji who said it. "What we need is someone who can make hard call on what we do next, since obviously I'm leadership material, I'll do it, also my first order is for everyone to stop talking and listen to Darius." Kenji said then but his arm around Darius shoulder and they started murmuring and whispering that I couldn't listen.

I look and see Y/N with a skeptical look, and Aleem shaking his head in doubt at what Kenji just said. I'm not a fan of what he said back at camp. "Yeah? Well, I don't play with crayons and read boring!" Why would he say that to Y/N, so mean. To insult, why did he have to do that reading isn't boring, also that seemed to hit her. I wanted warmth like when we cuddled so I grabbed her soft hands and I feel her squeeze back.


Ben grabbed my hand and I squeezed back. Then a voice snapped me out of my trance of love I was having. "So Darius which way?" said Kenji. Darius then started looking around and realized something "I know were we are, we're close to the Carnotaurus paddock, no wonder this place looked familiar." He then went running off, and we all went to follow him. "I remember this fence" he said then looked and said "The ripped and broken down fence."

"Does that mean.. that means Toro is out on the lose... with us." said Ben scared. "Now we have to deal with two dinos" said Aleem bummed out. "The Indo and Toro" I said a bit quiet. "Wait a minute, how do you guys know about Toro?" Darius asked us confused. "All of us know" said Yaz. "Yeah Kenji told us, the day after that happened" said Aleem answering Darius question.

"So this enclosure is north of the main park, we should keep going that way we'll find the visitor's center, then we will surely find Dave and Roxie or someone else in charge" said Darius to all of us. "Of course, exactly what I had in mind as leader who I am, follow me" said Kenji trying to take Darius credit away from him and make it his. He started walking away and almost everyone followed.

Only ones almost left behind are Darius, Ben and me. "Are you sure about that" I asked Darius not being too assured. "Yeah I don't think an adult can help us if we find one" said Ben squeezing my hand. "A carnivorous dino that can camouflage trashed our camp, one that Aleem and I know nothing about" I said hushed. "No way an adult can have a plan for that" Ben whispered-yelled.

"Ben, Y/N, I know this is scary but we are in Jurassic World, dealing with dinosaurs is their thing" said Darius trying to reassure us. Yeah what he said was kinda right but no so right. "At their first park they did not deal so well did they" said Ben reminding me that yeah the first park didn't go well. "Relax everything will be fine, trust me" Darius said and put his hands on Ben's and my shoulder.

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