Christmas day

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Cirrus: On Christmas day morning she woke up early. She was excited as 4 years on Christmas day. She woke you up and dragged you to breakfast. After breakfast she dragged you to a nearby lake to skate. Next after skating you went to a Christmas meal with other ghouls and Copia. After the meal you all went to the living room and opened your presents.

Cumulus: You woke by her waking you up. You sat up in the bed and bit after her you got up to change clothes. After it you started doing your school assignment/drawing/writing.

After midday you went with her to help Sunshine with the preparations of the Christmas meal. While Sunshine was doing finishing touches you and her started to collect everyone for the Christmas meal. After the meal everyone gathered in the living room to open their presents.

Sunshine: On the morning of Christmas you woke up she in your arms. You woke her up gently. Next you went to the kitchen to get some breakfast with you. After it you headed to the library. In the library you read a few hours before you went back to the kitchen to make the Christmas meal. After the meal was ready you and Cumulus went to ask others to table. Next after the Christmas meal you all went to the living room to open your presents.

Aurora: You slept till late noon, you woke up in Cumulus knocking on the door and asking you for a Christmas dinner. In the Christmas meal you sat next to each other and talked together. After the meal you all went to the living room and opened the presents. 

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