You bleed thru your trousers ❤️

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Cirrus: You were leaving the living room to the kitchen with other ghouls and Cirrus. You stood up from the sofa and started to walk towards the kitchen when Cirrus pulled you back. When some ghouls pass you while chatting you sit still and puzzled. You were puzzled why she asked you to stay  behind. When all the ghouls left the room she said to you what she saw. Then she went with you to your room. She helped you to change new trousers and helped with cleaning the spot. After you were ready you went together to the kitchen to eat.

Cumulus: Cumulus, you, Mountain and Aether were spending time in the local shopping center when Cumulus asked the boys about toilet break. They agreed and you and Cumulus headed to the female toilet, leaving the boys in the hallway. In the toilet Cumulus explained the situation and dug from her bag the changing trousers to you. You changed the trousers and thanked her. Then you headed to join the boys.

Sunshine: Ghost was having training and you were following it. After the training was over and some of the ghouls/ghoulettes were heading to the ministry, Sunshine came to knock on your shoulder and asked you to change a few words with you. On the side she told you about the occasion and handed her cardigan to you to put it on. After that you headed to the ministry. At the ministry she came with you to your room and helped you with cleaning the stain.

Aurora: You and some ghouls and some ghoulettes were spending time in the living room. You changed your sitting position, and next she whispered to your ear: "You have a red spot in your trousers." You immediately stood up and left the living room, she immediately after you.

In your room you undress your trousers and then she comes in. She helped you to change new trousers on and helped you to clean the spot on your trousers.

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