Cirrus: summer free day activities

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"Wake up y/n," Cirrus said when shaking you from your shoulders. You sat up. Next she took your hand and dragged you to stand up. "We don't have a rush for everywhere, " you tried to slow Cirrus but she was pulling you to hallway.

In the kitchen she let go of your hand and started to make breakfast and snack. When you were sitting at the table and eating breakfast, she checked that everything was packed.

After the breakfast you took the bags and snacks and started to walk towards the skating ring.

You reached the skating ring and changed to the skates. When you were ready, you started to skate around the ring. You spend hole day at the ring. At some point you ate your snacks.

In the early hours of evening you stayed to head towards the Ministry. After you reached the Ministry you went to straight to shower and changed to comfortable clothes.

After the shower you went to your bed to cuddle and to watch a serie. You accidentally fell asleep on her lap.

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