Chapter 19

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Everyone takes off the camo cloaks for better maneuvering. Everyone saw the unexpected new Deku themed sweater that Ren was wearing. It was a dark grey sweater with cyan lines. He, knowing the possibilities of having to fight, already had his gear on. Everyone did, and that was so no one could tell what casual clothes they would wear if they had to fight. The white-haired male and green-haired male stared at each other, like one of them was waiting for the other to attack. The Lexington and Concord act again. The male who desperately needs some chapstick says, "Whatever you were hoping to achieve, you failed. There are planes flying all over Japan at this very moment, and it's all thanks to you, Ren, that we could set them off."

The greenette asks, "Huh? What do you mean, thanks to me?"

"You're a successful expirement, now we have the ability to make society crumble. In the beginning of my universe, when quirks first developed, the people attacked and hurt each other. People here are so eager and dumb that they would probably kill each other. We can start a world of Riencarnates and the wise. In the planes we set off, they contain and release a gas that will give anyone in contact abilities."

Yuki was right!! I didn't want it to be true. This is one of the worst possible things that they could try. I don't want to believe this, but I can't stop it if I don't believe it.

The crusty male says, "If you're thinking that you heroes have got to stop this, it's too late. They are all already at their destinations and will be released in less than 5 minutes."

Ren looked with eyes still wide, "5 minutes...?"

The greenette could only feel his anger rise. The white-haired male says, "Like quirks, each are unique to the person. The ability created with the person all depends on body chemistry. So, most likely, some people will die right away."

The greenette grits his teeth, fists clenched. He looked to the ground, "Why? Why do you want this?"

The crusty male answers, "Because it's fun."

The sky started to flood with a foggy red color. The male in a black cloak looked up with a grin, "Ah~, there it is. Ren was born without abilities, so this should be fun to watch."

The former redhead looked up at the male with white hair, "What do you me -"

The male was interrupted by harsh coughing of his own. He fell to his knees while coughing. Everyone else, being Non-Riencarnates, couldn't do anything but watch. The villains watched in joy, and his friends watched in fear. Kito clenched onto his sword and grit his teeth. He looked at the white-haired male with anger in his eyes. He threw off his black True Cross uniform overshirt and pulled his sword from its sheath, "That's my friend!!"

He was reckless when tired, and he lunged forward and attempted to strike the male with white hair. Ren looked up, catching up on his breathing, "Kito! No!!"

The sound of ground shifting and blood hitting sand caught everyone's attention. The purple haired male was literally belly up with a stone spike impaling through his back. The male looked at his impaled friend. The greenette clenched on the grey overshirt next to himself. He stood up, staring vacantly at his friend, "Kito..."

The violet haired male says in a weak voice, "Ren..."

Heterochromia eyes locked with teal. Kito holds his sword out with a shaky hand, "Ren, take... this..."

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