Chapter 14

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The redhead boy seemed distressed in his sleep. His lips trembled while his eyes were squeezed shut. He may be having some nightmares. He was murmuring something, telling people to stop and to leave him alone. Katsumi asks, "Why don't we head out now? The faster we get moving, the better chance we have at not getting caught."

|》《|10 years ago|》《|

A young boy, the age of 5, walks up to a girl with white hair with a red fade. She had one pink eye and one black eye. Her black eye had a black mark surrounding it. She had animal ears that replaced her own and a tail that moved swiftly. He asks, "Didn't I see you at the doctor's office?"

She nods, "Are you a Riencarnate, too?"

The male asks, "Why? Are the rest of your friends Riencarnates? Are you a Riencarnate?"

She shakes her head, "I don't have any friends. The reason why is because I am not a Riencarnate."

Ren held his hand out, "I'll be your friend. I'm Ren, a Non-Riencarnate."

She looks at his pure smile in awe, "So you're like me."

A week, they met at the pool again. Her hair washed out, showing her real hair color of a baby blue. Her eyes went wide as she was embarrassed. She chuckled nervously as he started to mess with her hair. They wrestled in the pool. The girl noticed slight and unnatural indents in his soaked long-sleeved shirt. She asked, "Why are you wearing a shirt anyways? All the other boys aren't."

The young male's eyes went wide. He clenched onto his own arms, "N-Nothing."

They start to wrestle in the water, laughing and joking. They slipped, and her hand hit his shoulder. He screamed in pain, "Ow!"

Her eyes went wide, "I'm sorry that I hurt you!"

Ren shakes his head, "It's not your fault. It was just sore."

She looks at him, "Are you okay?"

He nods. Zara says, "I made something, c'mon."

The step out of the pool, Zara hands him a pink, more of a soft red color necklace. Ren takes the necklace and puts it around his neck. She puts a green one around hers. The one that Ren had matched Zara's hair when it was dyed. The one Zara has on matches the color of Ren's usual Deku sweater. She says, "They're friendship necklaces."

He smiles, "I'll treasure it forever."

A year later, a few weeks before Ren's mom found out. Ren is swinging back and forth on a swing. The sun is shot fading below the horizon. (The view horizon, not the island.) Lauren runs up behind Ren, giving him a hug and crying, "I'm so sorry, Ren. Zara's not coming. I wish things were different!"

Tears started to build up in Ren's eyes, "First Abby, now Zara?"

Abby was a Non-Riencarnate Ren met before his expirementing. He found out about it from Garaki 4 months ago. He found out that she died from being an expirement, too. He started to breathe heavily as he fell off the swing onto his knees, "Everyone is gonna die around me, aren't they?"

His mom looked at him weird, hesitant to ask him what was wrong. She picks her crying child up and carries him to their house. He clenched onto his necklace, vowing to do his best to protect everyone.

|》《|Present time|》《|

The small red-haired boy rubbed his eyes. Riane and Raika say in awe, "He's waking up."

Miya, Emi, Phay, and Yui look with sparkling eyes.

Chiyo and Yuri say, "How cute!"

Yuki looks at him, "Are you okay, Ren? I noticed you seemed uncomfortable."

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