Chapter 15

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Yuki wipes his tears away, still crying, "I just wish I could've done something."

I look at Yuki, "You did do something. You went to rescue me. May have not been what you expected, but you still saved my life. It's alright, Yuki."

Yuki chuckles, "Now I have a question completely separate from this. How are you normal already? It hasn't even been a day, yet."

I ask, "What do you mean by "normal"? I'm me... -ish... To be fairly honest, this feels weird. How did you guys adjust so quickly?"

Yuki and Kito shrug, knowing I was talking to them mainly. Yuki says, "I didn't adjust quickly in my past life. It took months for me to get the hang of it."

I look at Yuki, "My body is more fragile than anyone here. The body of anime characters and Riencarnates are stronger than the regular human body.The character who has the most realistic sensitivity as to the real human body is anyone without an ability in My Hero."

Kito asks, "So, Deku?"

I look at him, unamused. Kito then says, "Here's the real question I want to know. What caused you to wake up like that?"

I look to the ground and fiddle with my thumbs. Too uncomfortable to answer the nerve-wracking question. My jaw is clenched underneath my closed lips, which are slightly trembling. I say, "I'd rather not answer..."

They look to the ground. I've always been able to see myself in other people's shoes, especially on TV, but there was no other than Izuku on the TV screen I could see myself as, so when I reached season 6, I started to break down, bit by bit. I don't know if it was because I could put myself into his shoes the easiest or if it was because that's what people have compared me to my whole life. So I would break down if the reason I woke up screaming is the same reason he did at the end of season 6. Of course, I don't want to answer this question given to me. I don't want to be compared to Yuki again. We both dislike it enough. I don't want to live this kind of life. The life I did my best to refuse is chasing after me. Kito states, "We came up with a theory. The doctor that tested on you, he was duplicating quirks in his past life, most of he quirks he duplicated were from people who were dead. That means the most logical way he would do it is DNA. Blood carries the most amount of DNA. What if he isn't trying to duplicate just quirks? What if he is trying to duplicate all kinds of abilities? It looks like he's doing what he's achieving at this point. He's trying to give abilities to you, Ren! It's obvious! But that's not how it's gonna end!"

I look at Kito as he starts to tear up. Kito shouts, "The pressure of so many abilities is crushing you! You are not able to breathe!! Yuki said the 2nd time lasted longer than the 1st! It's gonna overwhelm you until you die, Ren! I can't see that happen! Especially not you, Ren!! I can't... I couldn't... I..."

He looks up at me, tears streamed along his cheeks, "You're my best friend. No matter how many times I hurt you in the past. No matter how hard things got for you. No matter how many times I screamed and shouted at you. You were always there, Ren. To hold my hand, to say it's okay, to give me a smile as bright as the sun... No matter where I went, you were there. I don't wanna go someplace, knowing that I can't see you again... I need you here, alive. Tell me that when we make it out of here, you'll let Alex take it away."

I look to the ground. 'If I get my powers stripped away from me, I will never be able to help them again. If I don't, I'll die. I care about them, I couldn't care less about what happened to me. If I know that it'll make Kito, nonetheless, everyone else feels the same way, I'll give it up. I'll give up my abilities, my ability to help others, and my ability to save others. If it'll save my friends, then fine.'

I look at Kito, "Alright, Kito."

My body suddenly freezes. I fall to the ground. I started to scratch at my throat, hoping to pull away whatever was there. Each time, my fingers came back empty-handed. Nothing was around my neck. Blood slowly dripped from my neck, some over my fingers. I was gasping for air. It felt like I was dying. Warm blood slowly drips down my neck. My vision is fading, just as well as my hearing. Everything is as silent as it is dark. I see and hear nothing. I see a small, white circle. I look at it, slowly staring to pace forward, faster each second. It seems like I freeze again. I feel a cold liquid fall onto my face, and my eyes open quickly. I sit up and rub my eyes. I look around and see Kito holding an empty water bottle. My pulse, what felt as if it was beating at the speed of a snail, starts to accelerate quickly to the speed of a humming bird. After a few seconds, my heart beat regulates, as well as my breathing and my pulse. I look up at everyone, afraid to speak or move at the eyes gazing down upon my numb body on the ground. Their eyes felt like a thousand knives in my chest. I stare, unable to move. I speak, barely a sound escaped my lips, "What... What hap... happened?"

Yuki says, "It happened again."

My eyes looked up, seeing sets of shoes scattered across my sight. I ask, "So... We... We're..."

I kept trying to speak, but quickly, before I could ask a question, my voice went silent. My lips moved, but not a sound was heard. I start to tear up in pain. This time, it felt much more painful. Yuki picks me up, I notice that Kito was about to. His arms were under my legs and back. In another sense, bridal style. My eyes were wide in fear of something I shouldn't be afraid of, and my face was red in sheer embarrassment. Usually, my body would be tense, but I'm numb while I'm in so much pain. Yuki sets me on the couch, "Get some rest. It'll be night soon. We're going at 10."

I mouth, unable to speak, "Go where?"

He shrugs, "Out of here. We're not fighting this time. We need a straight shot out. We can set off something to shut off the nearby cameras, but that's the best we can do."

I look towards the ground. My heavy eyes start to slowly close on their own. I feel a warn blanket cover me. Everything goes silent. I open my eyes to the sound of what I think is either Yuki or Ryoko's voice, "Hey. Get up. It's time to get moving."

I look up to see Ryoko floating upside down. His hat falls. I lean forward to catch it. I pinch the cap. It feels like I was punched all over, making my body fall forward. My face hits the ground, then the rest of my body. I lift my head, removing my face from the ground. I sit up and hand his hat to Ryoko. He hands me some water, "You didn't get good water last time, so here."

I look at him. Taking the cap off of the bottle in my hands. I drink some water, letting the cold water stream down my throat. I started coughing, and water hit a scratched up area in my throat. My throat was probably like that because of the gaping for air thing. Yuki turns around fast as I stop coughing, "Ren! Are you alright?!"

I hold my neck, and I look up at him, "Yeah. I'm okay."

Kito shouts, "What the hell, Ren! You sound like Amane!!"

I look at Kito, then to the ground, "I do?"

Kito facepalms, "You never compare your voice to others, do you?"

I shake my head. Kito sighs, "Alright, just take your stuff and get ready."

He throws my sweater, webshooters, and my backpack at me. I catch them all, falling backward back onto the sofa, "Ow! Kito!"

Kito says, "Right, I forget Tanjiro can sound like Deku sometimes."

Me, Amane, and Yuki look at him with straight faces, "Seriously?"

I put on my Deku sweater, I put my webshooters on my wrist, and I slide on my backpack. I won't need the webshooters due to blackwhip and the ability to actually produce webs, but I like how they feel on my wrist, I've gotten used to it. Yuki comes up to me with a pair of long ivory gloves, like the ones to his costume, "So Alex, Preston, and I worked on these for you while you were asleep. It's an extra set of my gloves with an extra feature since you wear your webshooters a lot already. This might help some you have OFA and a whole lot more abilities."

I look at him in awe. I look at Preston and Alex with tears forming in my eyes. I look back at Yuki, "Thank you, guys."

Yuki runs off, coming back with a spare set of iron soles. I chuckle and ask, "Where do you get all your spare stuff from?"

He says, "I asked 2nd year, the riencarnation of Hatsume, Maya, to recreate these for you, then we added the extra stuff on our own."

I say, "That's actually pretty cool."

He says, "Thanks, but we-"

Kanoe interrupts him, "We gotta get outta here soon. By soon, I mean now. So put on your gear, and let's get going."

I adjusted the gloves so I could put my hand through, then tightened it to fit onto my wrists. The top of the iron soles could clasp and lift, so it was an easy take-off and put on, though it takes some force. I stand up straight. I look at them with a serious look. Kito gives a thumbs up. I smile, "Let's get going."

Alex says, "Never go out to battle without making sure that your equipment works."

I look up at him. I press the button on my palm, built into the glove. A web shoots from the glove onto the ceiling. I smile in amazement. I detach the web. After I look at everyone, we exit the door.

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