Chapter 7

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I pull down my hood, "Here they come!"

Cars quickly pull in, kicking dust into the air. I gulp. A speaker says, "Go back to the academy now, or we'll force you back!"

Every student shouts, "Looks like you're gonna have to force us back!"

People step out of the vehicles in dark gear, kind of like what a S.W.A.T. team wears. I stand there, stiff but ready. I clench my fists. Kiya walks up next to me, "Before this starts, can I ask you something?"

I ask as I stare at our opponents, "Huh? What's up?"

He says, "Where and how did you learn that yesterday?"

I ask, "Learn what?"

He answers, "The illusion technique that I use on my enemies..."

I turn to him in shock, "I did that?!"

He nods, "Yeah. I'm assuming that by your reaction, you didn't even know you did it."

I shake my head and turn back to our current foes, "Sorry if I didn't help you much."

He says, "It's okay, and I did learn one thing."

I ask, "What did you learn?"

He answers, "That you are a natural talent. You don't need to be a Riencarnate if you're you."

I turn to him in awe. The general of Horizon's security system shouts, "Get ready to fire!"

Guns!! We're about to get shot at!! I look back at the people, "Thanks, Kiya."

He smiles. I clench my fists again, and I see a pattern of lightning illuminating from my body. 'I didn't notice it before, but I remember this happened last fight. Last time, it was red. Now, it's green... Is it because it's from All Might this time? I don't think it'll work that way...'

To my left, I see Yuki and Kanoe on my right. Kito is next to Yuki, and Katsumi is on the other side of Kanoe. The men had shields and guns, and others had the armor that I've already mentioned. Guns pointed, like the lesson I learned of Lexington and Concord. The shot heard 'round the world. Weapons pointed out, but none attacked. Were they scared? Why weren't they shooting. Our powers were activated, but no one was charging. I look at the soldier in front of me. He was wearing a bulletproof vest. His gun flashed, and a bang was heard. I quickly duck as I watched the bullet pass over me, "Woah! That would've killed me! I thought your jobs were to keep us locked up and safe!"

Multiple guns started firing. I feel a bullet graze my arm. Leaving a few drops of blood behind. "C'mon! Now I just feel like the universe doesn't like my sweaters!"

The ground begins to shake. People are starting to use their powerful abilities to fight. I shout, "Wait, wait, wait! Stop-"

People are thrown against the ground, including me. My vision and hearing were fuzzy, "Kanoe... Taki... Aony... Lex... Kaji..."

I shake my head, which fixes my vision a bit. My hearing was not fixed as much. I quickly sit up and look over at the enemies. They did not seem to recover as easily. I get up and look around. I seem to be the only one on our side who fell over. Kito runs in front of me. He reaches his arm out. I read what he's mouthing, "C'mon. Do you need help up?"

I shake my head, still unable to hear. I stand up,  "No, I'm good..."

I point to my ears, "I can't hear you, though..."

Kito's eyes go wide. I see him start to freak out. Everything is ringing and fuzzy. It's like hearing a gunshot without protection. I call his name, "Kito? Kito? Kito!"

He turns towards me, "Give it a minute. It's like a reaction to a gunshot. It's just more aggressive."

He sighs in relief. I turn back towards the opponents. They're all getting up off the ground. Over the ringing in my ears, I hear Kanoe shout, "Die!!"

I chuckle, "Never thought I'd hear that in real life."

I shake my head, slowly making the sound of ringing go away. After a minute, it's still fuzzy, but not much. I feel something land in my hair. Falling everywhere is what looks like snow. I let some fall in my hand and crush it. My eyes go wide, "Ash..."

I look up to see that the dome is gone. The sky is clear. "This is the work of..."

The ground begins to shake. Buildings in our view start to crumble into ash. I feel something wrap around my waist and lift me off of the ground as I freeze up. I look to see it's the same with everyone else, even our opponents. Our goal isn't to have everyone die. I look to see what's around my waist. I trace the stiff, black, ribbon-like material to its source. Yuki shouts, "I can't have anyone hurt this time!! Not because of me being too slow!!"

My eyes go wide, 'The fight practically just begun. Already a good list of things happened. All of this is because I originally wanted to get out. Now, it's for everyone. At this point, Yuki has already learned how to use his quirks because of his past life. I'm new to this, I could probably unlock the abilities right now, but I wouldn't have control... I can't even be sure I have those abilities...'

I grab the part of blackwhip that's on the sides of my wrist. I pull and escape, like it's just a big rubber band me. I make a string of webs and start wrapping it around Yuki's blackwhip. Not many opponents were paying attention to me, being a well-known Non-Riencarnate and all. I extend the webs and start swinging. I see Yuki look down at me as him and the riencarnation of Shigaraki continue talking. I know I have to be careful when I get close to Shigaraki. I activate One For All as I swing back and forth. I get closer and closer with each swing. Once I get close enough, I pull my right leg back. "Manchester..."

I increase my power output and throw my leg forward, kicking Shigaraki in his face, "SMAAAASSSH!!"

Someone grabs my leg, and I freeze up. I look down to see Shigaraki's hand on my ankle. My eyes go wide. Something starts playing through my head. I'm 4 years old again, similar to the dream yesterday. 

□My hands and arms are strapped down. I'm trying to pull myself out of the straps, "Let go! Let me go! Let go! Please! Let me go!"□

I snap back into reality. I'm kicking Shigaraki's hand, "Let go! Let go! Let go!!"

I kick his knuckles, and his hand lets go in pain. I sighed in relief as I swinged back. I relaxed as I stopped swinging. I pull myself up. I hear Kanoe shout, trying to get out, "Let me go, Deku!!"

Yuki says, "Sorry, but no, Kacchan! Please!! I'm not even sure how Ren got loose."

He growls as he continues to struggle. I chuckle, "To be honest, neither am I."

I hold on to Yuki's blackwhip. I ask quietly, questioning myself, "What was that?"

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