Chapter 3

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Me just adding random fanmade inspired songs at this point...


I clench onto my head in agony, "Yes!! There were more people!! Kanoe hurt me a lot!! The others are in the past!! I know they'd never hurt me again!! So leave me alone!!"

I look at Preston with puffy eyes, "Please..."


Preston and Alex look to the ground. I get up, grab my skateboard, and put it in my backpack. I run to the 1-A dorms. I run upstairs to the 4th floor, my dorm room. I set my backpack next to the door, noticing I forgot to put my skateboard near the exit. I take off my web shooters and set them on the desk. I slump onto my bed and stare at the ceiling. I wipe the tears off of my face. I hear a knock upon my door. I take in a small gasp. I see a blue light move side to side underneath the door. I run up to the door. Knowing who's there. I take a deep breath, wipe my tears, and open the door. There, I see Kito with his tail lit up. The flame on his tail disapates, "You alright?"

I shake my head, "No."

He looks over at the Web Shooters on the desk, "Were those always there?"

I look back at the web shooters, "Um... No. I just got them."

Kito asks, "Preston or Alex?"

I answer, "Both."

I was a little uncomfortable with him here after the conversation that just went on with them and me. Preston peaks his head out from the top of the doorway. I jump back, frightened. Kito says, "Sorry, he asked for you, so I led him here."

I say, "Okay."

He asks, "Did he do something?"

My eyes go wide, and I lie to my best friend, "No, I'm okay."

Preston looks down at Kito, "He's lying. I noticed something, so I looked. Did you know he was covered in scars? What did he mean by "The others are in the past!"?"

Kito's eyes go wide, and he looks up at Preston. I shake my head. Kito looks at the ground, "More than just one person hurt him in the past. He would inadvertently take his anger out on Ren whenever he threw a fit. He had average, black hair and blue eyes. He had no abilities yet. It was a couple of years before you got here. But that boy who hurt Ren other than Kanoe was me..."

Preston looks at Kito in shock. Preston then looks at me to see if he is telling the truth. I shake my head heavily. I don't think Preston knows who to believe. Though my face probably gives away that I'm lying. I don't want him to be mad at Kito. Kito's my absolute best friend. Flames sprout on Kito's head. He looks up at Preston with a devilish grin, "But you touched Ren?"

I shout, "Kito! Please don't hurt him! He was only checking on me!!"

Kito's flames disapate. He makes a pouty face, "Fine."

He mumbles under his breath, "You know you're cute when you shout like Deku?"

I ask, "Huh?"

Preston tries not to laugh. I ask, "What? What's funny, Preston?"

Preston laughs, "He really does, doesn't he?!"

I ask, "Is it another Deku joke? Come on, it's not funny. C'mon guys..."

They laugh harder. I hear the doors of neighboring dorms opening. Heads peak in my doorway, "Guys, stop laughing and tell me, please..."

Others start laughing. I ask, "What? Guys..."

I see Yuki chuckle behind everyone. I see Kanoe laughing in the crowd. I felt a little bit better. Classmates came from other floors and started laughing. I say, "Guys, c'mon. I'm being serious..."

Everyone else started laughing. I stand there, embarrassed. Yuki stops laughing, his eyes go wide, and he looks at me. I gulp. Kanoe looked at me, then at Yuki. Kanoe knew as well as I what this meant, Yuki had an idea. Yuki pulls out his phone, seeming as if he was texting someone. The people around slowly stopped laughing. As I continue to stare vacantly at Yuki, people ask what's up with me or are asking Yuki, who he's texting. He looks up at everyone with a smile, "All Might."

Kanoe says, "May I ask why?"

He answers honestly, "I had an idea."

I ask, "What kind of idea?"

Yuki's phone vibrates. He looks down at his phone, "All Might wants us to meet him down by the front of the academy."

Kanoe asks, "What do you mean by "us"?"

Yuki says, "Everyone who plans on busting Ren out of here."

I say, "About that..."

Everyone turns towards me. I look to the ground, fidgeting with my thumbs, "I don't wanna leave. I don't wanna leave by myself. I wanna get every one of us out of here. No one stands a chance against the government and army on their own. With a whole army of Riencarnates, we can stand for ourselves and fight if necessary. I bet the teachers would be willing to help. Teachers want their students to have bright futures, so why not give ours what they want. We've been learning assassination, exorcism, and heroism. There isn't any reason we shouldn't be able to fight back."

Everyone looked at me in awe. Everyone started cheering. After a couple of seconds, Kanoe shouts, "Shut it extras!! We still have some place to be!!"

We all run to the common room and exit the building. As if they were waiting. We see the other first years standing outside of their dorm buildings. Preston shouts, "C'mon!!"

The students of class 1-B and 1-C join up with us. This makes an equivalent of 60 students. Yuki led the way to the front of the main building on campus, where we see the Reincarnate of All Might, Mr. Kiyato, in his unpowered form standing. Yuki waves at Kiyato-Sensei. Everyone but Yuki walks. Yuki runs to Mr. Kiyato, "All Might!"

After a few seconds, Yuki reaches him, us following behind Yuki. Mr. Kiyato asks, "So what question did you want to ask, Young Midoriya?"

Yuki comes into the crowd and pinches my sleeve. He's careful of skin contact and drags me in front of him. I stand still, stiff like a board. Yuki says, "You're the Riencarnate of All Might, and it turns out that you still have the strength of All Might before you gave my quirk to me. That means you have the opportunity of giving your quirk to someone else, right?"

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