Chapter 6

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I mess with the currently uncomfortable blankets of my bed. They're usual comfy, so I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I haven't been able to sleep well lately, that much I've figured out. I keep telling myself to go to sleep. I flip into the mattress of my bed. I cover with my blanket, looking at the wall. I look at my wrapped up hand, "It was amazing and terrifying. Numbing and painful."

I uncover myself and look through my closet, hoping to wear something suitable tomorrow. I look through my sweaters because they're comfy. I find my Deku theme sweater. It's literally just a sweater that mimics the top of Deku's hero costume. I put it over the new tank top from today, "I forgot I picked the sweater that has a fuzzy inner layer."

I put on my web shooters and refilled the cartridge that I almost emptied today. I put my shoes back on and look in the mirror. I looked okay wearing one of my long, forgotten favorite sweaters. Another cool feature about the sweater is the hood itself. Shaped just like Deku's on his face gaurd. I put the sweater, another pair of pants, and webshooters onto a pile on the desk. I put my shoes in front of the desk on the floor. I lay back in bed, hoping to be able to fall asleep. I cover myself with my navy blue blanket.



I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I grab it and answer the video call. I answered with a call of 71 people. 8 teachers and 59 students, adding 4 mentors. Including me would be 72. I answer tiredly, "Yeah? Is it time?"

I got up and grabbed my sweater, putting it on. Kito says, "Yeah! Meet us at the site! We're heading there now."

I shout, "Could've at least woke me up in person!!"

Kito says, "But you were sleeping so cutely."

I blush and ask, "What?"

Everyone else "Ooh"ed at what he said. I shake my head, "Let me get ready, okay?"

He nods, and the call of 71 people ends. I put on my web shooters and shoes. I go to grab my backpack and notice paint near my backpack. The blue paint grabs my attention. I grab the small container and go to my dorm bathroom. I look in the mirror and put the blue paint on my face, shaped like a mask. I throw the small container away, wash my hands, pull my skateboard out of my backpack, put on my backpack, and run out of my door. I slide down the stairs railing to the first floor. I run outside of the door and skateboard to our rendezvous point. Before anyone noticed me, before I walked up to them, I pulled my hoodie over my head. I take a deep breath and run up to everyone with my skateboard in my arm. Yuki walks up to me with Mr. Kiyato next to him. Like a parent duckling following child duckling. I ask, "Who's causing the lure?"

We have to make an attraction. If we make a hole right now, they could follow us as we escape. So if we have every gaurd come here, we can stop them now and give ourselves a head start. Yuki answers, "We're getting them over here now. Chiyo, Katsumi, and Kiya just finished frying the cameras here, so we're assuming they'll arrive somewhere between 5, maybe 15 minutes."

Mr. Kiyato says, "Ren? I'm impressed."

I ask, "About what?"

He says, "You, a physically and mentally strong Non-Riencarnate, led all of us to this. You guys wouldn't be escaping here if it wasn't for you."

I ask in confusion, "You guys? What do you mean?"

He's silent. Yuki and I ask, "What do you mean by "You guys"? What's that supposed to mean, Mr. Kiyato?!"

Everyone turns, listening to the conversation. All 64 students ask in unison, "What are you talking about All Might?"

He says, "One, that's creepy. Two, most 2nd and 3rd years don't want to leave. They wanna graduate here, so we're gonna help them pursue that. But we're here to help you get out of here."

Kito looks at Ms. Sanami teary-eyed. Amane (Tanjiro), Yui (Nezuko), Ziko (Zenitsu), and Karo (Inosuke) look at Taicho. Amane starts to cry, "No, not again! I can't lose you again, Mr. Rengoku!! No!! Please!!"

Mr. Taicho says, "You're not losing me this time, Young Kamado. I will not die this time. I can promise you that."

I start to cry as students are sobbing at the teachers and that I'm losing my teachers... Mr. Kiyato says, "I have something for you, Ren."

I look up at him with teary eyes as he changes to his powered form, "Huh?"

He says, "Yesterday, Yuki was right. I have the ability to pass One For All onto another in this life. I saw how you handled One For All during the attack yesterday. I want to give my ability to you. The way you were able to handle the force of One For All was somewhat better than how Yuki started out past lifetime."

Yuki said in an offended tone, "Ow!"

I chuckle, "Don't worry, Yuki, you're doing great now!"

He smiles, "Thanks."

Mr. Kiyato says, "Are you okay with this? I won't force it on you if you don't want to."

I think about it for a minute. I look up at him, "It'll help us get out of here, right?"

As I stare at him, I know the answer. I nod, "I'll do it!"

I'm only doing this to get out of here. He plucks out a piece of hair and holds it out to me, "Eat this!"

I stare at the strand of hair vacantly, "Out of all of the scenes in My Hero Academia... How did I forget about this?!"

Yuki starts laughing, "Straight karma! You don't laugh at my past life, I won't laugh at your current one!"

I stare at him, offended and unamused. I say, "Wow, man, just wow... Just be happy your life didn't go like the My Hero Academia SMASH! Manga."

He immediately stops laughing, "Good point. Do you know what it's like to be suffocated by a man made of mud?"

I say, "Do you know what it's like to be held underwater at a pool by someone you saw as your best friend?"

He shakes his head. I say as I take the hair out of Mr. Kiyato's hand, "Now, let's stop playing the who had it worse game so I can get this part done and over with."

I put the hair in my mouth and quickly swallow. I say with regret, "Not fun..."

I know after that, I won't ever be able to get my old life back. I won't ever be able to live a life without an ability again. But if it can help us gain a better life, then so be it. Sirens and alarms are heard from the distance. I pull down my hood, "Hear they come!!"

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