Chapter 8

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Kanoe asks, "Why the fuck did you freak out like that, dumbass?!"

I turn towards him with wide eyes, unsure of how to answer. Kito shouts, "Because he doesn't like being touched, asshole!!"

I look at him, unsure and confused. I don't know what to do. I look at the riencarnation of Shigaraki. I shout, "What was that?! What were you doing?!"

He plunges towards me, from the ground to my level in mid-air. My eyes go wide as he says, "To be honest, you're an easier target than Midoriya over there. So I was trying to take One For All, I thought that part was obvious."

I freeze up as he gets closer. Everything goes dark.

□Another? I'm still strapped to the table, "Let me go!! It hurts!! My eye!!"

The vision in my right eye was slowly fading as it was blurring out. "AAAAHHH!! Stop!!"

The male with long orange hair and a white lab coat says, "Just a few more tests, and we're done today."

I continue screaming in pain, "Stop!!"□

I'm brought back into reality as I see black material fading. I start to fall, "Yuki's blackwhip quickly wraps around my waist and harshly stops my fall. Kito says, "What the hell?"

Everyone stared at me with wide eyes. The four that caught my attention most were Katsumi, Kanoe, Kito, and Yuki. Yuki asks, "What were you shouting about?"

I looked up at him, stiff and scared, "When was I shouting?"

He answers, "Just now. You just had a similar experience to what I had in season 5."

I looked down at the ground, seeing Shigaraki on the ground, waiting for what looked like I wasn't paying attention. I ask, still looking at the white-haired male, "So what was I shouting?"

He answers, "Something about telling someone to stop and that your eye hurts."

My eyes go wide, "To be honest, I'm not completely sure. Since I first passed out using One For All yesterday, I had dreams of me going blind in my eye... It's not like I was made blind. I was born blind in one eye, right?"

Yuki says, "It's possible, though. Unlikely, but possible."

Kito says, "I don't think you were always blind in that one eye. I remember Yuki asking about it."

Yuki asks, "I did?"

I shiver, "Stop, that idea scares me."

A moment of realization hit me, "A few seconds ago, did you say I had a similar experience to you in season 5? Do you mean...?"

He says, "If you're thinking the same thing, then yes."

I shiver and rub my arms. Now that he brings it up, that explains what I saw when I snapped out of it, and my arm stings a bit, but there's no way I just activated blackwhip!! I shake my head heavily. I see Shigaraki on the ground below me. It's actually pretty scary. He just got hit with the full blast of a wild version of blackwhip. Shigaraki leaps off of the ground, almost grabbing my ankle. I pull my legs up to me, scared of what abilities he could have, how many abilities he's claimed in this world, and his past life. Also, the fear of being touched. An image flickered in my head, It was a light, and the ginger male blocked a quarter of the light out while holding a syringe needle. I flinched at the image. I shake my head, "Stop..."

As it continued to alternate between pictures and what's going on right now, I continued to shake my head. I ask myself, "What if my scars aren't just from Kanoe and Kito?"

I look at Shigaraki. He's looking at the ground, like an obedient dog that's been told to stop. A relatively familiar voice says, "Been a while, Ren, hasn't it? 9 years has it?"

I didn't know that voice just from the TV, but from this reality. My eyes go wide as I look ahead of me. Walking up behind the crowd of villains is a man with dorky glasses, no hair, and a mustache. Next to him is a male with long orange hair. They both are wearing lab coats. I feel eyes lay upon me. Most say, "How does he know you are?"

I say, "I'm infamous?"

They look at me, knowing I was lying. I gulp, guilty for not telling the full truth a few seconds ago. The bald man, the doctor from My Hero, says, "Your friend here was our little guinea pig when he was younger."

A bunch of heads turned toward me. I gulp, "I didn't remember until only recently."

They look at me, shocked. Carrot top puts his hand up to his ear, "Do it now."

A bag is pulled over my head, and I'm dragged down. I feel something grab onto my leg, and it feels a little like Yuki's blackwhip. I hear Mr. Katoan, the riencarnation of the Eddie Brock, shout, "Yuki, throw it!"

After a second, I feel something cold on my neck. It feels as if it sinks into my skin, and I shiver. Yuki's blackwhip starts slipping. I shout his name, uncomfortable due to the pulling on my leg and the pulling on the rest of my body, "Yuki! Yuki! Yuki!!"

I feel like I'm being pulled, vacuumed into the vortex below me. Someone pressed their body onto me. The person says next to my ear,  "You remind me of my darling Izuku."

Why does everyone say I'm like Deku? Yuki's blackwhip slips, and I fall. She wraps her arms around me, and I freeze up. About everyone shouts my name. The light above me seems to only get smaller from what I see through the bag. I see a silhouette of someone with messy hair reaching out for me. The person there for me calls my name, "Ren!!"

I ask as I reach for their hand, "Yuki?"

It goes dark, and the woman releases me. Fingers interlock with mine. I hear the male ask, "Ren?"

I reply, "Yuki?"

He pulls me into a hug, I freeze up, but I'm kinda glad at the same time. My body hits the ground harshly as the bag flies off my face. Everything goes black. I wake up to the feeling of someone dragging their feminine fingers along my chin. I can tell I'm blindfolded instead of a bag over my head. A familiar voice, the man with orange hair speaks, "So you go from a nobody to a guy everyone is aiming to get out. I have one more test for you, then I'll leave you to Dr. Kyudai Garaki. And just so you know.. "

(I used a reference base drawing for this

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(I used a reference base drawing for this.)

My breath feels like it's shaking. His voice is a higher pitch after he presses a button on the right side of his neck, next to my ear, "I'm a girl."

I hear clothes rustle and chains hit against a metal chair. I hear Yuki's voice. He says, "Ren? Are you there, too?"

I stammer, "Y-Yeah. I'm h-here Y-Yuki."

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