💘 The Contract 😊

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Right now I am sitting here with shiv and dev waiting for her to arrive. Yesterday at her house everything just got ruined and honestly I am quite pissed off on her , I mean she could have denied but she didn't and now we are trap in this engagement shit. I called her here to discuss everything but now the reason is changed. I am here to tell her about the Contract. Yes! Contract, the contract of engagement.

I want to sign it so that eventually there won't be any problem, or should I say she won't create any problem like going in public about all this contract thing or telling our families because of guilt etc.
When I told shiv about it , he denied because he thinks that she is not that type of girl and honestly I also believe so but being in business for so many years has taught me one thing that never ever believe someone easily. So I convince him and tell him to make out a contract as he is my lawyer. Because of the same reason he accompanied me and dev well , that idiot don't have any reason and when I.asked him he answer me that he loves to see it when Aashika insult me on my face . And so he doesn't want to miss that chance. Moron.

I am wandering my eyes around the cafe when she comes into my sight. She is wearing a white shirt with a dark green trousers and black heels. She is wearing black colour earrings, what they say it . Yeah studs. Right! Studs, Maya was talking about it once. Her hairs are tied in ponytail which are flowing when she is moving her head sideways to maybe find us, but they look more better when they are left open . "Oh ! So you like her open. Hairs ha?" My subconscious mock me. Of course it has to come in between.
"Shut up" I shut him up and clear my throat.

She find us and walk upto our table. I frown when I see her friend that laksh taking a seat beside her. I don't like him , I don't know why but I just don't. She greets shiv and dev with a smile but doesn't even smile at me. Why? Smiling at me or greeting me will cost her a billion? If so then I am ready to pay it for her but atleast give me a glance damn it. When I see that she is not smiling at me I groan in frustration and question "Why do you have to bring him everytime with you?" . I point towards her friend laksh or luck whatever he is.

She gets furious " What do you mean by that? Aren't your friends also here . What about them?"

"It's different." I answer the first thing that comes to my mind.

" Kyun unke andar hire jade hue hai ? "(Why , they are made up of diamonds?) She questions with narrow eyes. This makes me tongue tied because definitely I don't have an answer but shiv pops in and saves me " For god sake will you both stop behaving like 5 years old kids and arguing on every single thing?"
"Exactly " her friend agrees . Why does he have to speak , or why does he even have to be here. Most importantly why does he have to be alive.

I release a sigh and she too does the same at the same time , on which she narrows her eyes at me. Shiv clears his throat and starts to speak " Aashika, what I am going to say might offend you but please try to understand that we are doing is just because we want you both to complete this fake engagement thing without any fiasco. So don't mind okay"

The Contract Fiancee [#1 Of The Singhanias Series]Where stories live. Discover now