Chapter 11

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She was sitting on one of the chairs present infront of the operation theatre in waiting area.She was in her usual kurta and trouser. Her eyes were fixed on a red bulb that was glowing, indicating that someone is still undergoing surgery.

She tried hard to inhale oxygen and all she inhaled was the hospital disinfect smell that made her nauseous, bustling footsteps and echoing conversations created an atmosphere of anxiety, it was her first year in MBBS, infact It was her first week in MBBS and she used to romanticize hospitals because that's what you do when you are becoming a doctor, but this one incident has broken her to the point where she is traumatized by hospitals forever.

It doesn't take years for your life to get changed, it can just get changed in seconds, as her life went from complete up to down in just a few seconds, the seconds you take to blink your eye.

Beside her, Aahil's mother was sitting, she had a beaded tasbih in her hands, and the speed of falling beads was so slow, all Meerub could hear was her crying voice, she was probably trying hard not to cry but the tears haven't stopped since last 1 hour.

In front of them, on one of the chairs, her mamu is sitting, She has never seen him this weak, he seems completely wrecked, he has been looking at the floor and then he looks at the door to the operation theatre as if he remembered something about Aahil or as if he was calling him.

And beside him, Fatima and Aiman and Aiman's mother were sitting. Fatima has been crying for the last hour too and Aiman was consoling her back then but now everyone seems tired. Dastaan who was in his black suit looked more tired than everyone else present in the entire hospital.

He was still wearing his tie, probably he came straight out from his meeting, he was standing with his back against the wall, his hands were folded, and he was looking at the red bulb and the door and his mother in intervals, as if that's the only job he was left with.

And, the door of the operation theatre opened and a technician wearing his green scrubs came out he was almost running towards his destined place until Dastaan went towards him and asked,

"Is he okay?"
The technician stopped and looked at Dastaan and he said,

"You guys should pray because he has lost a lot of blood and he is in shock." The technician didn't stop and he again almost went running.

The flow of Aahil's mother's tears just increased. Meereub wanted to tell her He will be okay but, she was left with no energy. If anything happens to him, life won't ever be the same.


Dastaan stood there for some minutes, looking at people praying and crying but things felt blurred, everything was blurry, and his heart was beating so fast.

The technician came back, he had 2 pints of blood in his hands and again he went running inside OT.

Dastaan looked at the OT door getting closed behind him, he threw a glance at Meerub and Meerub looked at him too. Meerub could see all the hatred in his eyes. She can't lose everything all at once.

Dastaan went away from them, he left the corridor, and Meerub kept looking at him until he disappeared.

Meerub waited for him to come back, her eyes moving from the corridor end to the door of OT but Dastaan didn't come back even after 15 minutes so she stood up and went towards the way Dastaan went. No one asked her where was she going, everyone looked so dead.

She went searching for him and saw him standing in the balcony, since it was nighttime, there were not many people around.
He was standing there looking at the sky, with his hands resting on balcony railings.

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