Chapter 26

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   I was about to make up an excuse when an officer came to get Kal and I. Kendal came and we all went with the officer to meet my brother's future in-laws. Once we were seated I noticed Alfie was here too and a man that looked a lot like Kal but he doesn’t have the long hair. He wasn’t looking old enough to be Kal's father too.

"Orla, why would you hit Cyril?" Cyril’s Mum, Abbey asked.

"I didn’t exactly." I defended myself.

"Cyril is unconscious, thank goodness he’s responding to treatments." She cried.

"Ma'am, you need to calm down. Kendal where’s the evidence you said you have?" The officer asked then Kendal gave it to him.

"It’s a CCTV footage of basement where Cyril assaulted Orla." Kendal explained. "So please, think carefully before placing any charges." She added.

The officer fixed the CD to a laptop and it started playing. It began when I went in the basement and paused, where I felt uneasy then it continue. It went on and Cyril came in. Kal tensed beside me and I hid behind him. I didn’t went to see what he’d done to me.

I focussed my attention on the people around. Lewis' expression was stoic, frozen even. Alfie just watched intently. Kal kept tensing with every disgusting words Cyril was saying. I heard him when he pulled on my hair. Kal’s hands fisted, I slipped my hand to his making him turn to me.

"I’m here." I whispered to him and he sighed letting his anger go. He turned to he laptop again and tensed up again. Alfie looked away when he started his assault while Lewis looked red and Kal? His knuckle turned white, deprived of blood.

I wrapped my arms around Kal but he didn’t even move or react a bit. "Caleb it‘s past." I said to him.

"But it’s worse than I imagined, this is the real thing." He growled lowly, the video ended when I was left alone to cry then started where Kal was beating Cyril up. It was a brutal fight.

Around six am as stated in the video, they were both hitting each other, it shifted to seven thirty then Kal was yelling and throwing Cyril around like a rag doll and Cyril's nose looks busted. It shifted to eight am where Cyril started to beg and more people started to wake where I got there then we started arguing.

I’ve never wanted something more than I do right now and what do I want? For the video to stop. Just as I wished it, Kal's confession started. I looked to Kendal for help but she only mouthed a 'sorry'.

It finally stopped when officer came to take us away. It was first quiet in the room.

"I can’t believe our Cyril did that." Luke said.

The guy who looks like Kal sighed. "This doesn’t mean you could take laws into your own hands. Even if they don’t file a case against you. It still wrong Meier." Kal was still tensed up.

"So, what going to happen now?" Kendal piped in.

"There’s obviously no need in filing a case Mr McCourt. Kal-Meier was obviously mad your son touched his girlfriend inappropriately and he reacted the way he did though he might have gone over board for her. This evidence alone is good enough to put Cyril in jail but we would let it go as he has gotten he beating of his life while Kal would be kept here for the night then he can be bailed out tomorrow." The officer suggested.

Alfie finally stood up. "I think that’s a good idea, I’ll get my lawyer to come fix this."

"No, thank you. We got this." The guy said and started leaving.

"Kelvin, Hey..." Kal called and followed the guy. I watched as he left after who I guess is his brother.

I turned away from them to come face to face with Lewis who said, pained, to me. "We talked every day and you didn’t think to tell me anything. Why?" He asked his eyes glossing over but I knew the tears would not fall. He is just angry.

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