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"I'll like to introduce our new student, and my little cousin, Kim Evangeline." Victoria was quite the actress when's he wanted to be, she looked so excited just to be in the room like she was in all the other classes, and she also held tight onto Joshua's bicep as he pulled her to the front of the classroom. They expected a little bit of a fight just to get the girl to settle in, but she seemed more scared of what could happen if she messed up than what the people around her think of her. Like now they thought of her as something amazing to consider she was related to Joshua, and while she didn't look anything like him, they considered that alone a win that she was up for grabs. "I trust you all will help her if she needs it." Not really for this, but who wouldn't do anything for a fair-skinned redhead? "Take any seat, but you'll remain there for the rest of the school year." He dropped her arm, and the first seat she grabbed was right next to Rosalie who welcomed her with open arms.

"Now, your finals are approaching soon-" Victoria was cute when she batted her lashes so slowly at the boys that dared to give her their attention, complimenting her appearance left and right and trying all sorts of tricks to gain her favor as Joshua talked on about their lesson for the day. For once he didn't shut them up, instead continuing to talk even when no one was probably listening anymore in favor of learning whatever information about Victoria they could. It was annoying, and maybe just a bit considering those people weren't trying to talk to him anymore and he wondered if something was wrong with him to be thinking that. He usually didn't care what people thought about him and any questions they asked were usually ignored in favor of leaving them in the dark and forming their own opinions about him.

"Jealous?" Jasper smirked, "sad no one's asking about your relationship with Isabella?" As always, bitter ever since, he took their side when he agreed that he needed to back off. He was always stand offish, but this day he seemed to be even mor so and whether that was because Victoria was in the room with them or not, he didn't know.

"Not jealous, just feel weird."

"That's jealously. I apologize for the humans for not caring about two people who stuck to themselves for the entire time they were here." And it wasn't like they were popular either, surely good looking, but most people didn't like them. The girls didn't like Rosalie or Alice, and the boys didn't like Jasper, Edward, or Emmett they were simply a pretty family to look and fantasize about but never befriend...they were far too weird for that, and maybe that had to do with some internal reasons such as showing up to the cafeteria and not eating, or simply being pale with same colored eyes even if it was known that they were all adopted with Rosalie and Jasper being 'siblings.' There really shouldn't be a reason he was jealous other than the fact Victoria looked so human and easy to get along with despite her conniving little smile.

The pale skin was fairer and more blushed, her eyes green not red, and her chest rose and fell like a human did as if she was breathing. He was curious about that and wondered if Joshua did something for her to look like the way she did. Even Alice was lightly dozing off and he had never seen a tired vampire before. It was weird, they were weird, and he was jealous that it was happening to both.

"I'm not jealous of that, and I don't care." Even if his eyes were attached to head, eyeing her up and down as she talked to the humans who simply couldn't get enough of her. Her clothing, her makeup, her hair, skin, eyes, and anything else that was human like on her compared to the rest of their pale asses.

"Really." Jasper shrugged though, unbothered and even a bit knowing as watched the pure envy within his coven member. "If you say so." It was a strong feeling and for once he felt good that he wasn't feeling some type of way. "Though I bet your wondering if Victoria is human at the moment like you were for an hour." a grin, a brush of his breath as he whispered lowly into his ear. "Fantasizing and wishing to experience what you want again after so long of having it taken away from you. I bet your wishing you could be sleeping right now also, holding onto your precious Bella as the two of you shared a bed together late into the night." That stupid grin on his face and the awful words that circled through his head had his pencil snapping in half. The sound loud enough to stop a bit of the chatter and to draw eyes over to him as Joshua stopped talking.

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